永强阁 >女人面相 >面相命运


  知识改变命运   知识就像海洋,   怎么望也望不到边,   学问就像世界,   怎么走也走不到尽头。   如果你想知道宇宙的奥秘,   就得努力学习,   发明机器,   去探索宇宙的奥秘。   如果你想知道生物的起源,   就得努力学习,   挖掘化石,   揭开神秘的面纱。   如果你想知道海洋奇观的原因,   就得努力学习,   下海探测,   找到你要的答案。   走遍学问的世界,   跨过知识的海洋,   知识改变命运,   学问改变人生。


  哦命运   哦命运,   象月亮般变化无常,盈虚交替;   一同把苦难和幸福交织;   无论贫贱与富贵   都如冰雪般融化消亡。   可怕而虚无的命运之轮,   你无情地转动,你恶毒凶残,   捣毁所有的幸福和美好的企盼,   阴影笼罩   迷离莫辨   你也把我击倒;   灾难降临   我赤裸的背脊   被你无情地碾压。   命运摧残着   我的健康与意志,   无情地打击   残暴地压迫,   使我终生受到奴役。   在此刻   切莫有一丝迟疑;   为那最无畏的勇士   也已被命运击垮,   让琴弦拨响,   与我悲歌泣号!






  The Bunny Tale   (by Del "Abe" Jone)     I thought it was a kitty cat   But saw it was a rabbit   He was hopping down the trail   And then he stopped to sit.     He looked back at me   And wiggled his nose   Seems he wanted me to follow   So, I quickly arose.     I started down that trail   Amongst the forest's trees   As that rabbit scurried off   As quickly as you'd please.     He stopped at the next bend   He once more looked at me   And as I moved nearer   He turned once more to flee.     I moved deeper in the forest   It was dark and kinda silent   I looked around the trail's curve   To see where that rabbit went.     He sat in an open clearing   Of clover covered ground   Amidst a group of creatures   That had gathered around.     They all watched me warily   But, they didn't turn to run   The rabbit said, "Come join us.   Come join in our fun."     I asked, "How do you speak?   Am I losing my mind?   If I close my eyes and look again,   I wonder what I'll find?"     He said, "You're in our world now,   And if you'll truly believe,   You will be amazed at things   Your heart and mind perceive."     "You will see life as it should be,   If you'll take the time to look.   You'll find all those stories true,   As told in the fairytale book."     "You'll see we live in peace,   And nearly perfect harmony.   You'll learn what it really means   To be happy, safe and free."     I sat down with legs crossed   And said, "Please tell me more.   This sounds like the ver......余下全文>>


  《命运不是辘轳》是电视连续剧《辘轳·女人和井》的主题曲。   作词:张黎   作曲:徐沛东   演唱:韦唯

比较题: 人与命运的冲突是古希腊悲剧中的一个常见主题。

  1人的意志与命运的冲突是古希腊悲剧中的一个常见的主题。   2按照古希腊人的观念,命运是不可抗拒的,是不可知的。这种命运观产生的社会背景是人类处于生产力水平低下的时期。   3随着社会的发展,命运观也在发生变化。三位悲剧诗人在命运观上的差异就表明了这一点。埃斯库罗斯认为命运支配人的一切,包括支配神。索福克勒斯认为命运不是具体的神物,而是一种超乎人类之外的抽象观念,虽不可抗拒,但其正义性,合理性却是可以怀疑的;敢于抗争命运的英雄是值得同情和歌颂的,虽然最后只能是一场悲剧。欧里庇得斯认为人的命运取决于自己的行为。   欢迎给分啊


  ZARD乐队 主唱:坂井泉水 可惜她已经在一场医疗事故中去世了...

贝多芬说:“我要扼住命运的咽喉,它将无法使我完全屈服。” 他创作的那些音乐与这个主题有关?





