永强阁 >风水知识 >星座运势




  不是你是否值得对方爱   感觉都是自己很没有底气的   对方是否是你喜欢的人啊


  这是由美国塔罗牌协会(American Tarot Association,ATA)制定的,塔罗分析师们需要共同遵守的一些规则。原名为“ATA道德准则”。最早有6条,后更新了一条。1、I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.2、I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.3、I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials, levels of certification and experience.4、I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law.5、I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided.6、I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent.7、I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members.


  这是由美国塔罗牌协会(American Tarot Association,ATA)制定的,塔罗分析师们需要共同遵守的一些规则。原名为“ATA道德准则”。最早有6条,后更新了一条。1、I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.2、I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.3、I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials, levels of certification and experience.4、I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law.5、I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided.6、I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent.7、I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members.


  具体看婚姻状况 如果婚姻出现问题 多方面考虑 但是要慎重 如果婚姻没问题 绝对不要离 撕掉塔罗牌




  先看孔子写的十翼!因为这能教会你为人出事的几本原则!学习易经吗第一就是要摆正心态...一面日后走上不邪路!!!比如 易经杂说 !易经系传别讲 再次强调心态很重要!   然后可以看 易经入门的书了!这方面的书很多 个人推荐 周易译注(上下)上海古籍出版社出版的!去新华书店有很多这方面的书自己找找看有没有合适的!   等对易经有一定的认识了解就该看 其注解了 比如 易经图典精华 大易图典举要 中华易学大辞典 ---------等学习到这里已经有小成!在往后就看个人心态了!如果心态不正那供计就会拿去算命算卦了!那真是暴殄天物了!.........   如果继续学习那就要看大师之作了!通过故人的智慧来学习取其精华,去其糟粕!比如 焦氏与京氏 朱熹 船山易学 等..........这已经说的上中等成就了!观起数 理 知其象那是必须的!称个大师什么的也不过分了! 如果没有被虚荣所迷恋   那请抛弃书本回归原点..易经本生就是阴阳..不被书上知识所束缚.潜心静想.




  一般算牌前有几点非常重要:1. 清洁 手,桌子,要干净2. 清静 能不被外来的 "邪魔" 打扰(主要原因还是为了不被外界打扰)3. 保秘 不对外宣扬询问者的隐私4. 冥想 对环境以冥想净化对问题以冥想的方式反射出解答,其中冥想是最能影响占卜的结果,要成为一位好的占卜师,最要紧的便是要能掌握冥想法:。a 占卜前,先冥想。想象以自身为中心,四周环绕一个 圆...圆里无一切...安静,空荡如宇宙....b 再想圆的四周各有一股能量 风,火,水,土,请求它们给予力量.... 再想... 想象这四股能量正在 圆内聚集...渐渐的汇入自身....至此...准备告一段落才开牌...当得知对方的问题时,可以开始冥想.... 或许... 请求 询问者一起冥想问题...感受等.... 若是能握住对方的手一起冥想 效果更好...( 若是觉得尴尬,也可以由你拿牌,再请对方把手放在 牌上. )...冥想至有感应时再开始洗牌....解牌.... 其中不停止延续冥 想 ....当问题问完之后..... 可以准备收牌....之后,你已回到原来的世界......




