永强阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  十二生肖歌   正月梅花开来直到梢,老鼠眼睛像胡椒,偷油咬物真讨厌,叮嘱家家多养猫。二月里来开杏花,耕牛最是有功劳.油车里碾豆牛用力,稻田里戽水牛赶车。三月里桃花红喷喷,老虎凶来要吃人,凶人还要凶人制,提到铁笼里那能放虎形。四月蔷薇开来话头多,兔子双双来做窝,月落一窝小兔子,子崽多哗劳碌多。五月里来石榴开,老龙取水白漫漫,问龙住宿在何处?松江有个白龙潭。六月荷花开来梗子青,毒蛇出世草里登,要嘱家家预备竹夹剪,灭尽毒蛇不害人。七月凉风凤仙飘,客人骑马马飞跑,古来好将得好马,沙场征战立功劳。八月中秋木樨 香,性情愚善是胡羊,吃奶跪在娘腹下,畜生也识孝亲娘。九月菊花开得叶头齐,花果山上猴儿真可怜,扬州婆捉去做戏法,随街傍路卖铜钱。十月芙蓉开来小春天,家家养只过年鸡,雌鸡生蛋有出息,雄鸡到天明喔喔啼。十一月水仙开来耀眼明,狗能防夜帮主人,独是生成一种欺贫重富怵脾气,看见穷人咬不停。十二月里腊梅开,枥里猪驴拖出来, 日里吃仔三顿不做啥,杀伊肉吃本应该。


  老鼠:〈老鼠爱大米〉、〈米老鼠之歌〉、〈小老鼠上灯台〉、〈乡下老鼠〉   牛;〈黄牛与提琴〉   老虎:〈两只老虎〉   兔:〈兔子舞〉   龙:〈龙的传人〉、〈大中国〉   蛇:暂时还想不起来   马:〈西游记主题曲〉、〈马〉、〈茶马古道〉   羊:〈小羊羔〉、〈披着羊皮的〉、〈求佛〉   猴:也想不出来   鸡:   狗   猪:〈猪之歌〉


  Maps - Maroon 5I miss the days to the sweet lieI miss the conversationI'm such a fool of song tonightI'm changing of all the stationsI like to think did we had it allWe drove 'em out to the better daysBut I'm not running I'm super funOh baby why did you run awayI was there for youIn you darkest timesI was there for youIn your darkest nightsBut I wonder where were youWhen I was at my worstDown on my kneesAnd instead of having my backSo I wonder where were youAll the worse you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, followingBut I wonder where were youWhen I was at my worstDown on my kneesAnd instead of having my backSo I wonder where were youAll the worse you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, followingOh I was there for youOh In you darkest timesOh I was there for youOh In your darkest nightsOh I was there for youOh In you darkest timesOh I was there for youOh In your darkest nightsBut I wonder where were youWhen I was at my worstDown on my kneesAnd instead of having my backSo I wonder where were youAll the worse you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following


  Maps - Maroon 5I miss the days to the sweet lieI miss the conversationI'm such a fool of song tonightI'm changing of all the stationsI like to think did we had it allWe drove 'em out to the better daysBut I'm not running I'm super funOh baby why did you run awayI was there for youIn you darkest timesI was there for youIn your darkest nightsBut I wonder where were youWhen I was at my worstDown on my kneesAnd instead of having my backSo I wonder where were youAll the worse you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, followingBut I wonder where were youWhen I was at my worstDown on my kneesAnd instead of having my backSo I wonder where were youAll the worse you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, followingOh I was there for youOh In you darkest timesOh I was there for youOh In your darkest nightsOh I was there for youOh In you darkest timesOh I was there for youOh In your darkest nightsBut I wonder where were youWhen I was at my worstDown on my kneesAnd instead of having my backSo I wonder where were youAll the worse you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following to youAnd nothing I can doThe map that leads to youFollowing, following, following


  请问你想知道的是什么程度的图解呢,可以拍张图给我看看吗?如果不方便可以去无相铜炉官方网站的官网上看一看,他们网站上有个图谱可以参考。拜保家仙时,出现不同的燃烧效果的,可能是香的质量问题吧,不要介意这一点,因为现在化学香比较多,   质量也是参差不齐的,出现这样的情况很正常,可以请无相铜炉官方的香,效果会好些的,他家的是纯天然的植物香,使用起来,会好些。






  第三十一签;签文。 不须劳碌问穷通, 明月团圆云雾蒙。 且看渔人观FENG HE ,自然得利又成功。






