永强阁 >风水知识


  According to the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization, the water crisis in Africa has resulted in 6000 deaths each year, about 300 million African population due to lack of water and live a poor life. In the next 20 years, at least 500 million people will live in a difficult situation because of lack of water. This will further lead to their lack of water for irrigation of crops, so that agricultural production will continue to reduce. Experts believe that the next 23 years, due to the lack of enough water, food production in Africa will be reduced by 23%. And some experts think, natural water resources in Africa does not lack, but poor African didn't manage these valuable water resources, so that the situation of water resources crisis is becoming more and more serious. Africa is currently 1/3 of the population lack of drinking water, while nearly half of Africans because of drinking unclean water and stained glass analysts believe that if the current lack of drinking water status was not improved, then in 2010 at least 17 African countries will be seriously short of water, and water resources are also likely to become a dispute or conflict between some African countries fuse.According to statistics, in order to solve the problem of shortage of water resources in Africa's population, the annual need to invest $20 billion. At present, some African countries, water supply investment accounted for only 1% of the budget. Experts pointed out that the water shortage will be a potential factor leading to social conflicts and political conflict, water supply difficulties will be the economic development of the African people and the health of life brings a huge crisis.

英语作文 我国许多地区都处于严重缺水状态

  Difficiency of water occurs in most of areas in our country


  my dream   as is widely acknowledged,dream plays an important part in our life ,with which we make our lives meaningful. But dreams vary from person to person.some want to be teacher to educted the next generation;others prefer to be policeman or police so that they can prevent us from being harm.   As far as i' concerned,my dream is to be a person who have a good knowledge about food and nutrition .To be a people like that ,not only can I have a frast of food,but also i can help others to built up theirs bodies and keep health.At the same time,I want to realise my dream by learning hard about all knowledge on food and nutrition ant I keep my resolve to achieve my dream.


  my dream   as is widely acknowledged,dream plays an important part in our life ,with which we make our lives meaningful. But dreams vary from person to person.some want to be teacher to educted the next generation;others prefer to be policeman or police so that they can prevent us from being harm.   As far as i' concerned,my dream is to be a person who have a good knowledge about food and nutrition .To be a people like that ,not only can I have a frast of food,but also i can help others to built up theirs bodies and keep health.At the same time,I want to realise my dream by learning hard about all knowledge on food and nutrition ant I keep my resolve to achieve my dream.


  我最喜欢的宠物   I most love pets too   我家养着一只调皮可爱又能干的小猫咪,它叫“白雪”。之所以给它起名白雪是因为它全身都是乳白色的,唯独它那条水晶般蓝色的小尾巴。而且它还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,跟我一样。它的眼睛白天和晚上大不相同:白天是竖着的,眼睛眯成一条缝。而晚上两只眼睛睁得圆圆,发出幽幽旅馆,显得十分神秘。   I keep a lovely and smart cat, it is called "snow". The reason to give it the name snow because its body is white, but its crystal blue tail. But it also has a pair of big eyes one's eyes brimming with radiating vigour, like me. Its eyes are not the same: night and day day up, eyes narrowed into slits. And in the evening the two eyes wide open, emit a faint Hotel, is very mysterious.   中午,我准备把一块美味的红烧鱼给它,刚把鱼放下。它就飞跑过来津津有味地吃了起来。眨眼间那鱼就只剩下鱼骨头了。   At noon, I was ready to put a piece of delicious braised fish in soy sauce to it, just put the fish down. It galloped over eat with appetite to eat up. Blink of an eye the fish only fish bone.   傍晚,我端着一杯热牛奶去找白雪,突然白雪从前方冲来,一下子把牛奶打翻溅了我一身。我十分生气地对白雪说:“白雪,看你干的好事!”白雪一见知道自己闯祸了,连忙把头钻进身体里。然后喵喵叫了几声好像在说:“对不起主人!”看到它这样我真是又气又乐。哎,真拿它没办法!   In the evening, I drink a cup of Hot Milk to snow, snow in front suddenly rushed up, all of a sudden the milk spilled my body. I am very angry and said: "snow white, look what you've done!" Snow White saw themselves into trouble, quickly head body. Then she called several voice seemed to say: "I'm sorry master!" I was both angry and happy to see it. Hey, I really have nothing to do with it!   这就是我家的小猫,我爱的猫咪。   This is my little cat, I love cats.


  人人都有一双手,人人都用手做很多事,作文 我的双手。有的人用来弹古筝,有的人用手打毛衣,有的人用手跳舞……,当然我也有一双灵巧的手。   我用我的手来画画。前几天我和妈妈去大统华买东西,不知道我怎么了,竟然逛到了美术室。我在这儿随便看看,突然,我看到了我最爱的——“名侦探”柯南的画。我把妈妈拉了来吵着让她买给我。回到家,我每天按照格子里的数字,把颜色一格一格地填上,每天我都会挤出时间画,终于,没过几天我就把那幅“作品”完成了。我把它送给了弟弟,他看了开心得一蹦三尺高不知道怎么谢我。我心想我的手真巧!   我还用我的手帮妈妈做家务。每天我都有好几样家务要包。比如收碗?拖地?洗碗?倒垃圾……就拿洗碗来说吧,我先加好水和洗洁精,把好几只碗一只一只地用清洁球刷一次,再用布把碗擦干净,再把碗里的水都到干,把这些碗放进柜子里。最后用布把水池和灶上的水擦得一干二净,妈妈过来一看,都惊呆了,连连都夸好。我想:我的手真灵巧。   我拥有这么一双灵巧的手,我为我感到非常自豪。我以后要多多用这双巧手为大家来干一点有意义的好事,希望每个人都有一双巧巧手!


  What this means is that we live fully, wherever we are, not hesitating because conditions are not perfect, or we might end up moving, or we haven’t found our life partner. This can be scary, because we might feel that we are giving up our cherished dreams if we do not agree to wait for them. But this notion that we have to hold back our life force now in order to find happiness later doesn’t really make sense. What might really be happening is that we are afraid to embrace this moment, and ourselves, just exactly


  I have a friend named yangyang.She is a Taurus. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left.She likes to eat ice cream, chocolate, hamburgers, and cola, and she never eats breakfast. Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles.


  from the place of work or school to home. The Britsh people tend   to have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at mid-day   is not spent with the members of the family but with workmates or   schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm. Most   people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour to   get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their   evening meal between 6.30pm and 8pm.   On Sundays people don't have to   work so they take the opportunity to eat together with their family.   Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals   which are considered typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch. For   example roast beef and   中文:在英国从工作的地方或学校到家的距离比较远.人们在上班之前早餐会多吃一点.午餐会和同事或同学一起吃而不是家人.午饭时间通常是在12.30到1.30之间.大多数人在5点半结束一天的工作.花一个小时到家.所以一般是在6.30到8.00之间吃晚饭   周末人们不用去工作,所以会和家人一起吃饭.周末聚餐通常是最丰盛的,也被认为是最典型的英国饭,包括牛肉和补丁 pudding(




