永强阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  满婳。不知道你们家乡是哪里的,在家乡里面这个“婳”字读什么,要考虑家乡方言,读了好听才好,它在古文里的意思是不错的。   婳,读hua,第四声   〈形〉   1. 美好 [fine]   婳,好也。——《广雅》   2. 奔驰貌 [speeding;gallopping]   微婳霍奕,别鹜分奔。——《后汉书》   3. 娴静美好 [elegant and fine]   婳,静好也。——《说文》   楚水之畔,伊人姽婳。——《一剪梅》


  小白鞋 不管是裙子 还是裤子 大妈还是小妹都百搭


  周杰伦, 告白气球   陈奕迅, 十年   杨宗纬、张碧晨,凉凉   庄心妍 走着走着就散了   赵雷 成都   许巍 曾经的你   林俊杰 可惜没有如果   李玉刚 刚好遇见你   筷子兄弟 小苹果(神曲)


  周杰伦, 告白气球   陈奕迅, 十年   杨宗纬、张碧晨,凉凉   庄心妍 走着走着就散了   赵雷 成都   许巍 曾经的你   林俊杰 可惜没有如果   李玉刚 刚好遇见你   筷子兄弟 小苹果(神曲)


  Thinking Out Loud - Jai Waetford   When your legs don't work like they used to before   And I can't sweep you off of your feet   Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?   Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?   And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70   And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23   And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall   in love in mysterious ways   Maybe just the touch of a hand   Well, me I fall in love with you every single day   And I just wanna tell you I am   So honey now   Take me into your loving arms   Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars   Place your head on my beating heart   I'm thinking out loud   That maybe we found love right where we are   When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades   And the crowds don't remember my name   When my hands don't play the strings the same way   I know you will still love me the same   'Cause honey your soul   could never grow old, it's evergreen   And, baby, your smile's forever   in my mind and memory   And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall   in love in mysterious ways   Maybe it's all part of a plan   Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes   Hoping that you'll understand   The baby, now   Take me into your loving arms   Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars   Place your head on my beating heart   I'm thinking out loud   That maybe we found love right where we are   we find love   we find love   we find love   we find love   love   So, baby, now   Take me int......余下全文>>




  坑巅的小模样   丢弃微萌的记忆   残旈逝暗香   当心情被撕碎   捂着心说胃疼   酒酒不能忘怀   醉酒写忧愁   孤独的流浪客   落泪让人温柔   急眼的家巧   记忆丶定格`   微凉の青春   ゞ潮流。单身   ら不分手的誓言   ゞ苦涩、无法释怀   今生缤纷了回忆つ   休闲★永恒   无奈的蝴蝶   你说的永久、不后悔   埋葬…伤痛   向阳花、幽雅   回忆、谁黯伤   浅唱、若相爱   何时再相见し   咱有的是逗!   无声的语言   夜~那么落寞   纠结_已成歌   轮回之后的窒息   残留着泪珠的眼睛   无人的角落   沉落的黄昏   时光让我爱着她   无情の伤悲   凝醉~心累   紫色的回忆   孤独的晚风   烟熏妆╮很淡   笑迎这结局   嗜血 シ成魔   暗香飘情愁   花落、若别离   盛开de、旧蔷薇   纠结、落泪   沉默是我最后温柔






  简单而不做作 有创意。比如有汉元素的 逗比缺文雅不伤风的


