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春节贴福字的来历 英汉对照

  福”字现在的解释是“幸福”,而在过去则指“福气”、“福运”。无论是现在还是过去,都寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往,也是对美好未来的祝愿。民间为了更充分地体现这种向往和祝愿,干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已倒”“福气已到”。   “福”字倒贴在民间还有一则传说。明太祖朱元璋当年用“福”字作暗号准备杀人。好心的马皇后为消除这场灾祸,令全城大小人家必须在天明之前在自家门上贴上一个“福”字。马皇后的旨意自然没人敢违抗,于是家家门上都贴了“福”字。其中有户人家不识字,竟把“福”字贴倒了。第二天,皇帝派人上街查看,发现家家都贴了“福”字,还有一家把“福”字贴倒了。皇帝听了禀报大怒,立即命令御林军把那家满门抄斩。马皇后一看事情不好,忙对朱元漳说:“那家人知道您今日来访,故意把福字贴倒了,这不是'福到’的意思吗?”皇帝一听有道理,便下令放人,一场大祸终于消除了。从此人们便将福字倒贴起来,一求吉利,二为纪念马皇后。     Fu "now is the explanation of" happiness ", and in the past means" blessing "," Yun fu". Whether now or in the past, rely on people to happiness life yearning, is also the wish for a better future. Folk to more fully reflect the yearning and wishes, simply will "Fu" upside down stick, said "happiness has inverted" "blessing has to".   "Blessing" upside down in also a folk legend. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was using the "blessing" word for word prepared to kill. Good empress Ma to eliminate the disaster, which make the city before dawn somebody else must in size in the house with the last "blessing" word. Empress Ma will naturally no one dares to disobey, then posted on home house "blessing" word. There are families of illiterate, he put down the "blessing" word. The second day, the emperor sent Shangjie view, found that every family stick "blessing" word, there is a "blessing" word down. The emperor heard tell great anger, immediate......余下全文>>

春节贴福字的来历 英汉对照

  福”字现在的解释是“幸福”,而在过去则指“福气”、“福运”。无论是现在还是过去,都寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往,也是对美好未来的祝愿。民间为了更充分地体现这种向往和祝愿,干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已倒”“福气已到”。   “福”字倒贴在民间还有一则传说。明太祖朱元璋当年用“福”字作暗号准备杀人。好心的马皇后为消除这场灾祸,令全城大小人家必须在天明之前在自家门上贴上一个“福”字。马皇后的旨意自然没人敢违抗,于是家家门上都贴了“福”字。其中有户人家不识字,竟把“福”字贴倒了。第二天,皇帝派人上街查看,发现家家都贴了“福”字,还有一家把“福”字贴倒了。皇帝听了禀报大怒,立即命令御林军把那家满门抄斩。马皇后一看事情不好,忙对朱元漳说:“那家人知道您今日来访,故意把福字贴倒了,这不是'福到’的意思吗?”皇帝一听有道理,便下令放人,一场大祸终于消除了。从此人们便将福字倒贴起来,一求吉利,二为纪念马皇后。     Fu "now is the explanation of" happiness ", and in the past means" blessing "," Yun fu". Whether now or in the past, rely on people to happiness life yearning, is also the wish for a better future. Folk to more fully reflect the yearning and wishes, simply will "Fu" upside down stick, said "happiness has inverted" "blessing has to".   "Blessing" upside down in also a folk legend. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was using the "blessing" word for word prepared to kill. Good empress Ma to eliminate the disaster, which make the city before dawn somebody else must in size in the house with the last "blessing" word. Empress Ma will naturally no one dares to disobey, then posted on home house "blessing" word. There are families of illiterate, he put down the "blessing" word. The second day, the emperor sent Shangjie view, found that every family stick "blessing" word, there is a "blessing" word down. The emperor heard tell great anger, immediate......余下全文>>


  梦见红双喜,野心在和别人的比较中被激发!今天来自别人的期望或赞美往往激发起你竞争的欲望。短期性的项目可以趁着这个机会高效率完成。同时,也有可能会面临对峙的场面,建议你把自己的看法挑明,坚持自己的底线,会让形势变得对你有利。此外,家庭事务可能会影响到你的工作或学业。   梦见红双喜,按周易五行分析,财位在西北方向,桃花位在西南方向,幸运数字是6,吉祥色彩是紫色,开运食物是香菇。


  贴两个福字是没问题的。   不过要注意,在大门上贴的福字不可以倒过来,这样会导致福气外泄;马桶、柜子、箱子等经常“取纳”的处所才是贴倒福的地方。










