永强阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦


  梦见高官到家做客,代表你会得到高人的赏识、青睐、抬举;会得到贵人的帮助。好!!!   工中的高官,只是代表身份,不表示就是他,会是与其类似的人。祝你做梦灵验,好运成真!




  What should one pay attention to once inside a foreign family   If you want to visit a foreign family, you need to make the appointment   beforehand. Once the appointment is made, you should keep your promises   to arrive at their home in time. Don’t arrive there too early or too late.   Entering their house you should behave gently. When the foreigners offer   you something to eat or drink, you may just eat or drink, don’t simply say,   “No.” If you really don’t like to eat or drink, you may first say, “Thank   you,” and then give the reasons why you don’t like to eat or drink. In that   case, the foreigners will not urge you to eat or drink like we Chinese do. If   you eat the things offered to you, the foreigners will feel happy. When leaving   the foreigners, don’t forget to express your thanks for their hospitality. If   you remember the above points, you will behave elegantly before the foreigners.


  What should one pay attention to once inside a foreign family   If you want to visit a foreign family, you need to make the appointment   beforehand. Once the appointment is made, you should keep your promises   to arrive at their home in time. Don’t arrive there too early or too late.   Entering their house you should behave gently. When the foreigners offer   you something to eat or drink, you may just eat or drink, don’t simply say,   “No.” If you really don’t like to eat or drink, you may first say, “Thank   you,” and then give the reasons why you don’t like to eat or drink. In that   case, the foreigners will not urge you to eat or drink like we Chinese do. If   you eat the things offered to you, the foreigners will feel happy. When leaving   the foreigners, don’t forget to express your thanks for their hospitality. If   you remember the above points, you will behave elegantly before the foreigners.


  当然可以   这个没有什么影响的   想去做客   就去吧

懂玄学解梦的回答 梦见外国人来家里做客?是什么意思





  "1:俗话讲:“日有所思,夜有所梦”千奇百怪的梦大都与本人日常生活中的愿望、想象、回忆、忧虑、思念等精神活动有关. 2;内外部刺激的影响."



求解梦高手解梦。 本人极少做梦,但昨晚做了两个奇怪的梦,梦见自己到以前的主管领导家里做客,看到他家里

  既然第一个梦,枣被意识拿来比喻你的某种意识,那么,我就先告诉你枣的一些概念   1.大枣富含的环磷酸腺苷,是人体能量代谢的必需物质,能增强肌力、消除疲劳、扩张血管、增加心肌收缩力、改善心肌营养,对防治心血管疾病有良好的作用。   2.大枣具有补虚益气、养血安神、健脾和胃等功效,是脾胃虚弱、气血不足、倦怠无力、失眠等患者良好的保健营养品。   3.大枣对急慢性肝炎、肝硬化、贫血、过敏性紫癜等症有较好疗效。   4.大枣含有三萜类化合物及环磷酸腺苷,有较强的抑癌、抗过敏作用。   第一个梦中,我个人理解,你到领导家做客,领导其实应该就是你意识主体的替代,如果我猜的不错,在现实中你已经隐隐意识到,时常吃些枣对你的身体有益   在你到前任领导家做客时,领导对你做出了舌吻这件根本不可能发生的事情,我分析对于现实中的你有两种可能,说错勿怪:   第一、你的潜意识认为你现在的身体不适宜进行性生活,所以,就用这件恶心的事情对你警告   第二、你最近由于某种原因不太愿意与妻子进行房事,那种感觉有点类似梦中与领导舌吻的感觉   这两种可能纯粹是理论分析,请勿多想   现在分析第二个梦   第二个梦其实与第一个梦表达的是一个意思   我们可以想象一下,如果一个男人要给老婆洗颈部,要怎么洗?   在医院需要对身体的某一部分进行消毒时,消毒面积往往都要远远大于需要治疗的面积,因此,如果需要对颈部消毒,那么消毒时的范围很可能就包括了胸部以上的大部分范围,这主要是为了避免在手术时对伤口造成间接污染   想不脱衣服完成医生的消毒要求是不可能的,最起码要脱掉上半身的衣服才能完成这项工作   而这样做所呈现出的场景对于夫妻来说,就显得 爱意浓浓了   你的意识本体给你与妻子制造出了一个必须执行的场景,以此提升你们夫妻的 肌肤亲密度或感情层次,而且是医生要求必须执行   因此,你这两个梦其实都是在讲一件事   第一个梦是讲你的个人情况,第二个梦在说明你应该怎么做,至于上面的分析有多少符合你的个人情况我不敢说,这只有你自己知道,请勿对号入座   我的分析纯粹是以心理学理论为基础做出的理性分析,其中肯定不乏偏颇之处,还请见谅


