永强阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势

半人马座的英语翻译 半人马座用英语怎么说

  半人马座   [词典] [天] Centaurus; Centaur;   [例句]美国宇航局说,目前有10万,都挤在一个半人马座星团欧米茄一小部分(相对而言)。   NASA says there are100,000, all squeezed ( relatively speaking) into a small portion of the Omega Centauri star cluster.

缺水的英语翻译 缺水用英语怎么说

  缺水   [词典] hydropenia;   [例句]庄稼缺肥缺水就长不好。   Lacking manure and water, crops won't grow well.


  你好!   风水轮流转   every dog has its day; Every dog has his day; every dog has its days; Turn By Turns;


  你好!   风水轮流转   every dog has its day; Every dog has his day; every dog has its days; Turn By Turns;


  It's rude to finger to others!


  Finance Center Director's Room   Meeting Room   Finance Center   Information Center   Information Center Director's Room   conference room   Office   Executive vice president of chamber   manager's office   The vice president's Office   multiple-function hall   anteroom   muniment room   VIP room   balcony   cafetiria   information center   Research and Development Center   General Office   multiple-function hall


  我们先搭灶台,然后生火   We first take a hearth, and then make a fire   望采纳!谢谢!

我从口袋掏出一把钥匙 英语翻译

  Take out a key from the bag.


  红玫瑰 我爱你 I love you   康乃馨 母爱 Maternal love   米红康乃馨 伤感 Sad   郁金香 魅惑、爱之寓言 Charm, love fable   黄郁金香 绝望之爱 Desperate Love   波斯菊 纯情、永远快活 Innocent , happy forever   水仙花 尊敬 Respect   红郁金香 爱的誓言 Vows of love   文竹 永恒 Eternal   秋牡丹 失恋 Lovelorn   白山茶 真爱、真情 Love , truth   红山茶 天生丽质 Natural beauty   剑兰 性格坚强、用心 Strong personality , intentions   毋忘我 永恒的爱 Eternal Love   鸡冠花 多色的爱 Multicolor Love   雏菊 清白、纯真、纤细 Innocent , pure, slender   蝴蝶兰 初恋、幸福渐进、纯洁美丽 Love , happiness progressive , pure and beautiful   麒麟草 警戒 Alert   紫丁香 初恋、羞怯 Love, shyness   梅花 高洁 Noble   风铃草 温柔的爱 Gentle love   飞燕草 轻薄 Thin   桔梗 气质高雅、不变的爱 Elegant, constant love   金缕梅 灵感 Inspiration   金雀儿 谦逊 Humility   桃花 疑惑、好运将至、爱慕 Doubt, good luck approaching, love   石竹 谦逊、多愁善感、莽撞 Humble , sentimental, reckless   百日草 思考 Think   白茶 无瑕 Flawless   玛格烈菊 预言 Prophecy   橙花 贞洁 Chastity   矢车菊 雅致、优美 Elegant , beautiful   千日草 不朽 Immortal   杏花 疑惑 Doubt   大岩桐 欲望 Desire   杜鹃花 节制、移情别恋 Temperance , faithless   栀枝 清雅 Elegant   罂粟花 安慰、多谢 Comfort , thank you   凤仙花 惹人爱、拒绝爱情 Lovable , refused to love   大丁香 神秘 Mystery   李花 纯洁 Pure   樱花 淡泊、欢乐 Indifferent , joy   芍药 恐惧、惜别、害羞 Fear, farewell , shy   大丽花 华丽......余下全文>>


  In my dream you went away from me and I cried and cried until I awoke.


