永强阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字

关于中国饮食就餐方面应注意事项 英语作文

  Smaller plate is a plate point, is mainly used in full bloom, food, and bowls in the use of Great minds think. Plate on the table in general to maintain in situ and do not stack together.   Need to focus on the introduction, is a fairly special-purpose food dish known as plates. The primary role of food dish, is used to temporarily released from the communal food tray is taken to enjoy the dishes. With food dish, the first not to take too big a meal, look both chaotic state, but also like a hungry reborn. Not to a variety of dishes piled up together, they will fix each other "channeling taste", not look good, not good. Do not eat the residue, bone, gill not spit on the ground, the table, but should be taken lightly on the front of food dish, put the time directly from the mouth should not spit in the food dish, the use of chopsticks on the plate next. If the dish filled with food, allowing for attendants.


  以“礼”服人——中华传统礼仪之我见   荀子曰:“ 人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国家无礼则不宁。”意思是说:无论一个人、一件事、还是一个国家如果没有文明礼仪,是不能够在社会上立足的。所谓礼,指的是行为举止。仪,指的是仪容仪表。“礼仪”就是指我们待人接物,为人处世的方式和行为习惯。   中国古代有三部最著名的礼典:《周礼》《仪礼》和《礼记》,总称“三礼”,是关于各种礼制的百科全书。其中《周礼》偏重政治制度,《仪礼》偏重行为规范,而《礼记》则偏重对礼的各个分支做出符合统治阶级需要的理论说明。由这“三礼”所涉及的各种礼制的总和,也就是礼的全部内涵。   正所谓为人之道,择善而从,养浩然正气,树松柏节操,不可蔑弃廉耻,媚世随俗。可见礼仪在我们日常生活中至关大要。它是指引我们说话办事的行为准则,也是折射出当今社会状态的一面镜子。一个人综合素质如何,一个国家和社会发展程度如何,都可以用“礼仪”作为标准来衡量。   中华民族素来被称为“礼仪之邦”,我想这是对一个国家一个民族最大的赞美与褒扬。孔子曾经说过:“不学礼,则无以立。”早在三千年前人们就提倡尊重师长,仁者爱人的重礼思想。可见中华民族对礼仪的推崇与重视源远流长。所以我们必须汲取其中的智慧与精髓,将这种优秀的传统继承和弘扬。   而不知为何,如今的人们正一天天变得浮躁与不安,难道是社会发展的速度太快,我们的思想已经跟不上它的脚步?还是这种传统的思想与理念变得越来越不被重视,甚至快要被抛弃?我们不得而知,我只知道我在公交车上看见10岁的小孙子空着手坐在座位上,而他旁边站的是手里拎满东西的奶奶,我只知道在大街上看见破口大骂互相争吵的小情侣,我只知道老爷爷摔倒在马路上过往行人却视而不见….这是人情冷漠吗?我想不是,每个人都是有热情的,每个人都是有爱心的。这是缺乏基本的礼仪,这是教育的失败。想象我们今天的教育方式,我们太过于注重学业教育了,又有哪个学校开设过礼仪方面的课程呢?没有人教过我们如何去应用礼仪,所以我们只会效仿身边的人,于是身边的人冷漠了,我们也就冷漠了。我想我没有资格质疑中国的教育,但是事实就残酷的摆在眼前,这样下去只会让我们传承了几千年的美好品德渐渐流失,让我们更加无奈,更加失望…我认为礼仪教育不仅是素质教育的必需,而且也是社会文明进步的强烈需求。   回首2008年的北京奥运会,被国际奥委会主席冠以“无与伦比”的字样,是什么使北京奥运会赢得这样的赞誉?是盛世恢弘的场面吗?是投资巨额的场馆吗?不是,是中国人民的彬彬有礼,是中国人民的好客热情,是一个以“和”字贯穿始终的申办理念。所以我们获得了成功,所以我们永载史册。   正所谓细节决定成败,无论是国家还是个人,都要注重基本的礼节,这不仅是为人处世之道,更是我们必须遵循的原则。礼仪是一种非法律行为规范,它是从社会生活中提炼出的一种自觉地社会意识形态,它是需要我们自觉地去遵守,是要靠我们个人的信念去支撑与维持的。所以一个人是否注重礼仪则从侧面反映了他的综合素质。有时一件事情的成功与失败往往取决于你不曾注意到的细节。或许一句话,一个动作就会使你丧失成功的机会,就会阻碍你人生的前进的脚步。所以我们要学习礼仪,重视礼仪,应用礼仪。礼仪在我们的生活中无处不在,它的重要性更不容小觑,人无礼则不立,国无礼则不兴,无礼,则无以立。有礼,则立天下。...余下全文>>


  Everyone has his own dream.Some want to be doctors.Others hope to be scientists.My dream is to become a teacher.   每个人都有他自己的梦想.一些人想成为医生.一些人希望成为科学家.我的梦想是成为一名老师.   Teachers can not teach us many things at school,but they do their best to teach us how to learn.Thanks to them,we learn knowledge.And at the same time,we learn how to live a happy life.They spend most time on their students.They are great in my eyes.   老师不仅能在学校教给我们许多事情,而且他们尽力教会我们如何去学习.我们学到了知识.并且在同时,我们知道怎么幸福地生活.他们花费他们大多数时间在他们的学生身上.他们在我的眼里是伟大的.   I hope to be a teacher because I admire teachers.I know it is not easy to make my dream come true.But I decide to study harder from now on.I am sure my dream will come true.   我希望成为一名教师因为我钦佩老师.我知道实现我的梦想并不容易.但是我决定从现在开始更加努力地学习.我确信我的梦想一定能实现.


  Everyone has his own dream.Some want to be doctors.Others hope to be scientists.My dream is to become a teacher.   每个人都有他自己的梦想.一些人想成为医生.一些人希望成为科学家.我的梦想是成为一名老师.   Teachers can not teach us many things at school,but they do their best to teach us how to learn.Thanks to them,we learn knowledge.And at the same time,we learn how to live a happy life.They spend most time on their students.They are great in my eyes.   老师不仅能在学校教给我们许多事情,而且他们尽力教会我们如何去学习.我们学到了知识.并且在同时,我们知道怎么幸福地生活.他们花费他们大多数时间在他们的学生身上.他们在我的眼里是伟大的.   I hope to be a teacher because I admire teachers.I know it is not easy to make my dream come true.But I decide to study harder from now on.I am sure my dream will come true.   我希望成为一名教师因为我钦佩老师.我知道实现我的梦想并不容易.但是我决定从现在开始更加努力地学习.我确信我的梦想一定能实现.


  Our community has many activities,the next one,we will have a party at the English Club on 7:30 pm Oct.15. then will have many friends who like English and want to practice their oral English in there, so i want to invite my foreign friend "Lee" to join in us, we can exchange something about history,culture and custom etc at that time. During the party, you can communicate with each other in English and talk everything you want, make friends with everybody. Meanwhile, you can watch shows, and some fruits and drinks will be provided, you also can bring foods for yourself, hope everyone will spent a beautiful time ,thanks.

英语作文 我所追求的事业是什么

  As they differ in their interests, abilities and objectives in life, different people pursue different careers. Some love to be doctors, while others prefer to be scientists. Some like to be workers, whereas others choose to be technicians. My ideal career, however, is teaching. The reasons are as follows.   因为他们在生活中的兴趣,能力和目标不同,不同的人追求的事业也不同。有些喜欢成为医生,而另一些人更喜欢成为科学家。有些人喜欢做工人,而另一些的选择则是技术人员。然而,我理想的职业是教学。理由如下。   First, I can enjoy much freedom in my work. I will not frequently be told what to do and how to do it. The content of my lessons and the way I give them are largely determined by myself, which will leave more room for my imagination and creativity. In addition, I can always stay young mentally. Being with the young people most of the time, I will be influenced by their idea and lifestyle. I will then, feel that I am always in fashion. Furthermore, I will have two long vacations and much flexible time in which I can enjoy doing what I like to do.   首先,我的工作可以让我享受到很多的自由。我不会经常被提醒要做什么,该怎么做。我


  1、What will human beings and animals be like without water?2、The problem about lacking water is becoming more and more serious,whose reasons are the development of agriculture and industry and pollution.3、Measures should be taken to solve the problems about lacking water ,making full use of ,avoiding pollution and refining the rain and sea water.




  中国传统文化中的国学经典有:   1、周易:《周易》即《易经》,《三易》之一(另有观点:认为易经即三易,而非周易),是传统经典之一,相传系周文王姬昌所作,内容包括《经》和《传》两个部分。   2、史记:《史记》是西汉史学家司马迁撰写的纪传体史书,是中国历史上第一部纪传体通史,记载了上至上古传说中的黄帝时代,下至汉武帝太初四年间共3000多年的历史。   


  A man's character is his destiny. An inescapable truth lies at the heart of this simple yet profound truth: The quality of our lives is not determined by the happenstance of genetics or by the influence of environment; it is not measured in material possessions or in the trappings of youth; it is not dependent on personality or social acclaim. On the contrary, the intrinsic value of the lives we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. We should take the steps to personal growth from examining our lives to taking responsibility for our actions, from discarding selfishness to embracing the greater good, from becoming a better role model for our loved ones to finding the courage to do the right thing naturally and consistently. By cultivating the habits of virtue, we will strengthen not only ourselves but, more important, our families and our world. Each and every day we are faced with scores of choices that, in subtle yet discernible ways, can either enrich or impoverish our personal character. The choices we make, and the manner in which we make them, illuminate the paths our lives will take. Our character can be our compass that leads to our destiny.


