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  金兰之玄幻双恋(男与女) 金兰之绝代双贤(男与男) 金兰之妩媚双纤(女与女)


  最具耐心奖: 爬上墙头等红杏 【得奖评语】见过守株待兔的,但爬上墙头等别人‘红杏出墙’的倒是第一次见。) 最谦虚奖: 一般一般全国第三 【得奖评语】没有自称全国第一确实难得,但我们想知道他这个“第三”根据什么标准得的? 最腻心奖: 一脸的美人痣! 【得奖评语】想知道“宁缺勿滥”什么意思,看看她的脸就知道了。 最有学问奖: 阏!! 【得奖评语】经调查全国75%的网友不明白这个字的意思,其实是“郁闷(於门)”之意,因此该网名获“最有学问奖”实至名归。 最佳整蛊奖:猪是的念来过倒 【得奖评语】看过的100%会中招,没有不倒过来念的。 最自夸奖:帅得惊动党中央 【得奖评语】真的是吹牛不上税 ,但吹牛吹得这么有创意倒也难得,同时获奖的还有“毛主席夸我帅”。 最不合逻辑奖:非洲小白脸 【得奖评语】非常遗憾他没有来到现场领奖,我们非常想看看非洲的小白脸和台湾的黑人陈建州谁更白一点! 最具名人效应奖:怕瓦落地 【得奖评语】这条网名的创意不仅仅在于它巧妙地与世界名人帕瓦罗蒂谐音,更重要的是它提醒我们一个社会现状:现在危房多,尤其是那些在危房里上学的孩子,特别“怕瓦落地”。 最无里头奖:唐伯虎点蚊香 【得奖评语】能拿无里头的杰出代表周星驰的电影《唐伯虎点秋香》开涮,获此奖无可争议。 最痴迷网友奖:卖血上网 【得奖评语】古有卖身葬父,今有卖血上网;一个孝感天地,一个e网情深。 最花心奖:朝三暮四郎 【得奖评语】这个奖颁得有些误会,因为这位来自日本网友并不花心,他的真名是佐佐木,因为排行老四,故称佐佐木四郎,不幸的是他的汉语拼音不是很准,拼成了“朝三暮四郎”,故被人误会成花心大萝卜。 最佳组合奖:化腐朽为绵掌 【得奖评语】将“化腐朽为神奇”与“化骨绵掌”巧妙结合,创造出一个独具风味的网名。 最惊竦奖:听张国荣讲鬼故事 【得奖评语】“听张震讲鬼故事”是有名的午夜惊竦广播,但将人名巧妙一改,更具惊竦效果 1.见过叫 “卖血玩魔兽”的 见过个猎人叫“我是自愿的” 我还在纳闷呢 他口哨一吹 BB跳了出来 叫“我是被逼的“ 2.轻轻松松盖姚民(侏儒) 还见过一个侏儒MM的名字叫“一心想嫁牛头人”(貌似size不对滴哦,当心X生活不和谐 3.兽族猎人..”燃烧的胸毛” 兽族战士..”顶风尿三丈” 猎人:有怪party员先上. 宠物:party员 4.我


  最具耐心奖: 爬上墙头等红杏 【得奖评语】见过守株待兔的,但爬上墙头等别人‘红杏出墙’的倒是第一次见。) 最谦虚奖: 一般一般全国第三 【得奖评语】没有自称全国第一确实难得,但我们想知道他这个“第三”根据什么标准得的? 最腻心奖: 一脸的美人痣! 【得奖评语】想知道“宁缺勿滥”什么意思,看看她的脸就知道了。 最有学问奖: 阏!! 【得奖评语】经调查全国75%的网友不明白这个字的意思,其实是“郁闷(於门)”之意,因此该网名获“最有学问奖”实至名归。 最佳整蛊奖:猪是的念来过倒 【得奖评语】看过的100%会中招,没有不倒过来念的。 最自夸奖:帅得惊动党中央 【得奖评语】真的是吹牛不上税 ,但吹牛吹得这么有创意倒也难得,同时获奖的还有“毛主席夸我帅”。 最不合逻辑奖:非洲小白脸 【得奖评语】非常遗憾他没有来到现场领奖,我们非常想看看非洲的小白脸和台湾的黑人陈建州谁更白一点! 最具名人效应奖:怕瓦落地 【得奖评语】这条网名的创意不仅仅在于它巧妙地与世界名人帕瓦罗蒂谐音,更重要的是它提醒我们一个社会现状:现在危房多,尤其是那些在危房里上学的孩子,特别“怕瓦落地”。 最无里头奖:唐伯虎点蚊香 【得奖评语】能拿无里头的杰出代表周星驰的电影《唐伯虎点秋香》开涮,获此奖无可争议。 最痴迷网友奖:卖血上网 【得奖评语】古有卖身葬父,今有卖血上网;一个孝感天地,一个e网情深。 最花心奖:朝三暮四郎 【得奖评语】这个奖颁得有些误会,因为这位来自日本网友并不花心,他的真名是佐佐木,因为排行老四,故称佐佐木四郎,不幸的是他的汉语拼音不是很准,拼成了“朝三暮四郎”,故被人误会成花心大萝卜。 最佳组合奖:化腐朽为绵掌 【得奖评语】将“化腐朽为神奇”与“化骨绵掌”巧妙结合,创造出一个独具风味的网名。 最惊竦奖:听张国荣讲鬼故事 【得奖评语】“听张震讲鬼故事”是有名的午夜惊竦广播,但将人名巧妙一改,更具惊竦效果 1.见过叫 “卖血玩魔兽”的 见过个猎人叫“我是自愿的” 我还在纳闷呢 他口哨一吹 BB跳了出来 叫“我是被逼的“ 2.轻轻松松盖姚民(侏儒) 还见过一个侏儒MM的名字叫“一心想嫁牛头人”(貌似size不对滴哦,当心X生活不和谐 3.兽族猎人..”燃烧的胸毛” 兽族战士..”顶风尿三丈” 猎人:有怪party员先上. 宠物:party员 4.我




  花开有声。意蕴是:努力的过程不是没有回报的,花开也有一种声音,那就是收获与成长的声音,需要用心听。   简单文雅。   望采纳。我是散文写作者。呵呵。


  五行打油诗之二 There was a young lady of Niger Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside, And the smile on the face of the tiger Why? Two tower   五行打油诗之二   There was a young lady of Niger   Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;   They returned from the ride   With the lady inside,   And the smile on the face of the tiger   Why?   Two towers crashed down from the sky   Causing innocent people to die   Terror and war   What is it for?   I never will understand why   A Limerick for Paul   A middle aged man called Paul   Said 'No' when his angel did call   Please go away   I want to stay   I'm living and having a ball   I know that I'll meet you one day   But for now just please go away   I'm writing a book   If you want you can look   Just go and let me have my say   I'm good you can check with my wife   But sometimews I find I'm in strife   Don't pinch my car   Or you won't get far   And I'll make you pay with your life   I don't want to meet the Grim Reaper   But he seems to think he's my keeper   Now's not my time   I'm busy with rhyme   He'll just have to dig that grave deeper   Christine   There once was a girl called Christine   She smoked far too much nicotine   She coughed and she spluttered   The Doc came and muttered   She has to go in quarantine   Monique   There once was a girl called Monique   She had such a perfect physique   Her bust is so round   But mine can't be found   Beside her I feel quite a freak   Bertie and Gertie   A couple called Bertie and Gertie   Said life will begin when you're thirty   You lose inhibition   Try any position   Enjoy getting flirty and dirty   Ask   Don't read your teenagers diary   Life at home could become fiery   It's an easier task   More respectful to ask   Just make a discreet enquiry   There once was an old man of Esser,   Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser,   It at last grew so small   He knew nothing at all,   And now he's a college professor.   There was a young lady one fall   Who wore a newspaper dress to a ball.   The dress caught fire   And burned her entire   Front page, sporting section and all.   Let the heart soar freely in the sky.   Get ready for the moment to strike.   It is the day   To fight with grace   Give us the sword to win or die.   There was a girl called Jane Eyre   Sitting at night that dark as her hair   Hard as she thought   Forgot all had been taught   She soon fell asleep in the armchair   英语打油诗   一般的Limerick采用AABBA的韵脚,即为第一、二和五句为相同韵脚,三四句采用相同韵脚。 A limerick is a five line verse with the rhyme scheme of aabba. The a-lines should have five feet, while the b-lines have only three feet.It is normally, but not always light or humorous.   比如:   There once was an old man of Esser,   Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser,   It at last grew so small   He knew nothing at all,   And now he's a college professor.   欣赏下面的五行诗   A Day Challenge   You take up the challenge to write,   then stay up all day and all night.   To think of a verse   can be a real curse.   You want all the words to be right.   Don't worry if your words sound daft.   Remember it's only a draft   and then if you're wise   next month you'll revise   and wonder if others have laughed.   You might have enough for a book.   If you haven't, don't cry or sook.   Sit down and write more   than you did before.   When it's published I'll have a look.   I wish you success with your dreams.   It's easy if we work in teams   so all in due course   lets give it more sauce.   It isn't as tough as it seems.   Kitchen Capers   There’s capers afoot in the kitchen.   The cat is quite drunk and it’s twitchin’,   It drank two pints of ale,   Then lapped up a cocktail,   Danced a jig then said, “It’s bewitchin’.”   Why?   Two towers crashed down from the sky   Causing innocent people to die   Terror and war   What is it for?   I never will understand why   A Limerick for Paul   A middle aged man called Paul   Said 'No' when his angel did call   Please go away   I want to stay   I'm living and having a ball   I know that I'll meet you one day   But for now just please go away   I'm writing a book   If you want you can look   Just go and let me have my say   I'm good you can check with my wife   But sometimews I find I'm in strife   Don't pinch my car   Or you won't get far   And I'll make you pay with your life   I don't want to meet the Grim Reaper   But he seems to think he's my keeper   Now's not my time   I'm busy with rhyme   He'll just have to dig that grave deeper   Christine   There once was a girl called Christine   She smoked far too much nicotine   She coughed and she spluttered   The Doc came and muttered   She has to go in quarantine   Monique   There once was a girl called Monique   She had such a perfect physique   Her bust is so round   But mine can't be found   Beside her I feel quite a freak   Bertie and Gertie   A couple called Bertie and Gertie   Said life will begin when you're thirty   You lose inhibition   Try any position   Enjoy getting flirty and dirty   Ask   Don't read your teenagers diary   Life at home could become fiery   It's an easier task   More respectful to ask   Just make a discreet enquiry




  女生:   ら、唯你不爱   ▓戏剧小丑   - 冷眸 Cruel   #  情非得已°   ら、无肉不欢   ◇◆ 一指年华'   ﹌半吊子二货   ゆ 王子的灰姑娘   〆. ﹏结婚狂。   0°C 奢侈   情绪控 hea2t/▲   v、我们的小情话   ゞ思メ恋乀   Hei╮你的内裤掉啦   丶苏浅夏__   醉 梦°   ぐ晴兲娃娃ノ   Summer〆梦醒   男生:ゞ灬顾影自怜   ゞ灬好了伤疤忘了疼的男人   干涸的记忆 さ   请带我走 我不怕坎坷∮   ∞ 站在教学楼下只为等你   心凉 ∞   Smile & 忧伤   青誮°Sunny   づ嫣然し☆ve   陌、诺﹌   ______暖瞳丶   ╰dear、爱你


  shine Q


