永强阁 >风水知识


  复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。复活节是西方传统的节日,公元325年尼西亚宗教会议规定,每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天为复活节。其日期是不固定的,通常是要查看日历才能知道。   现在有一个简便的算法供大家参考!   年份只限于1900年到2099年   NO.1 设要求的那一年是Y年,从Y减去1900,其差记为N。   NO.2 用19作除数去除N,余数记为A。   NO.3 用4作除数去除N,不管余数,把商记为Q。   NO.4 用19去除7A+1,把商记为B,不管余数。   NO.5 用29去除11A+4-B,余数记为M。   NO.6 用7去除N+Q+31-M,余数记为W。   NO.7 计算25-M-W。   得出答数即可定出复活节的日期。若为正数,月份为4月,如为负数,月份为3月。若为0,则为3月31日。   现在我们选两个年份来实例计算一遍。   例1. 1983年的复活节日期。   1. 1983-1900=83, N=83   2. N/19=4余7, A=7   3. N/4=20余3, Q=20   4. 7A+1=50,50/19=2余12, B=2   5. 11A+4-B=79,79/29=2余21, M=21   6. N+Q+31-M=113,113/7=16余1, W=1   7. 25-M-W=3   由此可知,1983年的复活节日期是4月3日。   例2. 2008年,中国将在北京举办奥运会,那一年复活节是哪一天呢?   1. 2008-1900=108, N=108   2. N/19=5余13, A=13   3. N/4=27, Q=27   4. 7A+1=92,92/19=4余16, B=4   5. 11A+4-B=143,143/29=4余27, M=27   6. N+Q+31-M=139,139/7=19余6, W=6   7. 25-M-W=-8, 31-8=23   所以该年复活节日期是3月23日。   按照复杂的天文历法分析与计算,最禒的复活节日期是3月22日,上一次出现是在1818年,而且要到2285年才会再度出现。最晚的日期是在4月25日,上一次出现是在1943年,要到2038年才会出现。


  不信奉基督、天主教的国家基本都不过     尤其是中东、非洲信奉伊斯兰教的国家,不要发祝福信   天啊,世界上200多个国家和地区,楼主你不会指望有人一个一个打字出来给你看吧?   说白了,就是西欧的国家和美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰都过复活节,这些信奉天主教和新教的国家,今年的复活节都在4月12日。计算方法是:每年3月21日以后,出现月圆后的第一个星期日,就是复活节。   俄罗斯、乌克兰、希腊等东欧国家信奉东正教,也过复活节,但是日子略有不同,很相近。   不过复活节的国家:中东所有国家都不过,就是阿拉伯国家,全信奉伊斯兰教。 东南亚的所有国家的绝大多数人都不过,印度、日本、韩国、马来....没办法给你一一列举。   需要说明的是,具体到某个人而言,情况又不一样了。现在基督教传播的范围很广,不能再咬死说某国的人一定不过复活节,即使是中国,还有1600万的基督徒,他们在这一天也会有一些活动的,只是你不是圈子里的人,你就看不到。 新加坡、日本这些国家就更不用说。


  The Bunny Tale   (by Del "Abe" Jone)     I thought it was a kitty cat   But saw it was a rabbit   He was hopping down the trail   And then he stopped to sit.     He looked back at me   And wiggled his nose   Seems he wanted me to follow   So, I quickly arose.     I started down that trail   Amongst the forest's trees   As that rabbit scurried off   As quickly as you'd please.     He stopped at the next bend   He once more looked at me   And as I moved nearer   He turned once more to flee.     I moved deeper in the forest   It was dark and kinda silent   I looked around the trail's curve   To see where that rabbit went.     He sat in an open clearing   Of clover covered ground   Amidst a group of creatures   That had gathered around.     They all watched me warily   But, they didn't turn to run   The rabbit said, "Come join us.   Come join in our fun."     I asked, "How do you speak?   Am I losing my mind?   If I close my eyes and look again,   I wonder what I'll find?"     He said, "You're in our world now,   And if you'll truly believe,   You will be amazed at things   Your heart and mind perceive."     "You will see life as it should be,   If you'll take the time to look.   You'll find all those stories true,   As told in the fairytale book."     "You'll see we live in peace,   And nearly perfect harmony.   You'll learn what it really means   To be happy, safe and free."     I sat down with legs crossed   And said, "Please tell me more.   This sounds like the ver......余下全文>>


  The Bunny Tale   (by Del "Abe" Jone)     I thought it was a kitty cat   But saw it was a rabbit   He was hopping down the trail   And then he stopped to sit.     He looked back at me   And wiggled his nose   Seems he wanted me to follow   So, I quickly arose.     I started down that trail   Amongst the forest's trees   As that rabbit scurried off   As quickly as you'd please.     He stopped at the next bend   He once more looked at me   And as I moved nearer   He turned once more to flee.     I moved deeper in the forest   It was dark and kinda silent   I looked around the trail's curve   To see where that rabbit went.     He sat in an open clearing   Of clover covered ground   Amidst a group of creatures   That had gathered around.     They all watched me warily   But, they didn't turn to run   The rabbit said, "Come join us.   Come join in our fun."     I asked, "How do you speak?   Am I losing my mind?   If I close my eyes and look again,   I wonder what I'll find?"     He said, "You're in our world now,   And if you'll truly believe,   You will be amazed at things   Your heart and mind perceive."     "You will see life as it should be,   If you'll take the time to look.   You'll find all those stories true,   As told in the fairytale book."     "You'll see we live in peace,   And nearly perfect harmony.   You'll learn what it really means   To be happy, safe and free."     I sat down with legs crossed   And said, "Please tell me more.   This sounds like the ver......余下全文>>


  至于它在哪一天?不讲不知,如果你手上有一本比较旧版的英文字典,(例如:由牛津大学出版社于 1963 年出版的《现代高级英汉双解辞典》)那么你就可以发现,字典中 “Easter”(即复活节)一条已经清楚地写出了对复活节日期的有关规定,它是这样写的:「复活节,在三月二十一日或该日后月圆以后第一个星期日。」(英文原句为:“Easter, anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ, observed on the first Sunday after a full moon on or after 21 March.”)(注)原来,复活节那一天,是经由三个历法合并出来的,怪不得它会如此飘忽不定了!   满意请采纳


  复活节兔子(The Easter Bunny)     The Easter Bunny is a mythical character depicted as a rabbit. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter. The Easter Bunny will either put the baskets in a designated place or hide them somewhere in the house for the children to find when they wake up in the morning.     The Easter Bunny as an Easter symbol seems to have its origins in Alsace and southwestern Germany, where it was first mentioned in German writings in the 1600s. The first edible Easter Bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800s and were made of pastry and sugar.     The Easter Bunny was introduced to America by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s.     According to the tradition, children would build brightly colored nests, often out of caps and bonnets, in secluded areas of their homes. The Oschter Haws would, if the children had been good, lay brightly col憨red eggs in the nest. As the tradition spread, the nest has become the manufactured, modern Easter basket, and the placing of the nest in a secluded area has become the tradition of hiding baskets     如觉得太长,可只要第一段。


  双子塔有好多,最著名的要算纽约金融区的世界贸易中心有两座高达110层的大厦,号称“双子星”,它是纽约的标志性建筑。 其它还有马来西亚首都吉隆坡的双子塔。厦门双子塔。


  德国的复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。传说耶稣被钉死在十字架上,死后第三天复活升天。在三月二十一日或该日后月圆以后第一个星期日(3月21日-4月25日之间)。以2009年为例:2009年的复活节为4月13日,耶稣受难日为4月10日,假期为从4月10日至4月13日,共4天。 德国的主要宗教信仰是基督教。全国大约有5500多万人信奉两个教派中的一个, 其中约2760万人信福音新教,2750万人信罗马天主教,还有一小部分人属于其他的基督教团体。所以,宗教节日特别是基督教节日:如复活节、圣诞节、感恩节等还是最隆重的节日项目。在节日里,家人团聚,品尝各种传统食品,亲戚朋友见面要互相祝贺。   在复活节中,父母要特地为孩子们准备制成鸡蛋、兔形状的巧克力糖。亲友间要互赠彩蛋。在节日中,火不仅给人类带来了光明,也使大地获得了新生。作为耶稣再生的象征,复活节的许多活动都与火相关。人们在教堂前点烛以示圣化,并将圣烛迎进千家万户。   圣诞节在每年的12月25日,这是耶稣基督诞生的日子。是德国一年一度最大的、也是最热闹的节日,同时它也是欧美信奉基督教的国家最盛大的节日。 德国人过圣诞节如同中国人过春节一样,在节日前几周就开始准备了。圣诞节从12月24日圣诞夜一直持续到来年的1月6日,它是全世界持续时间最长、流传最为广泛、庆祝最为隆重的节日之一。德国所有公共场所都被布置得五光十色,各家各户也都准备了丰富的节日礼物。圣诞之夜是家庭团聚之夜,全家人围坐在圣诞树旁共进圣诞晚餐,餐桌上往往要多设一个座位,据说这是为“主的使者”或是为需要帮助的过路人准备的,餐后全家人在圣诞树前唱歌跳舞。在娱乐场所也有各种艺术表演。第二天,人们访亲问友,共叙友情。整个节日充满了欢庆、祥和的气氛。   说了这么多,是让你了解下他们过节的氛围。我参考了下去德国旅游人的游记,在这两个节日前后去德国未尝不可,如果你有朋友在那里是最好的,但是你要是去旅游,那你将看到全是市场采购的情景,或者是狂欢可能导致的混乱治安,大家都在忙着过节。建议要去,最好先了解下他们的习俗。


  英文原文:   Hello, I'm an Easter Bunny.   英式音标:   [həˈləʊ; he-] , [aɪm] [æn; ən] [ˈiːstə(r)] [ˈbʌnɪ] .   美式音标:   [hɛˈloˌ hə-] , [aɪm] [ənˌæn] [ˈiːstər] [ˈbʌni] .


  英雄联盟现在没有复活节活动啊   你说的一个是四月份的一个活动   现在已经结束了 活动时间从4月14日-5月14日


