永强阁 >风水知识 >星座运势




  In astrology,horoscope refers to twelve equal areas of the zodiac division.Western astrology that phenomena according to the "upstream,efficient" principle to reflect,dominate the human activities,so the twelve constellation represents twelve basic personality types or emotional traits.It tries to use the birth,birth time and the position of the heavenly bodies to explain people's personality and fate.


  这就是人马座星图。古希腊人把它想象为张弓搭箭的马人嘎戎,箭头正指向西面的那只大蝎子(天蝎座)。你注意这个星座中的μ,λ,φ,σ,τ,ζ 六颗星,他们也组成了一个勺子形状,勺子最前端的ζ和 τ两颗星就指向牛郎星,我国古代把他们称为“南斗”,“北斗七星南斗六”这历来是看星家的口诀。不过南斗六星只有一颗2m星,其他都是3,4m的暗星,所以远不如北斗七星那么一目了然。我国古代把人马座这一区域的星分成两部分,南斗六星是斗宿,嘎戎弓箭下边的星属箕宿。斗是量米用的,箕是扬粮食用的,它们都是农具,常常并称。 人马座正对着银心方向,所以它里面的星团和星云特别多。在南斗σ和λ两星连线向西延长一倍的地方,可以看到一小团云雾样的东西,这其实是个星云。在望远镜里看上去,它是有三块红色的光斑组成的,十分好看,被称为“三叶星云”。人马座里的星云还有不少,比如在南斗斗柄μ星的北面,有个星云很像马蹄子的形状,因此被称为“马蹄星云”。


  这就是人马座星图。古希腊人把它想象为张弓搭箭的马人嘎戎,箭头正指向西面的那只大蝎子(天蝎座)。你注意这个星座中的μ,λ,φ,σ,τ,ζ 六颗星,他们也组成了一个勺子形状,勺子最前端的ζ和 τ两颗星就指向牛郎星,我国古代把他们称为“南斗”,“北斗七星南斗六”这历来是看星家的口诀。不过南斗六星只有一颗2m星,其他都是3,4m的暗星,所以远不如北斗七星那么一目了然。我国古代把人马座这一区域的星分成两部分,南斗六星是斗宿,嘎戎弓箭下边的星属箕宿。斗是量米用的,箕是扬粮食用的,它们都是农具,常常并称。 人马座正对着银心方向,所以它里面的星团和星云特别多。在南斗σ和λ两星连线向西延长一倍的地方,可以看到一小团云雾样的东西,这其实是个星云。在望远镜里看上去,它是有三块红色的光斑组成的,十分好看,被称为“三叶星云”。人马座里的星云还有不少,比如在南斗斗柄μ星的北面,有个星云很像马蹄子的形状,因此被称为“马蹄星云”。


  英文:   摩羯座12.22-1.19   又称山羊座魔羯座   英文名称Capricorn   日文名称やぎ座(ざ)   德文名称Steinbock   Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of Capricornus, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August.   水瓶座1.20-2.18   又称宝瓶座   英文名称Aquarius   日文名称みずがめ座(ざ)   德文名称Wassermann   Aquarius the Water Bearer is an Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of September.   双鱼座2.19-3.20   英文名称Pisces   日文名称うお座(ざ)   德文名称Fische   Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October.   白羊座3.21-4.20   又称牧羊座   英文名称Aries   日文名称おひつじ座(ざ)   德文名称Widder   Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November.   金牛座4.21-5.20   英文名称Taurus   日文名称おうし座(ざ)   德文名称Stier   Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December.   双子座5.21-6.21   英文名称Gemini   日文名称ふたご座(ざ)   德文名称Zwillinge   Gemini the Twins is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of January.   巨蟹座6.22-7.22   英文名称Cancer   日文名称かに座(ざ)   德文名称Krebs   Cancer the Crab is a Winter Constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February.   狮子座7.23-8.22   英文名称Leo   日文名称しし座(ざ)   德文名称Loewe   Leo the Lion is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night during the month of March.   处女座8.23-9.22   又称室女座   英文名称Virgo   日文名称お......余下全文>>

简单介绍十二星座的特点 5分

  关于爱情   伐   ■白羊座——忠于自己的感觉,一有不对立刻转换跑道。   ■金牛座——重视内在远胜过外表的踏实派,逼婚会造成他的沉重负担 。   ■双子座——想按自己的步调享受恋情,却总是被反将一军 。   ■巨蟹座——凭直觉经营感情无往不利,可是要小心占有欲太强 。   ■狮子座——不喜欢主动发动攻势,自尊会破坏你的恋情 。   ■处女座——体贴的特质容易获得男性喜爱,恋情开花结果后又会显露挑剔的一面 。   ■天秤座——感情生活百发百中,一受到束缚就想逃 。   ■天蝎座——付出真心就会往前迈进,奉献一切,紧紧束缚住对方 。   ■射手座——易冷易热,习惯见异思迁的感情流浪者 。   ■摩羯座——兴趣多但略显消极,要打长期持久战才能胜利 。   ■水瓶座——甜蜜的关系有什么好玩的?跟好朋友闹在一起才来劲 。   ■双鱼座——不懂得Say NO,永远处于被动,没有勇气提分手而持续忍耐 。


  白羊座 Aries: [ 'ɛəri:z ] 金牛座 Taurus: [ 'tɔ:rəs ] 双子座 Gemini: [ 'dʒeminai ] 巨蟹座 Cancer: [ 'kænsə ] 狮子座 Leo: [ 'li(:)əu ] 处女座 Virgo: [ 'və:gəu ] 天秤座 Libra: [ 'librə ] 天蝎座 Scorpio: [ 'skɔ:piəu ] 射手座 Sagittarius: [ ,sædʒi'tɛəriəs ] 摩羯座 Capricornus: [ ,kæpri'kɔ:nəs ] 水瓶座 Aquarius: [ ə'kweriəs ] 双鱼座 Pisces: [ 'pisi:z ]


  Taboo Behaviour taboo: \ \ With the index finger means, Hold the fist fight with another only in the open palm, or cinch fist, thumb inserted between the index and middle fingers were considered extremely impolite action. \ \ Do not Chaiyao hands, because it is angry that. \ \ In Singapore, as spiritual head of the host, the first touch others would have suffered a sense of insult. Do not touch the children especially in the first. Do not hug in public places or kissing anyone. \ \ Do not chopsticks when eating a bowl or on a plate with vegetables, when not, and do not cross display, should be placed on trays, soy sauce dish, or put the plate on the bone slices. \ \ For sailors, fisherman or other hobbies are boating with the seats, not to the half-eaten plate of fish reversed, as it would herald the ship capsizing, we should remove the fish bone from the top to eat below. \ \ New Year is not discredited, shampoo, it will be good luck Saodiao wash; things do not break the house, especially not to break the mirror because it would herald a family split or other unfortunate things; do not wear old clothing, no needles and scissors, they would bring bad luck. \ \ Digital bogey Ban \ \ Singaporeans are "4", "6", "7", "13" and "37" and "69" is a negative figure, which most disgusting "7", usually try to avoid this figure. \ \ Ban bogey color: \ \ As for the wretched black Singaporeans, the fate of color, purple unwelcome. \ \ Their preference for red, the red for the solemn, warm, stimulating, exciting, a symbol of courage and tolerance. \ \ They also welcomed blue and green. \ \ Logo bogey Ban: \ \ Singaporeans on the packaging of goods prohibited in the use of some other types of Buddha images, are not permitted to use religious terminology. Taboo pig, turtle patterns. \ \ Talk taboo: \ \ Singapore bogey "Kung Hei Fat Choy" that "fortune" with the word "fortune", rather than the "windfall" is ill-gotten gains. \ \ . Gift gifts: \ \ Singaporeans believe that the presence of the gifts of open gifts is impolite and, therefore, when you saw告辞gifts intact on the side of millions of Biejianguai. \ \ Gifts with the local gift items can be general can be sent seasonal fruit or other food items. \ \ Sometimes can send cassette tapes, book, etc.. \ \ Smoking Notes: \ \ In Singapore, people are not in favour of smoking. In the elevator, public transport, cinemas, especially in government office buildings, the law provides for no-smoking, and offenders fined. \ \ Best to smoking with the consent of the other. \ \


  Aquarius     Aquarius spouses can make up for all that you lack initiative, as you expand the spheres of activity, he ( she ) will work with you to join hands together. As long as they can tolerate each other character differences, you will enjoy a fulfilling love, a happy marriage.     Aries     If the two Aries love and marriage, will never be boring and the long time. The eyes of other people quarrel, on the two of you when the thing is just the spice of life, playful romp. Two Aries personalities capable of generating complementary, so can contribute to a successful marriage.     The lion     You and Leo have carefully avoided each other 's privacy, respect each other the fiery character. Two people for each other is similar to delight, and will immediately with warm eyes show. You are the better part of me.     Sagittarius     If and the shooter's seat combination of enthusiasm, you will be like a volcano erupted. But the composition of the family need two people for a long time in the same place to stop, you can accept this point is a question. This is usually combined with cohabitation status maintenance, if this is a marriage preparation stage, also is a good way.     Generally paired constellation Aries     Pisces     If you combine with Pisces, will continue to make each other by stimulating. Even though you are able to meet each other's imagination, but the latent factors of instability, not for long. For Aries forward force, Pisces retraction force is more powerful.     Gemini     If the......余下全文>>


  Capricorn(the Goat)摩羯座   Aquarius(the Water Carrier)水瓶座   Pisces(the Fishes)双鱼座   Aries(the Ram)白羊座   Taurus(the Bull)金牛座   Gemini(the Twins)双子座   Cancer(the Crab)巨蟹座   Leo(the Lion)狮子座   Virgo(the Virgin)处女座   Libra(the Scales)天秤座   Scorpio(the Scorpion)天蝎座   Sagittarius(the Archer)射手座


