永强阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦




  好梦     做梦梦见 老爷爷   以后福连 禧相接   又梦叫爷 爷答应   遇到大事 更高兴


  Dear grandparents,   How are you getting on these days? I want to share my happiness with you.   I had an unforgettable birthday party last weekend. Before that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much. Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!” I was so excited. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.   Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t forget that birthday party and I will remember that forever. Hope to see you soon.


  Dear grandparents,   How are you getting on these days? I want to share my happiness with you.   I had an unforgettable birthday party last weekend. Before that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much. Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!” I was so excited. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.   Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t forget that birthday party and I will remember that forever. Hope to see you soon.






  做梦梦见扇子   会得到朋友的帮助,能摆脱困境。   梦见女人手里拿着扇子   生意会兴旺。   梦见给仇人摇扇子   他会屈服于自己。   梦见扇子破了   助手会背叛自己。   梦见买扇子   意味着身体健康,生活幸福。   梦见买塑料扇子   健康会每况愈下。   梦见朋友送扇子给自己   会应邀出席婚礼。   少女梦见异性朋友送扇子   很快会收到订婚的消息。   青年男子梦见扇子   会娶一个美如冠玉的女子为妻。   梦见制作扇子   家里要有喜事。   梦见卖扇子   会饔飧不继。

梦到已故的爷爷 他说想吃肉什么意思





  15年的帖子,不知道你还看得到吗。我昨晚夜梦到了我已故的爷爷跟我道别 边抹眼泪边说他这次真要走了,准确说应该是今天凌晨。心里很不是滋味。


