永强阁 >风水知识 >星座运势


  A lion fell asleep, and a little mouse ran around him and woke the lion.   一只狮子睡着了,一只小老鼠在他周围跑来跑去,把狮子吵醒了。   He was so angry that he caught the paw of the mouse.   他非常生气,抓住了老鼠的爪子。   "Please forgive me," cried the little mouse. I'll help you someday.   “请原谅我,”小老鼠叫道。总有一天我会帮助你的。   The lion was amused by the words.   狮子被这些话逗乐了。   He thought, "how can this little mouse help me?"" But he lifted his paw and let him go.   他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮助我呢?”但他举起爪子放了他。

vb编个 测星座的程序

  两个标签,两个Text   Public Function Constellation(mDate As Date) As String   '星座   Constellation = Mid("摩羯水瓶双鱼白羊金牛双子巨蟹狮子处女天秤天蝎射手摩羯", (Month(mDate) + IIf((Day(mDate) - (19 + Int(Mid("102123444533", Month(mDate), 1)))) >= 0, 0, -1)) * 2 + 1, 2) & "座"   End Function   Public Function GetCNum(d As Date) As Integer   Select Case Constellation(d)   Case "白羊座"   n = 0   Case "金牛座"   n = 1   Case "双子座"   n = 2   Case "巨蟹座"   n = 3   Case "狮子座"   n = 4   Case "处女座"   n = 5   Case "天秤座"   n = 6   Case "天蝎座"   n = 7   Case "射手座"   n = 8   Case "摩羯座"   n = 9   Case "水瓶座"   n = 10   Case "双鱼座"   n = 11   End Select   GetCNum = n   End Function   Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)   Dim d As Date   If KeyAscii = 13 Then   d = Text1.Text   strConstellation = Constellation(d)   Select Case Constellation(d)   Case "白羊座"   s = "平时活力十足的你,今天却变得混身没劲!不想让感情只是三分钟热度,就仔细想想该如何经营。偶尔也要培养气质,去买本好书吧!今天没啥冲劲,不妨低调沉潜、伺机而动!"   Case "金牛座"   s = "会接触不少人,记得放开胸怀,别太闷了!睁大眼睛瞧,新对象或许就出现啰!一个轻松的聚会场合令你破费。工作:今天会和不少人开会,互动频繁。"   Case "双子座"   s = "无往不利、全力打拼!想让你安定下来,今天是个好时机!平时花钱很随兴的你,突然想作财务规划。今天会做一项重要决策,相信自己准没错!"   Case "巨蟹座"   s = "别老待在家里,今天是出外走走的好时机。和亲爱的他到户外踏青去!有场聚会将会让你破费。提升自己的竞争力,应接触些平时不懂的业务。"   Case "狮子座"   s = "收起尖锐的利爪,今天凡事好商量。强势的狮子成了温柔的小猫,只想依偎着心爱的他。会为家人购买一些小礼物!有人找你帮忙处理公务,你不好意思拒绝。"   Case "处女座"   s = "拓展生活圈,建立新关系的好时机。单身的人将感到特别地孤单,很期盼爱情降临。和朋友共同讨论合资的计划?工作: 要妥善处理合作案的细节? "   Case "天秤座"   s = "对事情能够屏除偏见,具有客观、冷静判断力的一天。对自己理念的坚持,让你在态度上也强势了起来。之前投资的都有获得回报的迹象。今天你让人感觉成熟稳重,可托付重任的样子!"   Case "天蝎座"   s = "顺路经过感兴趣的店,不妨进去看看。不要排斥相亲或是朋友介绍,也许会遇到不错的人选唷!适合出门逛街买些秋冬用品。初次相见的人特别值得注目,你从身上可学到不少东西。"   Case "射手座"   s = "年长的朋友可望对你提出有益的建言。今天是个适合向亲密朋友吐露心事的日子。为了讨好情人,不惜打种脸充胖子。要注意对长辈或年纪较长者,要比平常更客气一点的言词相待。"   Case "摩羯座"   s = "不论自己心情如何都要隐藏起来,多保持笑容才拉近与他人的关系。即使是亲密的人,还是要尊重对方的自尊心。真心诚意帮助别人,也是为自己开运。为了处理别人的事,自己的事都没做到一天就结束了。"   Case "水瓶座"   s = "是个不能一心二用的日子,顾得了东就顾不了西,力量宜集中在一件事物上。看人不能只看外表,小心有跌破眼镜的时候。一感到苗头不对,就要有修正计划的应变措施。心急的要求成果,反而越搞越乱,其实慢慢做的话,倒是还能蛮顺利就解决了。"   Case "双鱼座"   s = "陶醉于玩乐的气氛中,让你很high。热情参加朋友邀约的轻松聚会,会有意想不到的恋情发展。吃喝玩乐的开销颇大,小心控制。下班下课后的约会、休闲,可将压力一口气解消掉了。"   End Select   Label1.Caption = strConstellation & vbCrLf & s   End If   End Sub   Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)   Dim d1 As Date, d2 As Date   If KeyAscii = 13 Then   arr = Array(Array(90, 64, 86, 22, 94, 65, 83, 44, 93, 25, 84, 46), _   Array(62, 91, 83, 41, 16, 94, 48, 85, 66, 93, 22, 76), _   Array(83, 42, 91, 67, 79, 20, 94, 63, 80, 39, 96, 24), _   Array(26, 83, 63, 94, 36, 82, 24, 96, 45, 84, 59, 94), _   Array(92, 22, 87, 43, 89, 63, 84, 30, 93, 63, 81, 44), _   Array(66, 93, 19, 86, 57, 96, 44, 82, 25, 94, 39, 83), _   Array(82, 47, 90, 17, 77, 46, 91, 64, 77, 21, 94, 64), _   Array(45, 87, 62, 92, 19, 76, 62, 94, 44, 58, 23, 97), _   Array(91, 65, 82, 47, 93, 23, 76, 35, 94, 64, 77, 23), _   Array(20, 96, 44, 78, 55, 97, 27, 82, 66, 96, 46, 78), _   Array(82, 21, 92, 59, 79, 44, 90, 22, 78, 43, 95, 66))   d1 = Text1.Text   d2 = Text2.Text   n1 = GetCNum(d1)   n2 = GetCNum(d2)   Label2.Caption = arr(n1)(n2)   End If   End Sub






  In astrology,horoscope refers to twelve equal areas of the zodiac division.Western astrology that phenomena according to the "upstream,efficient" principle to reflect,dominate the human activities,so the twelve constellation represents twelve basic personality types or emotional traits.It tries to use the birth,birth time and the position of the heavenly bodies to explain people's personality and fate.


诚实回答,掉了!在父母面前都要撒谎,你不觉得累吗?如果你是父母,你希望自己的孩子骗自己吗? 所以不要说假话,他们是亲人,最多问几句怎么掉了的,下次别再弄丢了之类的话 采纳哦

求五年级英语小短文(关于猪年的)不要太难100________200字 3Q

  People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.


  姓名:小S / 徐熙娣 性别:女 地区:台湾 职业:主持人 演员 歌手 星座:双子座 血型:B 身高:160cm 不懂问 追问: 那个....有人说她是水瓶座......... 回答: 小S的网站上写双子座 应该是吧!




  However long the night, the dawn will break.


