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  海岸线coastline | 地平线 horizon°   受伤疲惫的°■heart | 跌荡起伏的°■Mood     偏执 Paranoid | 执著 Paranoid     旧约 testa | 新约 testa     A love. ー份嗳 | Two men. 两个人   知足 Content つ | 识趣 Content つ      寂寞.Ⅱ lonely | 洫暗.Ⅱ lonely      写意 ﹏Zionye | 唁情 ﹏Domlon      左瞳 Remnant | 右眸 Remnant      寂寞与红酒Nervou | 烟蒂与口红Direct     Have you now、陪伴 | Have you now、疼嗳   厮守 Print li | 相守 Print li°     血59曼珠沙华 JUST | 冷36温暖眼瞳 MOST   双生婲 Callous | 旧恋人 Callous      温流 & Warm sunshine | 暖流 & Warm sunshine      说唱机 old-dec | 点唱机 old-dec         带英文情侣个性网名 | 非主流英文情侣名字         暖色 cheeks -◢ | 冷色 cheeks -◢      泯灭cucumber # | 褐瞳cucumber #   冷温柔°Triste | 失眠梦°Triste   25JOSD 眼神空 | 36GUIL 眼眶红   浮浅Superficia | 言冷Coldwords   岛屿cucumber # | 海岸cucumber #   失魂人* Pugss | 控魂者* Monee   Toxicant°罂栗花 | Toxicant°彼岸花   Sunny°刺眼 | Rainy°伤情   旧人梦﹌ Curtain° | 旧情人﹌ Curtain°   双生花 Callous | 旧恋人 Callous   写意 ﹏|Zionye | 言情 ﹏|Domlon   爱或毁 Extreme | 恨或厌 Extreme   | 左瞳 Remnant | | 右眸 Remnant   余存° d3sTiny- | 温存° d3sTiny-   人情味 Humane※ | 半颗心 Broken※   温柔cc - yok1 | 柔情cc - yok1   ゆ、


  1.那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了.当她走出房间时,尽管已拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤.(remind...of drown weep wipe sadness)   the picture reminded her of her lover who had been drawned in the sea, so she cried. when she went out of the room, she couldn't concealed the sadness though the tears were ripped.   2.多年来,这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国.(mexico day and night)   for many years, the old man who is living in mexico has been dreaming of returning to his own country day and night.   3.这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源.(energetic,poet origin)   the energetic poet wasn't able to find out the origin of the words neither.   4.我们又见面时,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他.(keep one's word apologize forgive)   when we met again, he aplogized for not keeping his word, and hoped that i could forgive him.   5.根据专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖(prediction award rooster)   according to the experts' prediction, he will be awarded the rooster of best actor this year.   6.很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸.(obvious hold one's breath)   obviously, he was trying his best to hold his breath.   7.如


  1.那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了.当她走出房间时,尽管已拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤.(remind...of drown weep wipe sadness)   the picture reminded her of her lover who had been drawned in the sea, so she cried. when she went out of the room, she couldn't concealed the sadness though the tears were ripped.   2.多年来,这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国.(mexico day and night)   for many years, the old man who is living in mexico has been dreaming of returning to his own country day and night.   3.这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源.(energetic,poet origin)   the energetic poet wasn't able to find out the origin of the words neither.   4.我们又见面时,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他.(keep one's word apologize forgive)   when we met again, he aplogized for not keeping his word, and hoped that i could forgive him.   5.根据专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖(prediction award rooster)   according to the experts' prediction, he will be awarded the rooster of best actor this year.   6.很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸.(obvious hold one's breath)   obviously, he was trying his best to hold his breath.   7.如


  我爱我所不能拥有的一切   ----- I like all that I can't have to my name.


  狗年吉祥翻译英语是:Lucky dog,见下图百度翻译截图


  For Taurus


  矛盾   1.在哲学中:[Philosophy] (a) contradiction   2.contradictory; conflicting; incompatible; discrepant; repugnant   3.to conflict; to contradict; to be at variance (with)   -----   相关表达:   人民内部矛盾:contradictions among the people   内部矛盾:inner contradictions   种族矛盾:race conflict   排解矛盾:resolve a contradiction   This is an irreconcilable conflict.   这是一个不可调和的矛盾。   ======================   具体语言环境:   1. In the first half of the year, the relations between big countries traveled a tortuous road, showing fairly sharp contradictions.   上半年,大国关系经历了一些曲折,矛盾比较尖锐;   2. In the first place, as everyone knows, China's current level of production of commodity grain and raw materials for industry is low, whereas the state's need for them is growing year by year, and this presents a sharp contradiction.   首先,大家知道,我国的商品粮食和工业原料的生产水平,现在是很低的,而国家对于这些物资的需要却是一年一年地增大,这是一个尖锐的矛盾。   3. In the streets, grimy, perspiring tramps and urchins were hawking the various "Stop-press editions," bawling a bewildering variety of mutually contradictory headlines in an equal variety of voices.   满脸黑汗在这柏油路上喊卖各式各样“快报”的瘪三和小孩子,也用了各式各样的声调高叫着各式各样矛盾的新闻。   4. In the struggle against the various comprador groups it is necessary to exploit the contradictions between imperialist countries, first coping with one of them and striking at the chief immediate enemy.   对买办集团的斗争,要利用帝国主义之间的矛盾,首先对付其中的一个,打击当前最主要的敌人。   5. Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.   他们对于所发生的事的说法互相之间有矛盾.   6. To "have thousands and tens of thousands of people shot"--is this the way to resolve contradictions among the people?   “杀几千几万人”,是解决人民内部矛盾的方法吗?   7. To resolve the contradiction between supply and demand, it is necessary to resolve the contradiction between ownership and the productive forces.   从解决这种供求矛盾出发,就要解决所有制与生产力的矛盾问题。   8. To resolve these contradictions we must pay constant attention to the problems of production and distribution.   我们必须经常注意从生产问题和分配问题上处理上述矛盾。   9. To resolve this contradiction all the principal and important issues must first be discussed and decided on by the Party committee before its decisions are referred to the government for implementation.   为了解决这个矛盾,一切主要的和重要的问题,都要先由党委讨论决定,再由政府执行。   10. We can make use of their contradictions, a lot can be done in this connection.   我们可以利用他们的矛盾,这里很有文章可做。   11. Social development was contradictory.   社会发展是矛盾的。   12. This is an irreconcilaBle conflict.   这是一个不可调和的矛盾。   13. contending passions   矛盾的心情   14. a sea of controversy.   许多矛盾   15. These two assertions do not hang together.   这两种说法互相矛盾。   16. The two of them have fallen out.   他俩闹矛盾了。   17. The facts contradict his theory.   事实与他的理论相矛盾。   18. an argument that simply fails to cohere   前后完全矛盾的论点   19. inconsistent statements.   矛盾的表述   20. the internal contradictions of the theory.   理论本质上的矛盾   21. Life is a contradiction.   人生是矛盾的。   22. It's a contradiction.   那是个矛盾。   23. This contradiction is hushed up.   这个矛盾消除了。   24. The reports contradict each other.   这些报告相互矛盾。   25. Contradiction faces him at every turn.   事事无不矛盾。   26. Motion itself is a contradiction.   运动本身就是矛盾。   27. inconsistent equation   矛盾方程   28. You're a walking contradiction.   你是个极端矛盾的人。   29. Deep-seated contradiction   深层次矛盾   30. checkered with contradictions   充满矛盾




  I invented a pair of special shoes.


