永强阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦




  梦见死里逃生,经常预示要时来运转,事业生活突然出现转机。   梦见从大火或水中逃生,预示工作或生活中将出现新的转机,各方面将进入一个满意的新阶段。   梦见从不清楚的巨大危险中逃生,通常预示爱情会有好运,可能很快会得到一份安稳如意的感情。   梦见从虎口脱生,暗示你须防身边的小人。


  Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings. It is often not so easy to get away from these buildings in an emergency, resulting in great toss of lives. So how to survive in case of a fire is a problem concerning all those involved.   No one knows for sure when a fire witt happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. Check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it in the dark when lights have failed. Find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to learn how to use it.   Don't lose your head if unfortunately a fire breaks out. First, telephone the fire department immediately when the fire just gets started. Take care not to be overcome by smoke, which containing monoxide gas, can kill you quickly. Cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke. Don't get in an elevator, as you may get trapped if the electricity fails. If you can not get away by yourself, it is of great importance to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help.   In short, if you make preparations before hand and take precautions during the fire, chances are that you will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day.


  Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings. It is often not so easy to get away from these buildings in an emergency, resulting in great toss of lives. So how to survive in case of a fire is a problem concerning all those involved.   No one knows for sure when a fire witt happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. Check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it in the dark when lights have failed. Find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to learn how to use it.   Don't lose your head if unfortunately a fire breaks out. First, telephone the fire department immediately when the fire just gets started. Take care not to be overcome by smoke, which containing monoxide gas, can kill you quickly. Cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke. Don't get in an elevator, as you may get trapped if the electricity fails. If you can not get away by yourself, it is of great importance to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help.   In short, if you make preparations before hand and take precautions during the fire, chances are that you will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day.


  火灾发生后,如果逃生之路已被切断,应退回室内、关闭通往燃烧房间的门窗,并向门窗上泼缓火势发展,同时打开未受烟火威胁的窗户,发出求救信号。   火场逃生的自救方法:   a、发生火灾后,不要为穿衣、找钱财而耽误宝贵的逃生,应尽快从安全通道、安全出口和消防楼梯撤离,切勿盲目乱窜或使用电梯逃生;   b、离火场时,遇到浓烟不要直立行走,应尽量采用低姿势行走或匍匐前行,用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,以免被浓烟窒息;   c、楼梯已起火,但尚未烧断且火势不很猛烈时,可披上用水浸湿的衣裤或被单由楼上迅速冲下。楼梯已经烧断且火势相当猛烈时,可利用绳子或把床单撕成条状连接起来,一端拴在牢固的门窗或其它重物上,然后顺绳子或布条滑下(三楼以上住户慎用)   d、各种逃生之路均被切断时,应退回居室内,采取防烟堵火措施,关闭门窗,并向门窗上浇水,还要用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,做好个人防护,同时,向室外挥动鲜艳的东西(在夜晚则可向外打手电),发出求救信号;   e、逃生时一旦衣服被烧着,着火人可就地倒下打滚,把身上的火焰压灭,或由其他人帮忙扑灭火焰,切记不能奔跑。   

油箱着火会爆炸吗 逃生时间还剩几秒





  坐飞机的时候如果遇到火灾,首先是不要慌,要冷静对待。然后就是,我总结了几点:   1.飞机发生起火事件时,旅客要及时扑灭火苗,阻挡蔓延,以便赢得更多的逃生时间。撤离火境时,要听从乘务人员指挥,鱼惯而行,千万不能蜂拥而上,把出口堵死。   2.如果机舱内浓烟阻挡了视线,找不到出口时,也不要狂奔乱跑或高声喊叫,以免跌进火窝或被烟气呛死。   3.可以的话立即用毛巾捂住口鼻,向有空气的地方探索前进,这样能找到出口,一旦逃出飞机,要赶快逃离现场,防止飞机爆炸,造成不必要的伤亡。   4.乘客在登机以后应该要知道最近的紧急出口的位置,数一数自己的座位与出口之间隔着几排。这样,如果机舱内充满了烟雾,乘客仍然可以摸着椅背找到出口。   5.阅读前排椅背上的安全须知。即使乘客已经对这些程序了如指掌,再看一遍也没有坏处。   6.飞机停下之后,尽快走向出口,同时尽量保证安全。因为大火和有毒气体可能很快充满整个机舱。


  1、保持镇静,明辨方向,选择最近的逃生出口;   2、逃离火场的路线遇有浓烟烈火时,必须把自己的衣服淋湿,再找一块湿毛巾捂住口鼻,以起到隔热滤毒的作用;   3、在有浓烟的情况下,采用低姿势撤离,视线不清时,手摸墙壁徐徐撤离;   4、楼道内烟雾过浓,无法冲出时,应利用栏杆,拴上安全绳或床单逃生;   5、以上条件不具备时,不能盲目跳楼,应尽量待援。


  发生火灾时逃生自救的办法:   1、千万不要从窗口往下跳。如果楼层不高,可用绳子从窗口降到安全地区。   2、当发现楼内失火时,切忌慌张、乱跑,要冷静地探时着火方位,确定风向,并在火势未蔓延前,朝逆风方向快速离开火灾区域。   3、起火时,如果楼道被烟火封死,应该立即关闭房门和室内通风孔,防止进烟。随后用湿毛巾堵住口鼻,防止吸入热烟和有毒气体,并将向上的衣服浇湿,以免引火烧身。如果楼道中只有烟没有火,可在头上套一个较大的透明塑料袋,防止烟气刺激眼睛和吸入呼吸道,逃离烟火区。   4、发生火灾时,不能乘电梯,因为电梯随时可能发生故障或被火烧坏;设法通知消防人员前来营救。要俯身呼救,如喊声听不见,可以用手电筒照射,或挥动鲜艳的衣衫、毛巾及往楼下扔东西等方法引起营救人员注意。   5、防止火势蔓延。把门关上,可以防止火势蔓延。如果有可能有条件的话,将门淋水,做一些防护隔热的措施。   6、关闭煤气并致电求助。火灾中极易引起煤气爆炸,所以,在发生火灾时,应该立即切断煤气总开关,并致电相关部门。如果你家是液化气罐,应该关闭总阀门,并尽可能的远离火源、火场。


