永强阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  enchanter A witch A sorceress magician conjurer 名称法师的名字有很多,可以叫他们巫师、女巫、男巫、占卜者、预言家等。 故事魔法师就是那些能够变魔法的人,不论这种魔法是邓布利多教授在魔法学校教授的那些,还是乡村巫师念的咒语那样的小把戏,或者是舞台逃脱魔术表演大师胡迪尼表演的那种魔法。在世界的各种文化中都存在这样的神奇魔法师。 他们能够在天空中高飞,突然消失,或从空气中变出一束鲜花。他们宣称掌握着神奇的力量,可以使用很多技巧。虽然我们无法网罗世界上的所有魔法,但是我们还是在这里列出了几个基本的大类。传奇魔法师最传奇的魔法师要数那些出现在神话故事中的人物,任何事情都难不倒他们。 他们可以在空中飞行,能同时在两个不同的地方出现和消失,能够变出自己想要的东西,能够变形,能够变成动物等,他们还能够预测未来,治愈疾病,能够在时空中穿梭。有些传奇魔法师对于诅咒和毒药也很有研究。


  英文原文:   Hello, I'm an Easter Bunny.   英式音标:   [həˈləʊ; he-] , [aɪm] [æn; ən] [ˈiːstə(r)] [ˈbʌnɪ] .   美式音标:   [hɛˈloˌ hə-] , [aɪm] [ənˌæn] [ˈiːstər] [ˈbʌni] .

金牛座 水瓶座 天枰座的英语简单介绍

  Taurus 金牛座   Birth: Apr. 21 - May 21   Key Words   producing, possessing, enjoying   Personality   Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing growth and development. Taurus is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, and determined. It does'nt like changes, given its reserved and practical nature. Taureans show a great interest in all physical matters. Taurus is faithful to friends and lovers. However, when insulted Taureans remember it forever. No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth than Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and seeks harmony with its surroundings. Taureans like being part of a team. However, they have a reputation for stubbornness. Taureans are good teachers, scientists, designers, and chefs.   Birthstone   rose quartz, emerald   Attracting Signs   Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn   Celebrities   Barbra Streisand, Audrey Hepburn, William Shakespeare   出生月份 4月21日-5月21日   关键词   勤奋的,储蓄的,享受的   性格   金牛座是十二宫的第二个星座, 代表成长。   金牛座耐心,可靠,热心,有爱心,有毅力,富有实干精神。金牛座的人不喜变化,个性内敛,务实,钟爱一切自然的物质,对朋友和恋人感情真诚专一。但是当金牛座的人受到欺辱时,他会永远把它记住。   金牛座和其他十二宫的星座相比较,它是离地球最近的。金星是金牛座的守护星,并和谐地围绕在它周围。   金牛座的人喜欢团队活动。   但是, 他们也十分的倔强。   金牛座的人适合做老师, 科学家, 设计师, 厨师。   幸运石   玫瑰红石英,绿宝石   情侣速配   天秤座,天蝎座,摩羯座   金牛座名人   芭芭拉史翠珊,奥黛莉·赫本,莎士比亚   Aquarius 水瓶座   Birth: Jan. 21 - Feb. 19   Key Words   liberating, knowing, innovating   Personality   Aquarians have a good sense of humor. They are gentle and caring and they are not very sociable. They prefer to be alone or with their closest friends. That's why Aquarius chooses its friends carefully. They like to receive compliments and are ready to forgive when harmed. They can easily entertain other people which makes them charming and wanted. Usually they are calm and sincere. However, when they get angry, they can be dangerous. Most of the time they overestimate the sincerity and the promises of their partners for which they regret later on. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Aquarians are good workers and usually are paid well. Aquarians usually have many different hobbies and are creative and skillful in many areas. Aquarians are good computer scientists, doctors, pilots and writers.   Birthstone   hematite, amber   Attracting Signs   Aries, Gemini, Libra   Celebrities   Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Galileo   出生月份 1月21日 - 2月19日   关键词   自由奔放,精明能干,富于创新   性格   水瓶座的人富有幽默感。他们具有温文尔雅,体贴,但社交能力不强的特质。他们喜欢独处或和自己最亲近的朋友相处,这就是为什么水瓶座的人会仔细选择朋友的原因。他们喜欢恭维的语言,当受到伤害的时候,已经准备好宽恕的心理。他们易使他人身心愉快,这使他们具有非凡的吸引力。他们通常心如止水,诚挚恳切。但是当他们生气的时候,也可能具危险性。大多数时候,他们会高估自己同伴的诚挚和誓言以致事后后悔不已。水瓶座的守护星是土星和天王星。水瓶座的人是优秀的从业人员,通常享有高薪。水瓶座的人有很多不同的兴趣爱好,在许多领域都富有创意和技能。他们是出色的计算机科学家,医生,飞行员和作家。   幸运石   赤铁矿,琥珀   情侣速配   白羊座,双子座,天秤座   水瓶座名人   达尔文,爱迪生,伽利略   Libra 天秤座   Birth: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22   Key Words   pleasing, balancing, socializing   Personality   Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered. Libras are perfectionists. They like to give a fair judgment when they hear all disputing sides. Libras are loyal, caring, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustworthy in friendships and relationships. Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. They like to be out in nature. The sign is ruled by Venus. Libras also are very devoted to what they do and always try to get things done with excellence. Libras are good judges, managers, writers and social workers.   Birthstone   opal, jade   Attracting Signs   Aquarius, Aries, Taurus   Celebrities   Nahatwa Gandhi, Brigitte Bardot, Nietzsche   出生月份 9月23日-10月22日   关键词   愉快,和谐,社交   性格   天秤座善于交际,喜欢融合于集体之中。天秤座的人具有优雅的绅士风度,喜欢受人钦佩和赞扬。他们是完美主义者。天秤座的人具有忠诚,体贴,正派以及适应能力强的气质。他们是朋友和周围的人可信赖的对象。有时候,这一点促使他们毫无理由的去控制他人。天秤座的人喜欢大型、开放的场所,如会堂和露天大型运动场。从本质看,他们喜欢到大自然中去。天秤座的守护星是金星。天秤座的人是优秀的法官,管理者,作家和社交家。   幸运石   蛋白石,翡翠   情侣速配   水瓶座,白羊座,金牛座   天秤座名人   甘地,碧姬·芭杜,尼采

金牛座 水瓶座 天枰座的英语简单介绍

  Taurus 金牛座   Birth: Apr. 21 - May 21   Key Words   producing, possessing, enjoying   Personality   Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing growth and development. Taurus is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, and determined. It does'nt like changes, given its reserved and practical nature. Taureans show a great interest in all physical matters. Taurus is faithful to friends and lovers. However, when insulted Taureans remember it forever. No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth than Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and seeks harmony with its surroundings. Taureans like being part of a team. However, they have a reputation for stubbornness. Taureans are good teachers, scientists, designers, and chefs.   Birthstone   rose quartz, emerald   Attracting Signs   Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn   Celebrities   Barbra Streisand, Audrey Hepburn, William Shakespeare   出生月份 4月21日-5月21日   关键词   勤奋的,储蓄的,享受的   性格   金牛座是十二宫的第二个星座, 代表成长。   金牛座耐心,可靠,热心,有爱心,有毅力,富有实干精神。金牛座的人不喜变化,个性内敛,务实,钟爱一切自然的物质,对朋友和恋人感情真诚专一。但是当金牛座的人受到欺辱时,他会永远把它记住。   金牛座和其他十二宫的星座相比较,它是离地球最近的。金星是金牛座的守护星,并和谐地围绕在它周围。   金牛座的人喜欢团队活动。   但是, 他们也十分的倔强。   金牛座的人适合做老师, 科学家, 设计师, 厨师。   幸运石   玫瑰红石英,绿宝石   情侣速配   天秤座,天蝎座,摩羯座   金牛座名人   芭芭拉史翠珊,奥黛莉·赫本,莎士比亚   Aquarius 水瓶座   Birth: Jan. 21 - Feb. 19   Key Words   liberating, knowing, innovating   Personality   Aquarians have a good sense of humor. They are gentle and caring and they are not very sociable. They prefer to be alone or with their closest friends. That's why Aquarius chooses its friends carefully. They like to receive compliments and are ready to forgive when harmed. They can easily entertain other people which makes them charming and wanted. Usually they are calm and sincere. However, when they get angry, they can be dangerous. Most of the time they overestimate the sincerity and the promises of their partners for which they regret later on. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Aquarians are good workers and usually are paid well. Aquarians usually have many different hobbies and are creative and skillful in many areas. Aquarians are good computer scientists, doctors, pilots and writers.   Birthstone   hematite, amber   Attracting Signs   Aries, Gemini, Libra   Celebrities   Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Galileo   出生月份 1月21日 - 2月19日   关键词   自由奔放,精明能干,富于创新   性格   水瓶座的人富有幽默感。他们具有温文尔雅,体贴,但社交能力不强的特质。他们喜欢独处或和自己最亲近的朋友相处,这就是为什么水瓶座的人会仔细选择朋友的原因。他们喜欢恭维的语言,当受到伤害的时候,已经准备好宽恕的心理。他们易使他人身心愉快,这使他们具有非凡的吸引力。他们通常心如止水,诚挚恳切。但是当他们生气的时候,也可能具危险性。大多数时候,他们会高估自己同伴的诚挚和誓言以致事后后悔不已。水瓶座的守护星是土星和天王星。水瓶座的人是优秀的从业人员,通常享有高薪。水瓶座的人有很多不同的兴趣爱好,在许多领域都富有创意和技能。他们是出色的计算机科学家,医生,飞行员和作家。   幸运石   赤铁矿,琥珀   情侣速配   白羊座,双子座,天秤座   水瓶座名人   达尔文,爱迪生,伽利略   Libra 天秤座   Birth: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22   Key Words   pleasing, balancing, socializing   Personality   Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered. Libras are perfectionists. They like to give a fair judgment when they hear all disputing sides. Libras are loyal, caring, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustworthy in friendships and relationships. Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. They like to be out in nature. The sign is ruled by Venus. Libras also are very devoted to what they do and always try to get things done with excellence. Libras are good judges, managers, writers and social workers.   Birthstone   opal, jade   Attracting Signs   Aquarius, Aries, Taurus   Celebrities   Nahatwa Gandhi, Brigitte Bardot, Nietzsche   出生月份 9月23日-10月22日   关键词   愉快,和谐,社交   性格   天秤座善于交际,喜欢融合于集体之中。天秤座的人具有优雅的绅士风度,喜欢受人钦佩和赞扬。他们是完美主义者。天秤座的人具有忠诚,体贴,正派以及适应能力强的气质。他们是朋友和周围的人可信赖的对象。有时候,这一点促使他们毫无理由的去控制他人。天秤座的人喜欢大型、开放的场所,如会堂和露天大型运动场。从本质看,他们喜欢到大自然中去。天秤座的守护星是金星。天秤座的人是优秀的法官,管理者,作家和社交家。   幸运石   蛋白石,翡翠   情侣速配   水瓶座,白羊座,金牛座   天秤座名人   甘地,碧姬·芭杜,尼采




玺[xǐ] 部首: 玉 部外笔画: 5 总笔画: 10 五笔86: qigy五笔98: qigy 仓颉: nfmgi 笔顺编号: 3523411214 四角号码: 27103 郑码: rkcs Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+73BA


  可字姓氏   可姓 可[可,读音作kè(ㄎㄜˋ),不可读作kě(ㄎㄜˇ)]   一.姓氏渊源:   第一个渊源:源于姜姓,出自春秋时期齐国公族庆父之后庆克,属于避难改姓为氏。   据史籍《元和姓纂》记载:“齐公族庆父之后庆克生庆封,以罪奔吴,汉末徙会稽山阴。后汉庆仪为汝阴令,曾孙纯避安帝父讳,始改贺氏。”在史籍《氏族略·四》中有记载:“齐桓公之子公子无亏生庆克,亦谓之庆父。”   姜庆克,亦称公孙庆可,其子获罪于齐昭公姜潘,先逃亡晋国,为晋文公姬重耳所厌,遂又赴吴国。   鲁僖公二十八年(公元前632年),齐昭公与晋文公联师与楚国战于城濮(今山东鄄城),晋文公会齐,宋、鲁,蔡、郑、卫,莒八国之君盟于践土(今河南原阳、武陵一带)结为同盟。其时公孙庆可的后裔子孙中有改姓氏为可氏者,以避齐国预伐之难。   第二个渊源:源于鲜卑族,出自十六国时期古鲜卑族氏族部落,属于汉化改姓为氏。   据史籍《魏书·官氏志》记载:“鲜卑阿伏干氏、可地干氏、可地延氏,并改为可氏。”   ①鲜卑族慕容部可足浑氏,亦称可朱浑氏、渴烛浑氏、渴烛氏,后多改汉姓为朱氏,亦有取“可”为姓氏者,称可氏。   ②鲜卑族秃发部可沓氏,亦称可达氏,后多改汉姓为可氏、达氏。   ③鲜卑族拓跋部可地延氏,可单氏,后多改汉姓为延氏、单氏,亦有取“可”为姓氏者,称可氏。   ④鲜卑族外帐姓氏可那氏、可频氏,后多改汉姓为那氏、平氏,亦有取“可”为姓氏者,称可氏。外帐姓氏,属于“黑号之姓”中的分衍姓氏,地位卑微,为官者几乎没有,因此在《魏书·官氏志》中不予记载,但在北魏时期的其它官札中有记录。   第三个渊源:源于满族,出自金国时期女真族拿可氏部族,属于以氏族名称汉化改姓为氏。   据史籍《金史·百官志》记载:“拿可氏部封陇西郡,后改汉姓可氏。”   拿可氏部落在金国时期与其他九十八姓氏并称“白号之姓”,虽非王族姓氏一族,但仍属于贵胄姓氏之一,多为上层领兵将领,在金国时期属于高俸阶级。   拿可氏部族在金末元初时期,有改汉姓可氏者。   第四个渊源:源于蒙古族,出自古蒙古巴克西纳尔氏族,属于以部落名称汉化改姓为氏。   蒙古族巴克西纳尔氏,亦称巴可西纳尔氏,属于成吉思汗的庶支后裔,分居于东蒙地区的喀喇沁旗札萨克一带地区(今辽宁喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县)。   在元朝的初期,巴可西纳尔氏曾全族男壮随忽必烈征伐大理国,之后重兵围攻恭州(今重庆)长达十余年,其后裔子孙




  印光大师法语:读经须知   何谓恭敬?印光大师云:“净手洁案、主敬存诚、如面佛天、如临师保,则无边利益自可亲得。”凡欲阅读经典,须先洗手漱口、洁净几案、端身正坐、合起双掌,然后以拇指与二指翻开经本,慎重小心保护经文,勿令染污、勿使损毁。一则保持经文寿命,二则保持经文完整,三则能生福德及智慧性,四则远离诸过也。   何谓不恭敬?印光大师云:“若肆无忌惮、任意亵渎、及固执管见、妄生毁谤,则罪过弥天、苦报无尽也。”例如将经典放置不净几案上、或置于世间杂乱书中、或放置最底处、或床头上、或置衣物中,或用指甲划经页翻阅、令经篇上有指甲划痕,或用口涎沾于指上来翻经页,或用二指及中指夹起经文翻阅,或穿鞋时用手指提鞋、再用此手翻阅经典,或眼看经文、心思经文,双手无事,则闲摩其脚及脚指隙,然后再用手翻阅经典。或正在观阅经时,咳嗽、打喷嚏、打呵欠不用手掩口,或正阅经时,未将经覆盖便与人谈话、及大说大笑,或不端身正坐、及半坐半卧、并斜身翘起脚来阅读,或将经置于腿上翻阅,或将经书卷起,当小说唱本看等等。以上各举不敬经典有十五种,若详举则无量矣。   祈缁素大德,于观览经文之时,必须仔细思量,对于三藏圣教灵文,恭敬与不恭敬之福罪为要。


  For Taurus


