永强阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius. In western astrology, the sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Scorpio is considered a "feminine", negative (introverted) sign. It is also considered a water sign and one of the four fixed signs.[2] Traditionally, the planet Mars has been considered to be the ruler of Scorpio, and since its discovery, Pluto has been considered a modern ruler of this sign. As the eighth sign in the zodiac, Scorpio is associated with the astrological eighth house.   Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Scorpio individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Scorpio around October 24 and exits around November 22.   Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac, and you shouldn't take that lightly. You shouldn't take Scorpios lightly, either. Those born under this Sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. There's no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, either: these folks will zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within. Scorpios concern themselves with beginnings and endings, and are unafraid of either; they also travel in a world which is black and white and has little use for gray. The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators. These folks love to probe and know how to get to the bottom of things. The fact that they have a keen sense of intuition certainly helps.   It's the Scorpion which symbolizes Scorpios, and it's no accident. Much like the Scorpion would rather kill itself than be killed, those born under this Sign are the ones who are in ultimate control of their destiny. It is life on the Scorpion's terms, too, since these folks promote their agenda (they are quite the executives) and see to it that things go forward. Others may find this overbearing (it can be) and even self-destructive, but that's the beauty of the Scorpion: these folks have tremendous regenerative powers, much like the literal Scorpion can lose its tail and promptly grow a new one. Fearless Scorpions rarely lose, per se, they just keep on going, since they are stubborn and determined to succeed (this Scorpio trait is in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign). Scorpios work as hard as they do so they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These folks are intense, passionate and filled with desire. They're also complex and secretive, so don't expect to get much out of them, lest they become suspicious and exit stage left. It's best not to bet against Scorpios, either, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful.   Magnetic, elusive, sexy and determined. That’s you Scorpio! You were born under the eighth sign of the zodiac which is referred to by astrologers as a fixed water (ice) sign. In a lot of ways ice sums up your emotional character. But why is this, when you have fiery and warlike Mars ruling you?   Your star sign is probably one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. It has had a pretty bad rap over the years, but that’s just because what people don’t understand, they tend to fear. That cool aloofness is just the surface of your complex nature, and is by no means bad. Below the surface of your cool exterior is a scorching and passionate fire. You know it and others sense it too.   You’re an emotional being, and you take it to the limits. In fact you need overkill to feel really alive. You also want approval, though you don’t often verbalise that. You give 100 per cent of yourself to those you love, and expect the same, if not more, in return. There are definitely no half measures in your attitude to love.   You are demanding of yourself and others, but when you give your heart to someone you’re very loyal. You are committed to anything you do, including relationships — you absolutely adore the idea of love. It’s a challenge that excites you.   You turn heads whenever you walk into a room — you are the strong, silent type, and you have a magnetic aura. You have something that’s hard to put your finger on but makes it nearly impossible for people to ignore you. You know full well that you can manipulate people, and you love it! This magnetic power is really your greatest strength.   It’s well known astrologically that the eyes of a Scorpio can hypnotise. Whether you know it or not, this is your most powerful physical trait. Often people will often say that you have amazing eyes. So even though you don’t always articulate your feelings, your eyes do plenty of communicating for you — they can express the full range of your emotional states.   Determination is another of your key characteristics. People can see you as insensitive to others’ needs, even obsessive, because you push forward so single-mindedly. There are no half-measures in your life — in friendship, love, family life or work. You want to be the best, and you won’t let anything stand in the way.   But on the plus side, you like to share your successes with the people you take under your wing, whether they’re family or friends.   You’re not afraid of obstacles or challenges, whether they are something unavoidable or foes or competitors. In fact, you thrive on them — you love trying to prove that no one can stop you.   If someone tries to corner you or put you in a difficult situation, they’d better be prepared to give it their best shot, because you won’t give in until you win, and your enemy is totally crushed in body, mind and spirit.   If that ruthless streak in your character can’t be satisfied straight away, you’ll wait, patiently, until the proper time to seek revenge. Time is of no consequence to you when it comes to wreaking vengeance.   Whether you’re fulfilling your sensual appetites or your more noble aspirations, pleasure will always be a focus for you. You want it all. You are not afraid of the dark side, even though you seek the light. This is why Scorpio has three totems — the scorpion, the lizard and the phoenix.   The scorpion is the most vengeful and dangerous part of your nature. If you’re operating on that level, you’ll be constantly seeking to hurt others with your power. This is, of course, something to avoid.   The lizard represents the class of scorpions who hide from life and never quite achieve the full measure of their power. They sometimes seek self-destructive outlets such as drugs or even criminal activities to satisfy their obsessive nature.   If you aspire to the best that Scorpio has to offer, you’ll be the phoenix, which rises out of the ashes. This transformative totem indicates that you have to burn your lower nature to allow the most splendid parts of your nature to live and grow. Fortunately, most Scorpios lean towards the phoenix.   In appearance you will be well proportioned, strong in body, muscular, and with a broad face and a commanding look. Your eyes, as already mentioned, are your strong point.   You are a tireless worker and generally achieve great success after the middle part of life.   The life of a Scorpio is challenging, but there’ll never be a dull moment.   hope this all help


  简称: Sco 英文: Scorpion     求采纳






  leo的读音:英 [ˈli:əʊ]   美 [ˈli:oʊ]。   Leo英 [ˈli:əʊ]   美 [ˈli:oʊ]   n.狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等),(天文)狮子座;[电影]灰白岁月,利奥(人名)。   Leo的用法示例如下:   1.He stared into Leo's unblinking eyes.   他凝视着利奥一眨不眨的双眼。   2.Leo went on, his dark eyes wide with pity and concern.   利奥接着说下去,他的黑眼睛瞪得大大的,充满怜悯和关切。   3.That is because you are a Leo.   那是因为你是狮子座的。   4.Leo and Capricorn both enjoy status and possessions.   狮子和魔都喜欢地位和拥有。   




  Vae、- =、


  导读:性格潜质会因环境有所变化,良好的生活习惯有助于改造性格缺陷,实现理想人生。   天蝎座:性格高雅、曲高合寡、缺乏亲和力、有实力而不善逢迎、目光敏锐、孤独、被世界异化。   天蝎,生于秋深。性喜静,意清幽。爱之切,怨亦深。本质轻名利,但拥有成名得利的天赋。   偏重灵与肉的完美结合。直觉力之准之锐,行动力之潇洒之特,常令徒有虚表之人忌愤不已。天蝎,一个别具一格的星座。格调分明有别常人,心胸高妙不露于表。常容人难容之事,亦笑人可笑之处。       对于朋友,重质不重量,高度要求知心。宁可孤独,也不违心。对于爱情,宁缺毋滥。宁可抱憾终生,也不苟且凑合。风流不羁的言行下,执着追求一种宗教意识的爱情信仰。内心具有高度责任性,忠诚性,自律性以及矛盾性。浪漫儒雅,风趣超脱。拥有奇异诱人的容貌气质。根本上,提倡由爱生性的性爱模式,鄙视纯粹的兽性性行为,但,自己却又常在意志薄弱时,自虐般地沉溺其间。       天蝎大多恩怨分明,黑白绝不混肴。犹如包公,宁可得罪众官,也要奖惩公道。多思少言的特质,齐全透彻的智慧,使一切真相假面恐慌不已。因此,本质静默孤僻的天蝎们极易招惹他人的非难和灌上莫须有的罪名。而其强硬又柔弱的本质,常使其背负黑锅也不辩护,不低头。典型的“独当千古错,冷漠自逍遥”的天蝎风格。只有在忍无可忍时,天蝎才会真正采取报复行为。可也因其很多时候过于忍辱负重,好比老实人发火,报复也就更显突兀强劲,反令圆滑的小人真正的祸首们恼羞成怒,借机大肆渲染。由于天蝎有隐忍为善的一面,更有别致的独特气质,从而也导致了天蝎倍受他人嫉妒却常被反咬一口的现象出现。也因为典型的天蝎,并不擅长疏通改善人际关系,更不善于有效地表达澄清自己,从而成为了十二星座里最具争议的一个星座。       天蝎们拥有天赋般灵性的思维,结合现实的洞察,产生了异于常人的思索角度。爱情观,友情观,人生观,皆如此。由于意识超常,天蝎们总是:苦于红尘无知音,不如隐形爱孤独。天蝎的确就是这样极端:不是最另类的现代人,就是最另类的原始人。       人们研究天蝎的误区在于没有能力到达天蝎的心理根本。   其实,天蝎们一生都在寻求知心的朋友,同时他们也容忍对手的存在,但,并非制造敌人。要知道,天蝎本性不好战,但具备战斗的智慧和能量。请注意:这是关键。所以你可以成为天蝎的对手和朋友,但,不要把天蝎当敌人。因为,天蝎从不主动侵犯他人的利益。你也不要做些低层次的敌对事情,那只能显得你自己无聊挫败。比如:如果你煽动众人,想用流言蜚谣打击算计,甚至孤立天蝎,那么不久你就会发现天蝎依旧活得很洒脱,很独特。因为,他们本来没有把你当敌人,某种意义上,是你自己“自作多情”,以小人之心度君子之腹了。而这种俗不可耐的敌对伎俩,对于天蝎们来说,无疑是一堆可笑差劲的破招。天蝎生性渴望理解,却不奢求理解,安于孤独,更能乐于孤独。天蝎的优势在于,对于别有用心的人,能够一眼看穿,并完全做到视若无睹。也许,当你自鸣得意时,天蝎想的正是不和这头牲口一般见识!看,天蝎就是这样的心态,清高地忍让,忧郁地承受,却,酷得干脆利落,宛如一位高超的剑手,不是不过招,只是你非对手。为什么你非对手,因为你已经把自己立意为敌人。对于敌人,不用过招。兴趣无时不屑一顾。兴趣来时,一剑定胜负。这种彻骨的冷静和孤高,也正是天蝎人虽不招惹别人,却还是招致阴险有毒的恶名的根本。而,也只有天蝎自己知道,真正恶毒的其实是你!但是,一切也都没有用,要知道,能够忍受孤独的人,也就是最无所畏惧的人了。这也就是天蝎为什么可以在铺天盖地的恶名谣传里,依旧活出自己风格的原因。......余下全文>>


  ?゛she 、 | ?゛ he 、   ℡Soul | ℡Mate   Forget、love | Stop、love   Xummer. | Dummer.   Tangled fate |fate catching   丶IDoser | 丶Somuns   丶Give | 丶Save   丶 I Doser  |  丶 Somuns   ______0nly、 | ______Just、   _Climb, the |  _Drift, the   ma1__、Les | m1ng__、Les   Xummer. | Dummer.   Game、  |  Over、   supermanゝ | supergrilゝ   Yearn、You、| Need、You、   Kiиg˙  |  Q ёеи˙   WiNt Er。 |  SuMm Er。   纯英文:╰B1ack  | ╰Wh1te   ╰ 'unique love. | ╰ 'only  love.   Believe 、 | Eternal、   _Climb, the | _Drift, the   ˊ-SummeR | ˊ-WinteR   女:Vienci  | 男:Tнаedi   Te amo . | Ti amo .   miss.you | i.love.you   ゝ K-ing 、  | ゝ Q-ueen


  双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) 英文名:Gemini     双子座   总有一、两个显著的优点及特大号的缺点   双子座的人通常都有一、两个显着的优点及一、两个持大号的缺点。这使得你在赞美或批评双子座时,都容易流于夸张与情绪化。要得体地描述双子座人的性情,得花时间与他朝夕相处,才能证据充分,一针见血。   一般人认为双子座是双面人,具有双重性格。这是因为一般人在观察人的时候,久缺变化观察角度的能力所致。一个「见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话」的双子座,必具有相当强的语言技巧及沟通能力,他同时了解人和鬼,却不能因此论断他是既人且鬼,或可人可鬼,甚至说他不人不鬼的。他只对存在于宇宙之间的事物,比常人多一分因好奇而得来的理解力。因此,要了解双子座,你的好奇心与理解力都不能太差。   在利落中有许多难以分割的层次   察颜观色,是双子座人的看家本领。加上他的口才,他总是很快便能有效掌握住别人的心思,并说服对方。   双子座人的眉眼和他的手脚一样利落,但在利落中又带着许多难以分割的层次;刚中带柔,细而不乱。是企划与管理部门不可多得的人才。而且他的执行能力亦强,只是较不信任别人,宁可独自接受挑战。别误会他是那种喜欢揽功在身的人,他只是欣然接受应得的标榜罢了。   双子座的人爱名,但又不愿浪得虚名,他喜欢自己成为别人心目中的「实力派」人士。他喜欢做起事来有声有色,虽不必一定要标新立异,却也绝不能不坚持自己的独特风格。他很高兴远亲近邻知道他是一个和善的、愿意合作的,却不会为了任何人委屈自己,使自己看起来俗气、乡愿。   求生意志与求胜心,使他得了金牌   公开场合或桌底下的斗争,双子座都不甘居下风。只要有必要,明争暗斗,他来者不拒。可是,他不认为争斗是高级人类所当为,万一被扯进低级人类的纷争中,他也绝不会秀才被兵欺;求生意志与求胜心,使双子座得了不少金牌。而你必须尊重他那些金牌得来不易。   双子座的人不惜以惨痛的经验来取得宝贵的教训。花钱买教训,也是常有的事。如果他在说服你的时候,搬出他的亲身经验,而你仍面露疑色或不驯的神情,他必在结论奉送你一句话:「你一听老人言,吃亏在眼前。到时候怎么可都不知道,而且死有余辜哦!」他不想干涉你的事。但你一旦已找上他诉苦,他劝你,你一听,他便会严厉地为下一个可怕的预言。准不准?那要看你有多不听话才知道罗。   好玩、好动、好奇,讲求共通性   双子座的人,才情洋溢,并具有强度的感染力。因为他们善于在游戏的气氛中,亲近你,瓦解你的武装,引导你开发自己潜藏的快乐的能力。   好玩、好动、好奇,使双子座像一枚跳动不休的火焰,时强时弱,却永不熄灭。他们精力旺盛,对工作认真,对朋友讲情意,对事业野心勃勃。但是他的情人,却常被他弄得精疲力竭,他的家人也常因他的情绪搞得鸡飞狗跳!为什么呢?双子座无法忍受一成不变的关系,固定的事物使他衰老得极快,也使他所爱的对象衰老得极快。   色衰爱弛,这是真的。对双子座来说,精神就是色。也就是中国人所说的“气”。毅志力左右了一个人的成败,他要求自己,也要求别人。不过,并不是很死板;有时候他对自己会松一点,对别人严一点。   “穷则变,变则通,通则达。”这是孔老夫子说的。却也正巧是双子座的处世观。他们喜欢「会动脑筋」的人。   放开心情人生如戏   曲折、离奇的氛围中,双子座的人嗅到爱情的踪迹了。他开始推敲,联想,反复判断。他逗弄你,你的痒处,不会很快告诉你真正的意思。你得禁得起他的撩拨,又沉得住气。直到他表明“来吧,攻击我”,你才可以真正行动。......余下全文>>


