永强阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  老鼠过街—人人喊打 老鼠见了猫—骨头都软了   老鼠拉木锨—大头在后边 老鼠吃猫—怪事   老鼠啃皮球—嗑(客)气 老鼠钻到风箱里—两头受气   2、牛   牛蹄子—两瓣儿 牛口里的草—扯不出来   老牛上了鼻绳—跑不了 老牛拖破车—摇三摆   牛鼻子穿环—让人家牵着走 牛吃卷心菜—各人心中爱   3、虎   老虎嘴边的胡须—谁敢去摸 老虎下山—来势凶猛   老虎上山—谁敢阻拦 老虎上街—人人害怕   老虎长了翅膀—神了 老虎当和尚—人面兽心   4、兔   兔子不吃窝边草—留情(青) 兔子的腿—跑得快   兔子的耳朵—听得远 兔子的嘴—三片儿   兔子的尾巴—长不了 兔子撵乌龟—赶得上   5、龙   两个人舞龙—有头有尾 龙头不拉拉马尾—用力不对路   叶公好龙-假爱 龙灯胡须—没人理   龙船上装大粪—臭名远扬 鲤鱼跳龙门—高升




  少数民族常见谚语如下:   1、智慧不凭年龄凭心灵,友谊不在一时在平常。——维吾尔族   2、青蛙常常忘记,它曾经是蝌蚪。——朝鲜族   3、莫把别人的赞赏当作财富。——维吾尔族   4、允诺要慢,履约要快。——回族   5、慢慢熬出来的茶味道好,慢慢讲出来的话意思明。——藏族   6、艰难时需坚强,欢乐时需谨慎。——蒙古族   7、滚动的石头,不会长青苔。——朝鲜族   8、聪明的人:听到一次,思考十次;看到一次,实践十次。——哈萨克族   9、闲聊等于假死,思索等于磨石。——蒙古族   10、大河是安静的,有学问的人是谦虚的。——蒙古族   11、流水冲不走重石头。——乌兹别克族   12、没有意志的人,一切都感到困难;没有头脑的人,一切都感到简单。——景颇族   13、工作像蚂蚁,生活像蝴蝶。——纳西族   


  少数民族常见谚语如下:   1、智慧不凭年龄凭心灵,友谊不在一时在平常。——维吾尔族   2、青蛙常常忘记,它曾经是蝌蚪。——朝鲜族   3、莫把别人的赞赏当作财富。——维吾尔族   4、允诺要慢,履约要快。——回族   5、慢慢熬出来的茶味道好,慢慢讲出来的话意思明。——藏族   6、艰难时需坚强,欢乐时需谨慎。——蒙古族   7、滚动的石头,不会长青苔。——朝鲜族   8、聪明的人:听到一次,思考十次;看到一次,实践十次。——哈萨克族   9、闲聊等于假死,思索等于磨石。——蒙古族   10、大河是安静的,有学问的人是谦虚的。——蒙古族   11、流水冲不走重石头。——乌兹别克族   12、没有意志的人,一切都感到困难;没有头脑的人,一切都感到简单。——景颇族   13、工作像蚂蚁,生活像蝴蝶。——纳西族   


  立冬打雷要反春(北方)   雷打冬,十个牛栏九个空(北方)   立冬之日起大雾,冬水田里点萝(北方)   立冬北风冰雪多,立冬南风无雨雪(北方)   立冬那天冷,一年冷气多(北方)   立冬北风冰雪多,立冬南风无雨雪(江南)   立冬那天冷,一年冷气多(北方)   立冬前犁金,立冬后犁银,立春后犁铁(指应早翻土)。(客家)   立冬晴,一冬晴;立冬雨,一冬雨(客家)   立冬落雨会烂冬,吃得柴尽米粮空。(闽南)   立冬补冬,补嘴空   立秋摘花椒,白露打核桃,霜降下柿子,立冬吃软枣   立冬东北风,冬季好天空。(闽南)   立冬南风雨,冬季无凋(干)土(闽南)   立冬有雨防烂冬,立冬无鱼防春旱(闽南)   重阳无雨看立冬,立冬无雨一冬干(赣)   重阳无雨看冬至,冬至无雨晴一冬(闽)   立冬小雪紧相连,冬前整地最当先。(江南)   霜降腌白菜。立冬不使牛(北方)   西风响,蟹脚痒,蟹立冬,影无踪(江南)   立冬不吃糕,一死一旮旯(南方)   立冬有风,立春有雨;冬至有风,夏至有雨(山西)   立冬种豌豆,一斗还一斗(南方)   立冬有雨防烂冬,立冬无雨防春旱(闽南)


  天秤座(拉丁语:Libra,天文符号:♎)   神话   天秤座是希腊神话中的正义女神阿斯特莉亚在为人类所做善恶裁判时所用的天平,阿斯特莉亚一只手持天平,一只手握斩除邪恶的剑。为求公正,所以眼睛皆蒙著。   从前的众神和人类是和平共处於大地上,神虽拥有永远的生命,但人类寿命有限。因此寂寞的神只有不断创造人类,然而那时的人好争斗,恶业横行,众神在对人类失望之馀回到天上。   只有阿斯特莉亚女神舍不得回去而留在世界上,教人为善。尽管如此,人类仍继续堕落,於是战争掀起,开始了打打杀杀。最後连阿斯特莉亚也放弃人类而回到天上。而天空就高挂著锺爱正义和平公正的天秤座。   History and mythology   Libra was known in Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu (the "scales" or "balance"), or alternatively as the Claws of the Scorpion. The scales were held sacred to the sun god Shamash, who was also the patron of truth and justice.[7] It was also seen as the Scorpion's Claws in ancient Greece.[1]Since these times, Libra has been associated with law, fairness and civility. In Arabic zubānā means "scorpion's claws", and likely similarly in other Semitic languages: this resemblance of words may be why the Scorpion's claws became the Scales.[citation needed] It has also been suggested that the scales are in allusion to the fact that when the sun entered this part of the ecliptic at the autumnal equinox, the days and nights are equal.[8] Libra's status as the location of the equinox earned the equinox the name "First Point of Libra", though its position ended in 730 because of the precession of the equinoxes. [9]   Libra is a constellation not mentioned by Eudoxus or Aratus.[8] In Roman mythology, Libra is considered to depict the scales held by Astraea (identified as Virgo), the goddess of justice. Libra is mentioned by Manetho (3rd century B.C.) and Geminus (1st century B.C.), and included by Ptolemyin his 48 asterisms. Ptolemy catalogued 17 stars, Tycho Brahe 10, and Johannes Hevelius 20.[8] It only became a constellation in ancient Rome, when it began to represent the scales held byAstraea, associated with Virgo.[1]   Libra is the only zodiac sign that does not symbolize a living creature.




  瑞雪兆丰年     冬天麦盖三层被,来年枕着馒头睡。(指的是冬天的雪下得越大,麦子的被子铺得越厚,来年肯定有个好收成。     瑞雪兆丰年 * 霜前冷,雪后寒。   * 浮雪勿冷,融雪冷。 *冬有大雪是丰年。   * 冬有三白是丰年。 * 雪后易晴。   * 冬有三天雪,人道十年丰。 * 雪姐久留住,明年好谷收。   * 今年大雪飘,明年收成好。 * 江南三足雪,米道十丰年。   * 冬雪消除四边草,来年肥多虫害少 。 * 大雪半溶加一冰,明年虫害一扫空。   * 雪落有晴天。 * 大雪兆丰年,无雪要遭殃


  关于大暑的谚语:   大暑热不透,大热在秋后。   大暑不暑,五谷不起。   小暑不见日头,大暑晒开石头。   小暑大暑不热,小寒大寒不冷。   大暑展秋风,秋后热到狂。   小暑吃黍,大暑吃谷。   小暑怕东风,大暑怕红霞。   小暑大暑,有米不愿回家煮。   大暑不割禾,一天少一箩。大暑前后,晒死泥鳅。   大暑后插袂,立冬谷满仓。   大暑不浇苗,到老无好稻。   小暑凉爬爬,大暑热熟热。   大暑大落大死,无落无死。   大暑天,三天不下干一砖。   大暑热得慌,四个月无霜。   大暑展秋风,秋后热到狂。   大暑热,秋后凉。   大暑老鸭胜补药。   早稻不见大暑脸。   大暑连天阴,遍地出黄金。   小暑雨如银,大暑雨如金。   伏里多雨,囤里多米。   伏天雨丰,粮丰棉丰。   伏不受早,一亩增一担。   大暑前后,衣裳湿透。   大暑热得慌,四个月无霜。   暑到立秋,积粪到田头。   大暑无汗,收成减半。   小暑不见日头,大暑晒开石头。   大暑老鸭胜补药。   大暑不割禾,一天少一箩。   大暑不雨秋边旱。

对意大利文化,饮食等方面的介绍 英文版

  综合介绍:   Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic, (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.   Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the movement of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital Rome has been for centuries the center of Western civilization, and is the seat of the Catholic Church.   Today, Italy is a democratic republic, and a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP, the 8th-highest Quality-of-life index,[1] and the 20th-highest Human Development Index rating in the world. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union (having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957), and also a member of the G8, NATO, OECD, the Council of Europe, the Western European Union, and the Central European Initiative. On January 1, 2007 Italy began a two year term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.   饮食:   Italian Food: The Italian food section of Life In Italy is divided into several categories: First we have our Italian food Ratings database, a rating of Italian food by selected Italian and American consumers. Second we provide recipes by Venetian chef Francesco the co-owner and chef at award winning restaurant Remi in New York City. Third we provide some general articles about Italian cooking like how to make Italian Pizza at home, bread, and articles about Italian foods such as olives, cheeses, herbs used in Italian cooking.   While in New York city and in my area (Washington DC) - there are few real Italian restaurants, my subjective, but experienced, opinion is that 90% of the Italian restaurants in the US are not Italian at all. If "Italian food" conjures up thoughts of Italian American restaurant chains or pizza with a red-purple sauce and lots of garlic powder this is simply not Italian! I personally hate that type of cooking -Italian American food is loaded with too many strange tasting "additives". One might even call them "addictives" because these strong flavors cultivate consumer taste for heavy style foods, to the detriment of the much more delicate and healthier authentic Italian cooking. As an example of this altered taste are things like Italian dressing - Italian style bread crumbs - Italian seasoning are all things with 'oversaturated' taste that you will never find in Italy .   In the minds of many in the US, Italian food continues to be associated with the image of a pretty large guy eating spaghetti with meat-ball sauce - the reality is that in Italy practically no one eats spaghetti with meat ball sauce. Italians do have some meat sauce recipes that require long and laborious preparation (including marinating the meat for 3-4 days in aged red wine), but they also have an incredible number of variations of pasta dishes cooked with vegetables or seafood. And when I say pasta, this is not equivalent to only spaghetti. Again there is an amazing range of forms, shapes, sizes of pastas, many of which are unique to specific regions. The variety in the Italian diet, the continued widespread reliance on fresh ingredients cooked on the spot, and the extensive use of vegetables, fruit and olive oil all contribute to the generally healthy state of Italians that on average appear to be much thinner than Americans, especially in middle and later years. In my opinion, there is a direct relationship between being overweight and heavy consumption of industrial and chain foods, widespread soda drinking and avoidance of fruits, vegetables and reasonable amounts of wine, not only in the US but also among younger generations in Italy that love to imitate the American life style. A lot has been written about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Without going deeper into the matter, I would like to tell you that Italian food - that found in Italy - is not only good for you but it really tastes great! Enjoy the adventure of exploring authentic Italian food, not only a delight for the senses but also an expression of the cultural and traditional heritage of the country.


