永强阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字






  这是由美国塔罗牌协会(American Tarot Association,ATA)制定的,塔罗分析师们需要共同遵守的一些规则。原名为“ATA道德准则”。最早有6条,后更新了一条。1、I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.2、I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.3、I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials, levels of certification and experience.4、I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law.5、I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided.6、I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent.7、I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members.


  这是由美国塔罗牌协会(American Tarot Association,ATA)制定的,塔罗分析师们需要共同遵守的一些规则。原名为“ATA道德准则”。最早有6条,后更新了一条。1、I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.2、I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.3、I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials, levels of certification and experience.4、I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law.5、I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided.6、I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent.7、I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members.

塔罗占卜 我们会结束吗





  0.愚者 THE FOOL 塔罗牌的第一张,也是起点。愚者的生活态度是无拘无束的,充满冒险精神。愚者心中有理想为“现在”而奋斗。在逆位的愚者代表逃避问题和责任,固执和过分依赖他人意见。1.魔术师 THE MAGICIAN 魔术师得到天赋的创造为和无限的可能性。是着手新事物的时机了。逆位的魔术代表行为不切实际,缺乏目标,精神和情绪上的困绕,失去下面的态度。2.女祭祀THE HIGH PRISTESS 代表理念萌芽,同时也暗示要相信直觉,探索内心深处。逆位的代表你忽略了你的直觉和内心感受被纯粹的理智影响。3.女皇 THE EMPRESS 代表丰硕的收获和爱心,意味着计划实现或是迈进一个新阶段。同时也代表家庭和谐。逆位的代表家庭或两性关系中出现困难,过度理性而无法将感性一方表现出来。4.皇帝 THE EMPEROR 皇帝代表父亲,法律,生活稳定,也可以指碰到一个年纪及权力在你之上的人。也代表自律和努力而来的成功。逆位的代表缺乏自律与退缩。5.教皇 THE HIEROPHANT 暗示你屈服于某人或某个团体依照他人的期望行事,流于形式和规矩。逆位的代表新的思想形式。老旧观念的退却。6.恋人THE LOVERS 代表热恋。一段新关系的形成。也可是成为决定一段关系应否转变成突破。逆位的代表逃避责任与承诺,空想又或是一段关系的结束。7.战车THE CHARIOT 代表由于坚持而成功,也产意味着你对宿命正以理智,坚持抗拒旧传统。逆位的代表被积压的情绪蒙闭、需要创新去突破旧传统。8.力量 THE STRENGH 象征内心的力量足以面对任何的困难。逆位的代表逃避内心的欲望和恐惧,消极抵抗。9.隐者 THE HERMIT 暗示一段反省的时间,象征内心探索、及心灵上的引导,或者是由人帮助别人。逆位的代表孤单,要回到力量牌上找寻内在的力量。10.命运之轮WHEEL OF FORTUNE 代表改变,顺利迈向成功 逆位的代表也是改变,不过是面临困难,要回到隐士反省的课题上。11.正义 JUSTICE 代表结果的出现、诚实、负责任。也代表成功处理某项难题。逆位的代表相互谴责,无休止的争议或诉讼。12.倒吊人HANGED MAN 代表顺从环境,静静地等待命运的安排,也可以代表一段反省的时光。逆位的代表受到约束却拼命想得到自由,可惜时机未到,仍需忍耐。13.死神 DEATH 代表改变,某个阶段的结束,去


  才疏学浅,没听说过...不过塔罗牌没有护身作用,我只听云峰那家伙说过死神牌灵可以救你一命......   另外,你应该可以利用不同的牌(牌灵)来对不同的问题进行调节,比如说,带命运之轮(牌灵)可以稍微的改善一下你最近的运气(注意:带正位的),带皇后(牌灵)可以让你变得温和起来,让你的心变得更温暖......   但是,牌灵一说不被大众接受,我也不是很推崇这个。所以,如果你需要护身符的话,还是去寺庙求一个吧...


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