永强阁 >招财风水


  招财进宝合体字是一道符,不是字,至少不是一个字。完全可以读作“zhāo cái jìn bǎo"。   招财进宝合体字的由来   招财进宝这个合体字意思的 招引进财气、财宝、出自元·刘唐卿《降桑椹》第二折:“招财进宝臻佳瑞,合家无虑保安存。”这是一个象征着吉祥的符。   符是一种被认为能够召致鬼神、厌镇精魅的奇特文书。它文字曲折难辨,似书,又似图,在道法中被大量应用。符书本来源于先民的文字崇拜。在文明时代,官方文书尤其是命令、政令,具有强制的权威,受其影响,在一般人头脑中加强了对文字的崇拜。从现有的文献看,道符形成于东汉,它是将凡间的权利象征搬至鬼神世界的结果。道符之造作盖模仿秦汉时的符传,主要由中原文字变形而成。符原是古代君主用以传达命令或者调动军队的凭信。起初盖刻竹为之,后来常用金、玉、铜等制作,朝廷、将帅双方各执一半,合之以为凭信。执符的使者因代表王命,将领须得听从其传达的命令。将人间的符搬到神鬼世界,于是便有天符、神符出现。   招财进宝合体字的主要作用   1、在易犯小人之情形时,可以在办公桌左边,安置吉龙,以镇小人。   2、在办公桌左边安置,有助于职位升迁或推展事业的作用。   3、家中男丁少于女眷,阴盛阳衰,欲求旺丁时。   4、屋大人少,无法聚财气人气的,可聚气聚财。   5、放在鱼缸旁,吸水纳财。   6、安置在屋宅的财位时或门窗旁朝外可聚财旺势。   7、校正人生命理运程,运势纠偏。




  提拉米苏Tiramisu   马卡龙Macaron   茶拉明Tulameen   特玛星浪Toamasina   嘉莉朵Galette   黑森林Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte   布朗尼Brownies   忌廉巴夫Piffle   戚风蛋糕Chiffon Cake   慕斯Mousse   香草布丁Vanilla Pudding   焦糖炖蛋Cream Brule   薄荷雪拔 Mint sherbet   可可芭娜娜Coco Banana   笑口早 I smiled back   沙华连 Saurian   糯米糍 Neomycin   棉花冰糕 Cotton ice cream   华夫饼Waffle   和风抹茶Matcha   蔓越莓芝士派   美式芝士饼USAcheese cake   德式蜂巢蛋糕Besting cake   牛轧饼Negative   脆皮朱古力蛋糕Prelate full entwine chocolate cake   榛子薄脆百香果蛋糕Praline Hazelnut full entwine Passion cake   椰青菜糕coconut cake   浓味朱古力杯chocolate in glass   芒果布甸Mango pudding   奇异果米饭吉士杯Kiwi custardin glass   朱古力布朗尼Brownies   香蕉杏仁饼Banana Almond cake   核桃挞WalnutsTarts   忌廉巴夫Piffle   椰子布甸coconut pudding   姜味香芒蛋糕Mango cake   脆皮朱古力忌廉蛋糕Prelate full entwinechocolate cream cake   核桃拿破伦蛋糕WalnutsNapoleon   德式芝士饼Germany cheese cake   纽约芝士饼New Yorkcheese cake   酸奶布甸Yogurtpudding   云石芝士蛋糕Marble cheese cake   白桃软心草莓蛋糕Strawberry and peach cake   传统拿破伦饼Traditional Napoleon   白森林蛋糕White forest cake   吉士蓝莓朱古力饼   Blueberry and custard chocolate cake   栗子忌廉饼Chestnut cream cake   栗子朱古力饼Chestnut chocolate cake   草莓朱古力千层饼Strawberry chocolate puff pastry   乳酪红心橘子甘笋饼Yogurt carrot cake   蓝莓杏仁牛油饼Blueberry almond butter cake   德国奶油香橙饼German orange cream cake   芒果芝士饼Mango cheese cake   百香果黄杏芝士饼Apricot thyme cheese cake   局草莓软心杏仁饼Baked strawberry almond soft heart cake   吉士蛋布甸   Custard pudding   法式炖蛋French pudding   鲜果者厘杯Fresh fruit jelly cup   金宝苹果批Apple crumble   玉桂香蕉朱古力忌廉饼Banana chocolate cream cake   浓咖啡朱古力忌廉饼Coffee chocolate cake   浓香椰子蛋糕coconut cake   朱古力沙架sacker cake   法式芝士饼French cheese cake   泰式红豆糕Thai-style red bean pudding   泰式绿豆糕Thai-style green pudding   泰式榴莲西米糕Thai-style durian sago pudding   泰式芭兰西米糕Thai-style sago pudding   红酒芝士饼red wine cheese cake   泰式南瓜吉士蛋Thai-style pumpkin custard   泰式黑米糕Thai-style dark rice pudding   椰皇黑糯米Dark coconut glutinous rice   印尼布甸Indonesian pudding   椰汁西米布甸Coconut sago pudding   泰式椰汁粟米糕Thai-style coconut sweet corn pudding   牛油面包布甸Butter bread pudding   绿茶布朗尼蛋糕Green tea cake   蛋菜糕Agar Agar jelly   烤柠檬忌廉饼Baked lemon cream cake   冻美式芝士饼U.S cheese cake   脆皮白朱古力黄杏饼Crispy chocolate apricot cake   草莓幕斯杯Strawberry mousse in glass   意式奶冻杯Panna cotta in glass   美式果皇幕斯杯Durian mousse in glass   酸奶幕斯杯Yogurt mousse in glass   朱古力幕斯杯Chocolate mousse in glass   菠罗软心椰奶忌廉饼Pineapple coconut milk cream cake   柠檬蛋白达Lemon egg white tart   什果鲜忌廉蛋糕Fresh fruit cream cake   苦味朱古力蛋糕Bitter chocolate cake   烤朱古力软心杏仁饼chocolate almond cake   黑白朱古力毛士   Black and white chocolate mousse   意大利芝士饼 Tiramisu   苹果批   Apple pie   什果者哩   Mixed fruit jelly   朱古力泡芙   chocolate puff   柳橙朱古力蛋糕   orange and chocolate cake.   黑森林蛋糕   Black forest cake                                   杏仁班戟   Almond pancake                                       曲奇饼   Home Made Cookie                                迷你果达   Mini Fruit Tarts                                   核桃牛油蛋糕Walnut butter cake   蛋塔Egg tart   绿茶蛋糕Green tea cake   粟子软心橙蛋糕Chestnut and orange cake   黄梅杏仁饼Yellow berry and almond cake   酸奶布丁Yogurt pudding   曼梅果牛油饼Cranberry butter cake   吉子芝士饼orange Cheese cake   瑞士卷Swiss roll   焦糖炖蛋Cream Brule   黄桃批 peach pie   甘笋饼Carrot cake   朱古力饼Chocolate cake   红豆糖水red bean in syrup   绿豆糖水green bean in syrup   鲜黑布李杏仁饼Plum and almond cake   蓝梅香草忌廉饼blueberry and herb cream cake   蓝莓朱古力饼blueberry and chocolate cake   草莓软心杏仁饼strawberry and almond cake   棉花杯Cotton glass   核桃酥Walnut puff pastry   杏仁饼Almond cake   蝴蝶酥Butterfly puff pastry   提子牛油蛋糕Raisin butter cake   萝卜酥Turnip cake   糯米鸡Sticky rice chicken   莲茸包Lotus seed bun   红茶蛋糕Black tea cake   巴巴乐菠萝软心饼 Le Baba cake pineapple soft heart   奥布拉饼Opera   鲜果斯佛列蛋糕 Gavriel Adams Fruit Cake   白朱古力雪堡 White chocolate snow fort   红茶忌廉毛士cream tea mousse   脆皮乳酪甘笋忌廉饼 Gann Crispy asparagus cream cheese cake   曼越莓杏仁果酱饼 Cayman more almond strawberry jam cake   巴菲核桃忌廉饼 Baffin walnut cream cake   芒果绿茶蛋糕Mango green tea cake   金宝毛士杯 Campbell mousse Cup   什果草莓忌廉饼Fruit strawberry cream cake   圣罗兰士挞Quiche Lorrain dandy   热朱古力软心蛋糕 Hot chocolate cake soft heart   马玲饼 MA Ling cake   手指饼 Lady Finger   南瓜吉士 Pumpkin custard   香芒糯米饭 Mango glutinous rice   榴梿蛋糕 Durian Cake   泰国珍珠菜糕 Thailand clethroides cake   白朱古力梳夫厘 White chocolate soufflé   香橙梳夫厘 ICED orange soufflé   榛子芭菲HazelnutBaffin   薄荷雪拔 Mint sherbet   沙华连 Saurian   炖雪蛋 Snow egg   黄金蛋糕 Gold cake   虎皮蛋糕 Tiger cake   西洋蛋糕 Western cake   戚风蛋糕 Chiffon Cake   千层蛋糕 Melaleuca cake   重油蛋糕 Many oil cake   笑口早 I smiled back   糯米糍 Neomycin   柠檬卷 Lemon roll   椰子蛋糕 Coconut cake   法式苹果批 French apple pie   美式甘笋饼 American Carrot cake   法式牛油饼 French butter cake   荷兰饼 Netherlands cake   核桃枣泥蛋糕 walnut Jujube cake   桑子忌廉饼 Raspberry cream cake   西班牙吉士饼 Gluten Basque   蓝莓梳夫厘蛋糕 Blueberry soufflé cake   柠檬蛋白批 Lemon morning tat   蜂蜜梨毛士蛋糕 Mao pear honey cake   朱古力马格翁 Chocolate macaroons   杏仁烤夫 Biscotti cookies   日韩咖啡者厘 Coffee jelly   法式咖啡炖蛋 Coffee cream custard   棉花冰糕 Cotton ice cream   朱古力挞chocolate tat   南瓜毛士Pumpkin mousse   巴巴毛士 Bavaroise mousse   冬日太阳蛋糕 Winter sun cake   炸甜莳毛士 Deep fried sweet potato mousse   白酒或红酒者厘 White wine or red wine were jelly   脆炸鲜奶 Crisp deep-fried milk   榛子朱古力饼 Hazelnut chocolate cake   姜汁香茅挞 Lemongrass ginger tarts   印度拉茶冻糕 India cold tea cake   香蕉果仁朱古力碎蛋糕 Banana nut chocolate cake broken   巧克力脆糖 Crispy chocolate meringues   草莓毛士饼 Fresh strawberry mousse cake   朱古力布甸chocolate pudding   蓝酒西米杯Blue wine sago glass   迷尔热情果挞 Seoul fans passion fruit tart   龙眼玫瑰露椰奶者厘Longman Ruth Rose are determined coconut milk jelly   芝麻薄饼Sesame pancake   焦糖核桃挞Caramel walnut tart   苹果挞Apple tart   冻金万利酒梳夫厘Iced grand mariner soufflé   冻桑子梳夫厘Iced Raspberry   soufflé   热金万利酒梳夫厘Hot grand mariner soufflé   热芒果梳夫厘Hot Mango soufflé   热朱古力梳夫厘Hot chocolate soufflé   热姜梳夫厘Hot ginger soufflé   酒醉樱桃蛋糕Drunken cherry cake   波士顿忌廉批Boston cream cake   烤葡萄芝士挞Grilled cheese grape tarts   高登饼Gateau Basque   白兰地小饼Brandy snap   云呢拿草莓蛋糕Vanilla strawberry cake   朱古力香蕉挞chocolate Banana tarts   椰奶法式炖蛋Frenchcoconut milk Cream Bret   榛子牛油白朱古力蛋糕Fin an crier with chocolate cake   华夫饼Waffle   欧亚蜂巢蛋糕Honeycomb cake   高洁夫饼Keg chop   马拉哥夫蛋糕Malakoff tort   姜味焦糖毛士蛋糕Ginger caramrl mousse cake   栗子薄脆蛋糕Chocolate paillete cake   红酒樱桃吉士蛋糕Red wine cherry custard cake   黄杏榛子酱蛋糕Apricot praline cake   雪利面包布甸Pear bread pudding   普罗旺斯Provence   萨瓦朗蛋糕红心橙Savarin blood orange   朱古力萨瓦朗酒侵樱桃蛋糕Savarin chocolat aux griottines   牛奶朱古力密钱桔子蛋糕Buche chocolate lsit au the compote b`orange   红莓牛奶朱古力心蛋糕Raspberry chocolate cake   密饯干果朱古力马德琳b`orange Madeleine   朱古力开心果大理石蛋糕Chocolate @ pistachio marble cake   金融家Einancier   加勒比海风味蛋糕The Caribbean delight   榛子吉士甜饭蛋糕Hazelnut custard rice cake   红莓榛子挞Raspberry Hazelnut tarts   咖啡味奶冻配榛子蛋白酥Hazelnut dacqouise panna cotta whith   松脆白桃挞Peach crumble tart   君度力橙冠波Cointreau grumble   马达加斯加蛋糕Madagasca cake   茶拉明Tulameen   宝茶蛋糕Keemun /boh tea   特玛星浪Toamasina   橙酒西母连拿蛋糕Cointreau semolina   伯爵茶班尼士蛋糕Cream elite brownies   粉红香茅杯Pink lemongrass   韩日绿茶饼South Korea and Japan green tea cake   日式栗子蛋糕Japanese chestnut cake   韩日番莳栗子毛士Sweet potatoes chestnut   捷克黄杏蛋糕Czech Apricot cake   意大利流沙甜点Italy quicksand dessert   日式芝士饼Japan cheese cake   英式苹果批British-style apple pi   鲜布梨蛋糕Fruit red plum cake   橘子椰香脆蛋糕Hazelnut Cocolate Prallete feuill etine cake


  提拉米苏Tiramisu   马卡龙Macaron   茶拉明Tulameen   特玛星浪Toamasina   嘉莉朵Galette   黑森林Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte   布朗尼Brownies   忌廉巴夫Piffle   戚风蛋糕Chiffon Cake   慕斯Mousse   香草布丁Vanilla Pudding   焦糖炖蛋Cream Brule   薄荷雪拔 Mint sherbet   可可芭娜娜Coco Banana   笑口早 I smiled back   沙华连 Saurian   糯米糍 Neomycin   棉花冰糕 Cotton ice cream   华夫饼Waffle   和风抹茶Matcha   蔓越莓芝士派   美式芝士饼USAcheese cake   德式蜂巢蛋糕Besting cake   牛轧饼Negative   脆皮朱古力蛋糕Prelate full entwine chocolate cake   榛子薄脆百香果蛋糕Praline Hazelnut full entwine Passion cake   椰青菜糕coconut cake   浓味朱古力杯chocolate in glass   芒果布甸Mango pudding   奇异果米饭吉士杯Kiwi custardin glass   朱古力布朗尼Brownies   香蕉杏仁饼Banana Almond cake   核桃挞WalnutsTarts   忌廉巴夫Piffle   椰子布甸coconut pudding   姜味香芒蛋糕Mango cake   脆皮朱古力忌廉蛋糕Prelate full entwinechocolate cream cake   核桃拿破伦蛋糕WalnutsNapoleon   德式芝士饼Germany cheese cake   纽约芝士饼New Yorkcheese cake   酸奶布甸Yogurtpudding   云石芝士蛋糕Marble cheese cake   白桃软心草莓蛋糕Strawberry and peach cake   传统拿破伦饼Traditional Napoleon   白森林蛋糕White forest cake   吉士蓝莓朱古力饼   Blueberry and custard chocolate cake   栗子忌廉饼Chestnut cream cake   栗子朱古力饼Chestnut chocolate cake   草莓朱古力千层饼Strawberry chocolate puff pastry   乳酪红心橘子甘笋饼Yogurt carrot cake   蓝莓杏仁牛油饼Blueberry almond butter cake   德国奶油香橙饼German orange cream cake   芒果芝士饼Mango cheese cake   百香果黄杏芝士饼Apricot thyme cheese cake   局草莓软心杏仁饼Baked strawberry almond soft heart cake   吉士蛋布甸   Custard pudding   法式炖蛋French pudding   鲜果者厘杯Fresh fruit jelly cup   金宝苹果批Apple crumble   玉桂香蕉朱古力忌廉饼Banana chocolate cream cake   浓咖啡朱古力忌廉饼Coffee chocolate cake   浓香椰子蛋糕coconut cake   朱古力沙架sacker cake   法式芝士饼French cheese cake   泰式红豆糕Thai-style red bean pudding   泰式绿豆糕Thai-style green pudding   泰式榴莲西米糕Thai-style durian sago pudding   泰式芭兰西米糕Thai-style sago pudding   红酒芝士饼red wine cheese cake   泰式南瓜吉士蛋Thai-style pumpkin custard   泰式黑米糕Thai-style dark rice pudding   椰皇黑糯米Dark coconut glutinous rice   印尼布甸Indonesian pudding   椰汁西米布甸Coconut sago pudding   泰式椰汁粟米糕Thai-style coconut sweet corn pudding   牛油面包布甸Butter bread pudding   绿茶布朗尼蛋糕Green tea cake   蛋菜糕Agar Agar jelly   烤柠檬忌廉饼Baked lemon cream cake   冻美式芝士饼U.S cheese cake   脆皮白朱古力黄杏饼Crispy chocolate apricot cake   草莓幕斯杯Strawberry mousse in glass   意式奶冻杯Panna cotta in glass   美式果皇幕斯杯Durian mousse in glass   酸奶幕斯杯Yogurt mousse in glass   朱古力幕斯杯Chocolate mousse in glass   菠罗软心椰奶忌廉饼Pineapple coconut milk cream cake   柠檬蛋白达Lemon egg white tart   什果鲜忌廉蛋糕Fresh fruit cream cake   苦味朱古力蛋糕Bitter chocolate cake   烤朱古力软心杏仁饼chocolate almond cake   黑白朱古力毛士   Black and white chocolate mousse   意大利芝士饼 Tiramisu   苹果批   Apple pie   什果者哩   Mixed fruit jelly   朱古力泡芙   chocolate puff   柳橙朱古力蛋糕   orange and chocolate cake.   黑森林蛋糕   Black forest cake                                   杏仁班戟   Almond pancake                                       曲奇饼   Home Made Cookie                                迷你果达   Mini Fruit Tarts                                   核桃牛油蛋糕Walnut butter cake   蛋塔Egg tart   绿茶蛋糕Green tea cake   粟子软心橙蛋糕Chestnut and orange cake   黄梅杏仁饼Yellow berry and almond cake   酸奶布丁Yogurt pudding   曼梅果牛油饼Cranberry butter cake   吉子芝士饼orange Cheese cake   瑞士卷Swiss roll   焦糖炖蛋Cream Brule   黄桃批 peach pie   甘笋饼Carrot cake   朱古力饼Chocolate cake   红豆糖水red bean in syrup   绿豆糖水green bean in syrup   鲜黑布李杏仁饼Plum and almond cake   蓝梅香草忌廉饼blueberry and herb cream cake   蓝莓朱古力饼blueberry and chocolate cake   草莓软心杏仁饼strawberry and almond cake   棉花杯Cotton glass   核桃酥Walnut puff pastry   杏仁饼Almond cake   蝴蝶酥Butterfly puff pastry   提子牛油蛋糕Raisin butter cake   萝卜酥Turnip cake   糯米鸡Sticky rice chicken   莲茸包Lotus seed bun   红茶蛋糕Black tea cake   巴巴乐菠萝软心饼 Le Baba cake pineapple soft heart   奥布拉饼Opera   鲜果斯佛列蛋糕 Gavriel Adams Fruit Cake   白朱古力雪堡 White chocolate snow fort   红茶忌廉毛士cream tea mousse   脆皮乳酪甘笋忌廉饼 Gann Crispy asparagus cream cheese cake   曼越莓杏仁果酱饼 Cayman more almond strawberry jam cake   巴菲核桃忌廉饼 Baffin walnut cream cake   芒果绿茶蛋糕Mango green tea cake   金宝毛士杯 Campbell mousse Cup   什果草莓忌廉饼Fruit strawberry cream cake   圣罗兰士挞Quiche Lorrain dandy   热朱古力软心蛋糕 Hot chocolate cake soft heart   马玲饼 MA Ling cake   手指饼 Lady Finger   南瓜吉士 Pumpkin custard   香芒糯米饭 Mango glutinous rice   榴梿蛋糕 Durian Cake   泰国珍珠菜糕 Thailand clethroides cake   白朱古力梳夫厘 White chocolate soufflé   香橙梳夫厘 ICED orange soufflé   榛子芭菲HazelnutBaffin   薄荷雪拔 Mint sherbet   沙华连 Saurian   炖雪蛋 Snow egg   黄金蛋糕 Gold cake   虎皮蛋糕 Tiger cake   西洋蛋糕 Western cake   戚风蛋糕 Chiffon Cake   千层蛋糕 Melaleuca cake   重油蛋糕 Many oil cake   笑口早 I smiled back   糯米糍 Neomycin   柠檬卷 Lemon roll   椰子蛋糕 Coconut cake   法式苹果批 French apple pie   美式甘笋饼 American Carrot cake   法式牛油饼 French butter cake   荷兰饼 Netherlands cake   核桃枣泥蛋糕 walnut Jujube cake   桑子忌廉饼 Raspberry cream cake   西班牙吉士饼 Gluten Basque   蓝莓梳夫厘蛋糕 Blueberry soufflé cake   柠檬蛋白批 Lemon morning tat   蜂蜜梨毛士蛋糕 Mao pear honey cake   朱古力马格翁 Chocolate macaroons   杏仁烤夫 Biscotti cookies   日韩咖啡者厘 Coffee jelly   法式咖啡炖蛋 Coffee cream custard   棉花冰糕 Cotton ice cream   朱古力挞chocolate tat   南瓜毛士Pumpkin mousse   巴巴毛士 Bavaroise mousse   冬日太阳蛋糕 Winter sun cake   炸甜莳毛士 Deep fried sweet potato mousse   白酒或红酒者厘 White wine or red wine were jelly   脆炸鲜奶 Crisp deep-fried milk   榛子朱古力饼 Hazelnut chocolate cake   姜汁香茅挞 Lemongrass ginger tarts   印度拉茶冻糕 India cold tea cake   香蕉果仁朱古力碎蛋糕 Banana nut chocolate cake broken   巧克力脆糖 Crispy chocolate meringues   草莓毛士饼 Fresh strawberry mousse cake   朱古力布甸chocolate pudding   蓝酒西米杯Blue wine sago glass   迷尔热情果挞 Seoul fans passion fruit tart   龙眼玫瑰露椰奶者厘Longman Ruth Rose are determined coconut milk jelly   芝麻薄饼Sesame pancake   焦糖核桃挞Caramel walnut tart   苹果挞Apple tart   冻金万利酒梳夫厘Iced grand mariner soufflé   冻桑子梳夫厘Iced Raspberry   soufflé   热金万利酒梳夫厘Hot grand mariner soufflé   热芒果梳夫厘Hot Mango soufflé   热朱古力梳夫厘Hot chocolate soufflé   热姜梳夫厘Hot ginger soufflé   酒醉樱桃蛋糕Drunken cherry cake   波士顿忌廉批Boston cream cake   烤葡萄芝士挞Grilled cheese grape tarts   高登饼Gateau Basque   白兰地小饼Brandy snap   云呢拿草莓蛋糕Vanilla strawberry cake   朱古力香蕉挞chocolate Banana tarts   椰奶法式炖蛋Frenchcoconut milk Cream Bret   榛子牛油白朱古力蛋糕Fin an crier with chocolate cake   华夫饼Waffle   欧亚蜂巢蛋糕Honeycomb cake   高洁夫饼Keg chop   马拉哥夫蛋糕Malakoff tort   姜味焦糖毛士蛋糕Ginger caramrl mousse cake   栗子薄脆蛋糕Chocolate paillete cake   红酒樱桃吉士蛋糕Red wine cherry custard cake   黄杏榛子酱蛋糕Apricot praline cake   雪利面包布甸Pear bread pudding   普罗旺斯Provence   萨瓦朗蛋糕红心橙Savarin blood orange   朱古力萨瓦朗酒侵樱桃蛋糕Savarin chocolat aux griottines   牛奶朱古力密钱桔子蛋糕Buche chocolate lsit au the compote b`orange   红莓牛奶朱古力心蛋糕Raspberry chocolate cake   密饯干果朱古力马德琳b`orange Madeleine   朱古力开心果大理石蛋糕Chocolate @ pistachio marble cake   金融家Einancier   加勒比海风味蛋糕The Caribbean delight   榛子吉士甜饭蛋糕Hazelnut custard rice cake   红莓榛子挞Raspberry Hazelnut tarts   咖啡味奶冻配榛子蛋白酥Hazelnut dacqouise panna cotta whith   松脆白桃挞Peach crumble tart   君度力橙冠波Cointreau grumble   马达加斯加蛋糕Madagasca cake   茶拉明Tulameen   宝茶蛋糕Keemun /boh tea   特玛星浪Toamasina   橙酒西母连拿蛋糕Cointreau semolina   伯爵茶班尼士蛋糕Cream elite brownies   粉红香茅杯Pink lemongrass   韩日绿茶饼South Korea and Japan green tea cake   日式栗子蛋糕Japanese chestnut cake   韩日番莳栗子毛士Sweet potatoes chestnut   捷克黄杏蛋糕Czech Apricot cake   意大利流沙甜点Italy quicksand dessert   日式芝士饼Japan cheese cake   英式苹果批British-style apple pi   鲜布梨蛋糕Fruit red plum cake   橘子椰香脆蛋糕Hazelnut Cocolate Prallete feuill etine cake






  发财致富 [fā cái zhì fù]   生词本   基本释义   因获得大量财物而富裕起来。   出 处   魏巍《东方》第六部第五章:“只要努力,每个人都有发财致富的机会。”


  吉祥金属:铂或镭。   吉祥宝石:紫晶。   吉祥日:星期六。   喜欢的颜色;蓝黑色。   吉祥数字:4、13、22、31。   吉祥植物:蕨、含羞草、喜林芋、异国植物。


  地狱火9个合大力神   冰牙猛犸4个合大无畏   小龙王+3个冰牙猛犸=求雨鬼   金毛小狮+3个冰牙猛犸=冲云霄   狼王(平衡射手的)+3个冰牙猛犸=混天豹   大力神+大无畏+求雨鬼+冲云霄+混天豹=魔教已故上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上上教主——恐怖的阳顶天镜像




