永强阁 >风水知识 >易经入门


  壬生卯月巳时失令失时,须然天干比劫均透但都以地支无强根,明显是偏弱的八字。以金为用神,木火土为忌神。   八字不是看缺什么的。


  尊敬的朋友:你好!   斗数世家很高兴为你解答: 提问难度太大 路过 希望别人能帮到你   采纳后心想事成,生活愉快,财运亨通


做为一个佛教徒,我竟然不知道什么叫拍五行,更不知道什么叫拍五行会破戒。请观察一下是不是正信的佛教徒。 --------- 犯戒和破戒,是不一样的概念。 犯戒、破戒是以你受了什么戒来判定的。 如果你受了五戒,“不杀、不偷盗、不妄语、不邪淫、不饮酒”做了,就犯戒。破戒需要看你做的程度。 如果受了八关斋戒、菩萨戒等,就按要求逐条找。


做为一个佛教徒,我竟然不知道什么叫拍五行,更不知道什么叫拍五行会破戒。请观察一下是不是正信的佛教徒。 --------- 犯戒和破戒,是不一样的概念。 犯戒、破戒是以你受了什么戒来判定的。 如果你受了五戒,“不杀、不偷盗、不妄语、不邪淫、不饮酒”做了,就犯戒。破戒需要看你做的程度。 如果受了八关斋戒、菩萨戒等,就按要求逐条找。






  应同时考虑葡萄糖和氯化钠的用法用量。1.葡萄糖的用法用量(1)补充热能 患者因某些原因进食减少或不能进食时,一般可予10%~25%葡萄糖注射液静脉滴注,并同时补充体液。葡萄糖用量根据所需热能计算。(2)全静脉营养疗法 葡萄糖是此疗法最重要的能量供给物质。在非蛋白质热能中,葡萄糖与脂肪供给热量之比为2∶1。具体用量依临床热量需要量决定。根据补液量的需要,葡萄糖可配成25%~50%不同浓度,必要时加胰岛素,每5~10g葡萄糖加正规胰岛素1单位。由于本品常应用高渗溶液,对静脉刺激性较大,并需输注脂肪乳剂,故一般选用较深部的大静脉,如锁骨下静脉、颈内静脉等。(3)低血糖症,重者可先予用50%葡萄糖注射液20~40ml静脉注射。(4)饥饿性酮症,严重者应用5%~25%葡萄糖注射液静脉滴注,每日100g葡萄糖可基本控制病情。(5)失水:等渗性失水给予5%葡萄糖注射液静脉滴注。(6)高钾血症 应用10%~25%注射液,每2~4g葡萄糖加1单位正规胰岛素输注,可降低血清钾浓度。但此疗法仅使细胞外钾离子进入细胞内,体内总钾含量不变。如不采取排钾措施,仍有再次出现高钾血症的可能。(7)组织脱水 高渗溶液(一般采用50%葡萄糖注射液)快速静脉注射20~50ml。但作用短暂。临床上应注意防止高血糖,目前少用。用于调节腹膜透析液渗透压时,50%葡萄糖注射液20ml即10g葡萄糖可使1L腹膜透析液渗透压提高55mOsm/kgH2O。亦即透析液中葡萄糖浓度每升高1%,渗透压提高55mOsm/kgH2O。2.氯化钠的用法用量(1)高渗性失水 高渗性失水时患者脑细胞和脑脊液渗透浓度升高,若治疗使血浆和细胞外液钠浓度和渗透浓度过快下降,可致脑水肿。故一般认为,在治疗开始的48小时内,血浆钠浓度每小时下降不超过0.5mmol/L。若患者存在休克,应先予氯化钠注射液,并酌情补充胶体,待休克纠正,血钠]155mmol/L,血浆渗透浓度]350mOsm/L,可予0.6%低渗氯化钠注射液。待血浆渗透浓度[330mOsm/L,改用0.9%氯化钠注射液。补液总量根据下列公式计算,作为参考:所需补液量(L)= [血钠浓度(mmol/L)-142] ×0.6×体重(kg)/ 血钠浓度(mmol/L) 一般第一日补给半量,余量在以后2~3日内补给,并根据心肺肾功能酌情调节。(2)等渗性失水 原则给予等渗溶液,如0.9%氯化钠注射液或复方氯化钠注射液,但上述溶液氯浓度明显高于血浆,单独大量使用可致高氯血症,故可将0.9%氯化钠注射液和1.25%碳酸氢钠或1.86%(1/6M)乳酸钠以7∶3的比例配制后补给。后者氯浓度为107 mmol/L,并可纠正代谢性酸中毒。补给量可按体重或红细胞压积计算,作为参考。①按体重计算:补液量(L)=(体重下降(kg)×142)/154;②按红细胞压积计算:补液量(L)=(实际红细胞压积-正常红细胞压积×体重(kg)×0.2)/正常红细胞压积。正常红细胞压积男性为48%,女性42%。(3)低渗性失水 严重低渗性失水时,脑细胞内溶质减少以维持细胞容积。若治疗使血浆和细胞外液钠浓度和渗透浓度迅速回升,可致脑细胞损伤。一般认为,当血钠低于120 mmol/L时,治疗使血钠上升速度在每小时0.5 mmol/L,不超过每小时1.5 mmol/L。当血钠低于120 mmol/L时或出现中枢神经系统症状时,可给予3%~5%氯化钠注射液缓慢滴注。一般要求在6小时内将血钠浓度提高至120 mmol/L以上。补钠量(mmol/L)=[142-实际血钠浓度(mmol/L) ]×体重(kg)×0.2。待血钠回升至120~125mmol/L以上,可改用等渗溶液或等渗溶液中酌情加入高渗葡萄糖注射液或10%氯化钠注射液。(4)低氯性碱中毒 给予0.9%氯化钠注射液或复方氯化钠注射液(林格氏液)500~1000ml,以后根据碱中毒情况决定用量。


  地豆草   地豆草,潮汕地区别名称为软枝假地豆、山地豆草等。本品为豆科虫豆科属虫豆。为一年草质藤本,生于山坡野地。   地豆草味微辛、甘、淡,性温,无毒。内服解暑利尿、祛风散气、入肺脾经。主治风寒腹痛、风湿水肿、伤暑身酸、伤风感冒等。   单方验方   1、治风寒腹痛:⑴地豆草30克,水煎,冲酒饮。⑵地豆草、三脚虎各15克,厚香头9克,水煎服。⑶地豆草适量,捶汁服。   2、治风湿水肿:地豆草根30克,体热加入冬瓜册,体寒加入瘦猪肉,水煎服。   3、治伤风感冒:地豆草、虱母头各15克,水煎服。   4、治伤暑身酸痛:地豆草30克,水煎,冲红糖服。或地豆草15克,蛇舌草、苍蝇翼各30克,水煎服。   本品内服常用量全草生品15-30克,干品9-15克。




  watch   [wCtF]   n.   注视, 注意, 手表, 看守, 守护, 监视, 值班人   vt.   看, 注视, 照顾, 监视, 警戒, 守护, 看守   vi.   观看, 注视, 守侯   adj.   手表的, 挂表的   watch   watch   AHD:[w¼ch]   D.J.[wKt.]   K.K.[w$t.]   v.(动词)   watched,watch.ing,watch.es   v.intr.(不及物动词)   To look or observe attentively or carefully; be closely observant:   注视:注意或仔细地看或观察;作仔细地观察:   watching for trail markers.   注意路标   To look and wait expectantly or in anticipation:   等待:抱有期望或有预见地看或等:   watch for an opportunity.   等待机会   To act as a spectator; look on:   旁观:作旁观者;旁观:   stood by the road and watched.   站在路边旁观   To stay awake at night while serving as a guard, sentinel, or watcher.   守卫:作为警卫、哨兵或观望哨而在晚上保持清醒   To stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise; keep vigil.   守夜:作为礼拜或宗教仪式而守夜;保持警戒   v.tr.(及物动词)   To look at steadily; observe carefully or continuously:   留神观察:注视;仔细或持久观察:   watch a parade.   看游行   To keep a watchful eye on; guard:   看守;保卫:   watched the prisoner all day.   整日看守犯人   To observe the course of mentally; keep up on or informed about:   对…关注:对思想过程保持关注;维持或掌握…的情况:   watch the price of gold.   对金价保持关注   To tend (a flock, for example).See Synonyms at tend 2   看护:照看(如一群家畜)参见 tend2   n.(名词)   The act or process of keeping awake or mentally alert, especially for the purpose of guarding.   警惕:保持清醒或精神上警惕之动作或过程,尤指为保卫的目的   The act of observing closely or the condition of being closely observed; surveillance.   密切注视:密切注视的行为或被密切注视的状态;监视   A period of close observation, often in order to discover something:   观察期:常为了发现某事的密切观察的时期:   a watch during the child's illness.   孩子生病期间的观察   A person or group of people serving, especially at night, to guard or protect.   哨兵:尤指在晚上担任警戒或保护职责的个人或一队人   The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.   放哨,站岗:警卫、哨兵或观望哨的责任岗位或时段   Any of the periods into which the night is divided; a part of the night.   更:夜晚被划分成几段之任一段;夜晚的一部分   Nautical   【航海】   Any of the periods of time into which the day aboard ship is divided and during which a part of the crew is assigned to duty.   值班时间:一天中被划分的要求部分船员在甲板上值班的那段时间   The members of a ship's crew on duty during a specific watch.   值班者:在某一值班时间值班的船员   A chronometer on a ship.   经线仪:船上的精密仪记时计   A period of wakefulness, especially one observed as a religious vigil.   守夜:尤指一个作宗教守夜醒着的时间   A funeral wake.   守灵   A small portable timepiece, especially one worn on the wrist or carried in the pocket.   手表,怀表:小型便携的计时器,尤指戴在手腕上或放在口袋里的   A flock of nightingales.See Synonyms at flock 1   一群夜莺参见 flock1   watch out   To be careful or on the alert; take care.   戒备:提防或戒备;注意   watch over   To be in charge of; superintend.   监督   watch it   To be careful:   注意留神:   had to watch it when I stepped onto the ice.   当我走上冰面就不得不留神了   watch (one's) step   To act or proceed with care and caution.   谨慎行事:小心谨慎地行动或前进   To behave as is demanded, required, or appropriate.   按要求或合适地表现   Middle English wacchen   中古英语 wacchen   from Old English wæccan [to watch, be awake] * see weg-   源自 古英语 wæccan [观察,清醒] *参见 weg-   watch   [wCtF]   vt.   注视; 注意   密切地观察; 为...守卫[监视]   看守; 照顾; 看护   注意等待   watch a game   观看一场比赛   watch television   看电视   watch the development of affairs   注意局势的发展   watch a baby   看护婴儿   watch a patient   护理病人   watch a flock of sheep   看守一群羊   watch a chance (an opportunity)   等待时机   He was watch ing the crowd go by.   他注视着人群走过。   The man is being watched by the police.   警方正监视那个人。   watch   [wCtF]   vi.   注意, 注视   照看; 监视   注意等待   守夜   He sat there watching, but said nothing.   他坐在那里看着, 但没说什么。   We cannot just watch with fold arms.   我们不能袖手旁观。   Watch out!   留神!   The old man watched for a chance to cross the street.   老人注意等待机会过街。   The nurse watches with the sick.   护士在看护病人。   watch   [wCtF]   n.   (手)表   看守; 守夜   注意; 警戒; 谨防; 监视   值班人员; 值班时间   [古]更夫, 值夜人   set a watch   将表对准   a watch beside a sick-bed   在病床旁守夜   keep watch at night   值夜   watch and ward   看管或守夜   keep watch against thieves   谨防小偷   keep a good watch over a child   好好照看小孩   I was on duty during the morning watch.   我值早班。   watchband   [`wCtFbAnd, `wR:-]   n.   表带   watchcase   [`wCtFkeIs, `wR:-]   n.   表壳   watchcry   n.   (=-word)口号, 口令, 标语   watchdog   [5wRtFdR^]   n.   看家狗   警犬   监视 人   watch-hour   n.   值班时间   watchhouse   n.   哨所, 岗亭; 拘留所   watch-keeper   n.   值班员, 看守人   watch-keeping   n.   值班   watchmaker   n.   钟表制造或修理者   watchman   [5wRtFmEn]   n.   看守人, 警卫员   [古]更夫   watchnight   adj.   除夕的   watchroom   n.   值班室   watchtower   n.   岗楼, 了望塔   watchword   [5wRtFw\:d]   n.   口号, 标语   【军】口令   暗语[号]   watchwork   [`wCtFw\:k, `wR:-]   n.   手表机构   watchable   [`wCtFEbl, `wR:-]   adj.   in the night watches   晚上焦虑不眠的时候   keep watch   [watch and ward]值班, 看守, 照料   keep (a)close [careful] watch on   密切注视, 严密监视   on the watch for   密切注意, 守候着; 监视着, 提防   on watch   值班, 监视   pass as a watch in the night   很快地过去, 很快地被忘掉   set a watch on   派人看守; 对...监视   thewatches of the night   夜间; 焦虑不眠的时候; 失眠时刻   watch for   等待, 留意, 当心   watch in   除夕的晚上不睡迎接(新年)   watch out [for]   当心, 提防; 注意!   watch over   照看, 看守; 监视   accumulator watch   电池手表   acorn watch   橡子形手表   alarm watch   带闹手表   analog-type quartz crystal watch   模拟[指针]式石英电子手表   assembled watch   成品表   astronomical watch   天文表   aviator's watch   飞行表   balance-wheel watch   摆轮游丝表   bicentennial watch   [美]二百周年纪念手表   blindman's watch   盲人手表   chronograph watch   精密计时表   chronometer watch   测天表; 精密航海表   comparing watch   比较表; 精密航海表   complicated watch   多用表(指除走时外还添上诸如打点, 秒表, 日历等附加装置的表)   crystal-oscillator watch   石英(电子)手表   cylinder escapement watch   工字轮式擒纵机构(手)表   decimal watch   十进位指示式(手)表   deck watch   测天表; 精密航海表; 甲板值班   digital-type quartz crystal watch   数字式石英电子表   dive watch   潜水手表   economical watch   经济(手)表   eighteen-carat white gold watch18   钻白金表   electromagneticwatch   电磁手表   electronicswatch   电子手表, 电子钟   elegant watch   宝饰(手)表, 装饰精美的(手)表   form watch   造型(手)表   game watch   比赛计时表   hack watch   航行表; 精密航海表   hurricane watch   飓风监视   hybrid watch   混合式电子表(指针与数字混合指示)   jewel wrist watch   宝石手表   lady dress watch   女式表, 坤表   liquid crystal television watch   液晶电视手表   moon watch   月球观察   Murrell quartz analogue watch   默雷尔石英模拟(手)表   navigator watch   领航(手)表; 航海值班   pedometer watch   里程(手)表   pendant watch   怀表   perpetual calendar watch   永久日历(手)表   precision watch   精密表   radio watch   无线电值班   repeating watch   打簧表   sidereal watch   恒星表, 天文表, 测天表   solar energy watch   太阳能(手)表   time-out watch   暂停(换人)计时表   tourbillon watch   旋转机构表   water polo stop watch   水球计时表   wireless watch   无线电值班(时间)   World Weather watch   世界天气监视网   watch   watch   AHD:[w¼ch]   D.J.[wKt.]   K.K.[w$t.]   v.   watched,watch.ing,watch.es   v.intr.   To look or observe attentively or carefully; be closely observant:   watching for trail markers.   To look and wait expectantly or in anticipation:   watch for an opportunity.   To act as a spectator; look on:   stood by the road and watched.   To stay awake at night while serving as a guard, sentinel, or watcher.   To stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise; keep vigil.   v.tr.   To look at steadily; observe carefully or continuously:   watch a parade.   To keep a watchful eye on; guard:   watched the prisoner all day.   To observe the course of mentally; keep up on or informed about:   watch the price of gold.   To tend (a flock, for example).See Synonyms at tend 2   n.   The act or process of keeping awake or mentally alert, especially for the purpose of guarding.   The act of observing closely or the condition of being closely observed; surveillance.   A period of close observation, often in order to discover something:   a watch during the child's illness.   A person or group of people serving, especially at night, to guard or protect.   The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.   Any of the periods into which the night is divided; a part of the night.   Nautical   Any of the periods of time into which the day aboard ship is divided and during which a part of the crew is assigned to duty.   The members of a ship's crew on duty during a specific watch.   A chronometer on a ship.   A period of wakefulness, especially one observed as a religious vigil.   A funeral wake.   A small portable timepiece, especially one worn on the wrist or carried in the pocket.   A flock of nightingales.See Synonyms at flock 1   watch out   To be careful or on the alert; take care.   watch over   To be in charge of; superintend.   watch it   To be careful:   had to watch it when I stepped onto the ice.   watch (one's) step   To act or proceed with care and caution.   To behave as is demanded, required, or appropriate.   Middle English wacchen   from Old English wæccan [to watch, be awake] * see weg-   watch   中古英语 wacche<古英语 wæccan   用法见 see   watch   care forguardlook atmindobserveprotectregardshieldtendview   watch   [wCtF]   n.   手表   see   [si:]   v.   看, 看见, 了解, 领会, 注意, 留心, 经历, 阅历   see   see 1   AHD:[s¶]   D.J.[si8]   K.K.[si]   v.(动词)   saw[sô] seen[s¶n] see.ing,sees   v.tr.(及物动词)   To perceive with the eye.   看:用眼睛观察   To apprehend as if with the eye.   了解:好象用眼睛理解   To detect by means analogous to use of the eye:   察看:通过使用与眼睛相似的物体侦察:   an electronic surveillance camera that saw the activity in the embassy yard.   电子监测器监视大使馆院内的一举一动   To have a mental image of; visualize:   想象:大脑中形成对…的印象;设想:   They could still see their hometown as it once was.   他们依然记得他家乡从前的情形   To understand; comprehend:   理解;明白:   I see your point.   我明白你的意思   To consider to be; regard:   把…看作;当作:   Many saw her as a world leader.   许多人把她当作世界领袖   To believe possible; imagine:   相信可能;想象:   I don't see him as a teacher.   我不把他当老师看待   To foresee:   预见:   I see great things for that child.   我能预见那孩子的未来   To know through firsthand experience; undergo:   经历:通过第一手经验知道;经历:   “He saw some service on the king's side”(Tucker Brooke)   “他为国王出征”(塔克·布鲁克)   To give rise to or be characterized by:   引起,象征:引起或以…为特点:   “Her long reign saw the heyday of verbal humor”(Richard Kain)“The 1930s saw the development of sulfa drugs and penicillin”(Gregg Easterbrook)   “她长时间统治期间为口语幽默的全盛期”(理查德·凯恩)“20世纪30年代是磺胺剂和盘尼西林研制开发完成的阶段”(格雷格·伊斯特布鲁克)   To find out; ascertain:   发现;认定:   Please see who's knocking.   去看看谁在敲门   Abbr. s.To refer to; read:   缩写 s.参见;读:   Persons interested in the book's history should see page one of the preface.   对这本书的历史感兴趣者可参阅前言的第一页   To take note of; recognize:   注意;认出:   She sees only the good aspects of the organization.   她只注意到这个组织好的一面   To meet or be in the company of:   碰上,陪伴:   I saw all my aunts and uncles at the reunion.   在团聚时我见到了所有的姑姑叔叔   To share the companionship of often or regularly:   经常性的会面:经常或定期和…在一起:   He's been seeing the same woman for eight years.   他和同一个女人约会已有八个年头了   To visit socially; call on.   拜访,访问:社交性地拜访;访问   To visit for consultation:   拜访:为了得到建议而拜访:   You ought to see your doctor more frequently.   你应该多去看看医生   To admit or receive, as for consultation or a social visit:   会晤:使进来或接见,如为了参考建议或社交拜访:   The doctor will see you now.   医生现在就来看你   To attend; view:   参观;观看:   Let's see a movie.   我们看电影去   To escort; attend:   保护;陪伴:   I'm seeing Nellie home.   我将送奈丽回家   To make sure; take care:   务必;当心:   See that it gets done right away.   确定可以立刻完成   Games   【游戏】   To meet (a bet) in card games.   下同样的赌注:在玩牌时下同样的赌注   To meet the bet of (another player).   与另外一个人下相同的赌注   v.intr.(不及物动词)   To have the power to perceive with or as if with the eye.   看得见:具有用眼睛或好象用眼睛观察的能力   To understand; comprehend.   领会:理解;明白   To consider:   考虑:   Let's see, which suitcase should we take?   让我们想一下该提哪一个箱子?   To go and look:   察看:   She had to see for herself and went into the garage.   她必须亲自查看,便走进车库   To ascertain; find out:   认定;发现:   We probably can do it, but we'll have to see.   我们也许可以做,但必须先查清楚   To have foresight:   预见:   “No man can see to the end of time”(John F. Kennedy)   “没有人能预见世界末日”(约翰F.肯尼迪)   To take note.   注意   see about   To attend to.   料理   To investigate.   调查   see after   To take care of:   照顾:   Please see after the children while I'm gone.   我不在家时请照看一下孩子们   see off   To take leave of (someone):   为(某人)送行:   saw the guests off at the door; went to the airport to see us off.   把客人送到门口;去机场为我们送行   see out   To escort (a guest) to the door:   送…到门口:护送(客人)到门口:   Will you please see Ms. Smith out?   请你送史密斯女士到门口好吗?   see through   To understand the true character or nature of:   识破:理解…的真正特点或特性:   We saw through his superficial charm.   我们很清楚他的表面功夫   To provide unstinting support, cooperation, or management in good times and bad:   帮助…度过(困难):在顺利或艰难时期给予慷慨的支持、合作与安排:   We'll see you through until you finish your college education. I saw the project through and then resigned.   我们会帮助你直到你大学毕业。我将这个计划完成后就辞职   see to   To attend to:   照料:   See to the chores, will you?   你会整理家务吗?   see red【非正式用语】   To be extremely angry.   火冒三丈:极其愤怒   Middle English sen   中古英语 sen   from Old English s¶n * see sek w- 2   源自 古英语 s¶n *参见 sek w- 2   see,behold,note,notice,espy,descry,observe,contemplate,survey,view,perceive,discern,remark   These verbs refer to being or becoming visually or mentally aware of something.   这些动词指视觉上或精神上意识到某物。   See, the most general,can mean merely to use the faculty of sightbut more often implies recognition, understanding, or appreciation:   See 是最常见的,它可以只指用视觉器官,但更经常暗示发现、理解或明白:   “We must . . . give the image of what we actually see” (Paul Cézanne).   “我们一定会对我们看到过的东西留下印象” (保罗·塞尚)。   “If I have seen further (than . . . Descartes) it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants” (Isaac Newton).   “如果我已经(比迪卡尔)看得更远,那是因为我站到了巨人的肩膀上” (伊萨克·牛顿)。   Behold more strongly implies awareness of what is seen:   Behold 更强烈地暗示对已被看见的某物的意识:   “My heart leaps up when I behold/A rainbow in the sky” (William Wordsworth).   “当我看见天边的一道彩虹时,我的心不由地跳了起来” (威廉·渥兹华斯)。   Note andnotice suggest close observation and a rather detailed visual or mental impression;   Note 和notice 指密切地观察和提供更具细节和视觉或精神印象;   note in particular implies careful, systematic recording in the mind:   note 特别暗示思想中仔细的、系统的记录:   Be careful to note where the road turns left.   注意道路左拐的路标。   I have noted and overridden your protests.   我已经注意到并推翻了你的抗议。   She didn't notice the run in her stocking until she had arrived at the office.   她到了办公室才注意到袜子抽丝了。   I notice that you're out of sorts.   我注意到你心情不好。   Espy anddescry both stress acuteness of sight that permits the detection of something distant, partially hidden, or obscure:   Espy 和descry 都强调视觉察觉远处(尤指被掩藏的或不清楚的)物体的精确性:   “espied the misspelled Latin word in [the] letter” (Los Angeles Times);   “发现在〔这个〕 字母中拼错的拉丁字” (洛杉矶时报);   “the lighthouse, which can be descried from a distance” (Michael Strauss).   “很远就能看见那座灯塔” (迈克·施特劳斯)。   Observe emphasizes careful, closely directed attention:   Observe 强调仔细、密切地直接观察:   “I saw the pots . . . red-hot . . . and observed that they did not crack at all” (Daniel Defoe).   “我看见缸子…又红又热…而且发现它们根本就不会破裂” (丹尼尔·狄佛)。   Contemplate implies looking attentively and thoughtfully:   Contemplate 暗示专心而且彻底地看着:   “It is interesting to contemplate an entangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes” (Charles Darwin).   “观赏长满各种植物,鸟儿在灌木丛中唱歌的杂乱河堤极为有趣 (查尔斯·达尔文)。   Survey stresses detailed, often comprehensive examination:   Survey 强调仔细地、经常是全面的检查:   “Strickland looked away and idly surveyed the ceiling” (W. Somerset Maugham).   “史蒂兰向别处望去,懒懒地扫视了一遍天花板” (W·萨默塞特·毛姆)。   View usually suggests examination with a particular purpose in mind or in a special way:   View 通常暗示以一种特殊的方式或带有特定的目的去观察:   The medical examiner viewed the victim's body.   法医检验了受害者的尸体。   “He [man] viewed the crocodile as a thing sometimes to worship, but always to run away from” (Thomas De Quincey).   “他〔人类〕 把鳄鱼看成可以崇拜的东西,但又经常从鳄鱼那儿逃离” (托玛斯·德·昆西)。   Perceive anddiscern both imply not only visual recognition but also mental comprehension;perceive is especially associated with insight, anddiscern, with the ability to distinguish, discriminate, and make judgments:   Perceive 和discern 两者都不仅暗示视觉上的识别, 而且暗示思想上的理解;perceive 尤其与洞察力相关, 而discern 则与辨别、区别及判断能力相关:   “We perceived a little girl coming towards us” (Frederick Marryat).   “我们辨认出一个小女孩朝我们走来” (弗雷德里克·马里亚特)。   “I plainly perceive [that] some objections remain” (Edmund Burke).   “我明白地看到〔连接词〕 还有一些反对者” (埃德蒙·伯克)。   Even with a magnifying glass I couldn't discern any imperfections in the porcelain.   即使有一个放大镜,我也不能发现瓷器上的任何瑕点。   Many in the audience lack the background and taste to discern a good performance of the sonata from a bad one.   许多听众不了解文化背景和缺乏审美情趣,不能区分奏鸣曲表演的优劣。   Remark suggests close attention and often an evaluation of what is noticed:   Remark 暗示密切地注意和经常对所观察的事物进行估价:   “Their assemblies afforded me daily opportunities of remarking characters and manners” (Samuel Johnson).   “他们的集会给了我每天观察其性格和礼仪的机会” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)   see   see 2   AHD:[s¶]   D.J.[si8]   K.K.[si]   n.(名词)   The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop.   主教:主教的职位、权力中心、管辖区或办公楼   Obsolete A cathedra.   【废语】 主教教座   Middle English   中古英语   from Old French se   源自 古法语 se   from Vulgar Latin *sedem   源自 俗拉丁语 *sedem   from Latin s¶¶s} [seat] * see sed-   源自 拉丁语 s¶¶s} [座位] *参见 sed-   See   See   AHD:[s¶] Thomas Jefferson Jackson (1866-1962)   D.J.[si8]   K.K.[si]   NONE(无词性)   American astronomer and mathematician who investigated double stars and developed the wave theory of gravitation.   西易,托马斯·杰斐逊·杰克逊:(1866-1962) 美国天文学家和数学家,他观测了双星座并发展了万有引力波理论   see   [si:]   n.   [古]=cathedra   总教堂, 大教堂   主教教座[教区]   主教的地位[圣职, 权力, 权威]


