永强阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  我国古代根椐动物出没时间和生活特征,将十二种动物作为十二生肖,即每一种动物为一个时辰。老鼠排行第一(与“子”时搭配),以下次序为:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。   鼠:晚上11时到第二天1时(即“子时”)。这时候,老鼠胆量最壮,活动最频繁,所以,子时同鼠搭配。   牛:凌晨1-3时(即“丑时”)。这时候牛吃足了草,“倒嚼”最细、最慢、最舒适,所以丑时同牛搭配。   虎:凌晨3-5时(即“寅时”)。据古书载,这时候,老虎最活跃、最凶猛、伤人最多,因此寅时同虎搭配。   兔:清晨5-7(即“卯时”)。这时,太阳还没露出脸面,月亮的光辉还未隐退完全。玉兔是月亮代称,是月宫神话中惟一的动物,这样卯时就同兔搭配。   龙:早晨7-9时(即“辰时”)。传说这是群龙行雨的时候,龙是神话中的动物,于是辰时属龙。   蛇:上午9-11时(即“巳时”)。据说这时候的蛇不会伤人,也不在人行走的路上游荡,多隐蔽在草丛中,这样巳时就属于蛇的了。   马:上午11时至下午1时(即“午时”)。依据道士的说法,中午太阳当顶,阳气达到达极点,阴气渐渐增加,在阴阳换柱之时,一般动物都躺着休息,只有马还习惯地站着,甚至睡觉也站着,从不躺着。这样,午时就属马了。   羊:下午1-3时(即“未时”)。据说羊在这时候洒尿最勤,洒出的尿可治愈自身一种惊疯病,因此,未时属羊。   猴:下午3-5时(即“申时”)。这时候,猴子最喜欢啼叫,声音拉得最长,最洪亮。所以申时属猴。   鸡:下午5-7时(即“酉时”)。这时候,日落山岗,鸡开始进笼归窝、夜宿,于是酉时属鸡。   狗:晚上7-9时(即“戌时”)。黑夜来临,狗看家,守夜的警惕性最高,并产生一种特殊的视力和听力,看攻最远,听得最清楚。所以戌时属狗。   猪:晚上9-11时(即“亥时”)。这时候猪睡得最酣,发出的鼾声最洪亮,全身肌肉抖动得最厉害、长肉最快,于是亥时属猪。


  宋代洪巽的《旸谷漫泉》、明朝郎瑛的《七修类稿》等对此都作了解释。另外佛经《大集经》记有十二生肖轮流游行的故事,但其中无虎而有狮子,因此有人认为,十二生肖是由古印度传入中国的,以虎代狮,可能与中原不产狮有关。也有人认为,十二生肖首先出现于记时。一昼夜是二十四小时,古代天 文学家将昼夜分为十二时辰。同时他们在观天象时,依照十二种动物的生活习惯和活动的时辰,确定十二生肖。夜间十一点至次日凌晨一点,属子时,正是老鼠趁夜深人静,频繁活动之时,称“子鼠”。凌晨一点至三点,属丑时。牛习惯夜间吃草,农家常在深夜起来挑灯喂牛,故称“丑牛”。凌晨三点至五点,属寅时。此时昼伏夜行的老虎最凶猛,古人常会在此时听到虎啸声,故称“寅虎”。清晨五点至七点,属卯时。天刚亮,兔子出窝,喜欢吃带有晨露的青草,故为“卯兔”。早晨七点至九点,属辰时。此时一般容易起雾,传说龙喜腾云驾雾,又值旭日东升,蒸蒸日上,故称“辰龙”。上午九点至十一时,属巳时。大雾散去,艳阳高照,蛇类出洞觅食,故作“巳蛇”。中午十一点至一点,属午时。古时野马未被人类驯服,每当午时,四处奔跑嘶鸣,故称“午马”。午后一点至三点,属未时。有的地方管此时为“羊出坡”,意思是放羊的好时候,故称“未羊”。下午三点至五点,属申时。太阳偏西了,猴子喜在此时啼叫,故为“申猴”。下午五点至七点,属酉时。太阳落山了,鸡在窝前打转,故称“酉鸡”。傍晚七点至九点,属戌时。人劳碌一天,闩门准备休息了。狗卧门前守护,一有动静,就汪汪大叫,故为“戌狗”。夜间九点至十一点,属亥时。夜深人静,能听见猪拱槽的声音,于是称作“亥猪”。就这样,一天的时辰和动物搭配就排列了下来:子与鼠、丑与牛、寅与虎、卯与兔、辰与龙、巳与蛇、午与马、未与羊、申与猴、酉与鸡、戌与狗、亥与猪。后来人们把这种纪时法用于纪年,就出现了十二生肖。宋代哲学家朱熹持这一观点。


  蛇Which one do you like most in twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac animal, most afraid of which one? I think everyone for the snake will not have much good? Snakes often appear in our life, the thought of its soft slippery body, all can't help to get goose bumps. Comparison of snakes and dragons, really have a world of difference. Recorded in ancient books, see the Dragon represents a good omen, and saw the snake, is drought disaster. But in science developed today, for this record is only laugh out of court, after all, the snake has its lovely side, we should see it in a different way.


  蛇Which one do you like most in twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac animal, most afraid of which one? I think everyone for the snake will not have much good? Snakes often appear in our life, the thought of its soft slippery body, all can't help to get goose bumps. Comparison of snakes and dragons, really have a world of difference. Recorded in ancient books, see the Dragon represents a good omen, and saw the snake, is drought disaster. But in science developed today, for this record is only laugh out of court, after all, the snake has its lovely side, we should see it in a different way.


  没有其出生日期   伍子胥(?~公元前484) 春秋末期吴国大夫,军事家、谋略家。名员(音云,yun第二声),字子胥。春秋时楚国人。属今监利县人。


  十二生肖,是人们按照天干地支里的十二地支中赋予其动物的含义,便于记忆。 天干地支都是起源于天文,用于计时或计量。 民间为了便于记忆,编制12生肖的神话,就是天神号令人外的所有动物进行赛跑,前12名赋予地支的称号。 而老鼠骗了猫,使得猫以为第二天才比赛,于是比赛当天睡觉,从此猫见老鼠就抓。 此传说也适用东亚其他地区,如日本朝鲜。

英语对话视频十二生肖 鸡的英语怎么说

  英文原文:   chicken鸡   英式音标:   [ˈtʃɪkɪn]   美式音标:   [ˈtʃɪkɪn]


  My favourite star   My favorite star is Tao Ze. He is born in Hong Kong in 1969.He lives in Taibei in his childhood .He has a satisfactory family.His father is one of famous singers in Taiwan who has great influence on him.   As a result, he has a good basic training on singing. I have obsessed with His sentient voice. When he sings, he like a prince of Europe .Apprently,he is my favorite star.   我最喜欢的明星   我最喜欢的明星是陶泽。他是天生的在香港1969。他住在台北的童年时光。他有一个良好的家庭。他的父亲是台湾的一个著名的歌手对他影响很大。   因此,他有一个好的歌唱基本训练。我已经沉迷于他的智慧的声音。当他唱的时候,他像一个王子的欧洲。很明显,他是我最喜欢的明星。   __ ________________________________________________________________________   Our school   Look,this is our shool .Our school is big and nice.There are two builings in our schooi .Our classroom is on the first of the classroom builing A. The computer room is on the scend floor.     Buside classroom builing B is a small garden . There are some red flower ,some yellow flower and so on.And there are some trees in the garden.Behind garden there are two domritos .   There is a big playground in our school。we can play on it .   How a morden school. I am very glad to be a student in our school.I like our school very much.   我们的学校   看,这是我们的学校。我们的学校又大又漂亮的。在我们学校有两个建筑。我们的教室在教室和机房建设首先是在第二楼。   课堂建设B是一个小花园。有一些红色的花,有黄色的花等。有一些树木的花园。在花园的后面有两栋建筑。   我们有一个大操场,我们可以发挥它。   如何一个现代化的学校。我是一个在我们学校的学生很高兴。我很喜欢我们的学校。   __________________________________________________________________________   Protecting the environmen   Environmental problems are bec


  Aries   you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient.   youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.   Taurus   you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard-work person.   you are patient and do not give up easily.   Gemini   you are a curious and clever person .you are outgoing.you love to talk.   Cancer   you are kind.you love your homeand family and like to take care of others.you like saving money and cooking.   Leo   you are a strong and confident person .youare generous. you like to buy your friends nice gifts.   Virgo   you are a modest person .you worry too much at times.you are practical and you always pay attention to details.   Libra   youare a polite and fair person .   you are elegant and love beautiful things.you love peace and do not like to like others.   Scorpio   you are a powerful person and have lots of energy .you like to keep secrets.however sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.   Sagittarius   you enjoy life and have a good sense of humour .you are often lucky.   you love tavelling to different places.   Capricorn   you are businesslike and are often successful.you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.   Aquarius   you are kind and wise.you have many friends.however,some people think that you are strange as you hate to be like anyone else and you try everything just to be different.   Pisces   you are geners ,kind,gentleandeasy-going.you are also creative and imaginative.you like to dream about everything.


  鼠:Rat, 牛:Ox, 虎:Tiger, 兔:Hare 龙:Dragon, 蛇抚Snake, 马:Horse   羊:Sheep, 猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock ,狗:Dog, 猪:Boar


