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  梦见有人送我澳洲考拉的梦境解释:   被外力牵引著不得不往前走、往上爬,平常因为惰性而拖拖拉拉没去做的事情,就是要有这样的推力逼迫自己更积极一点。或许是某个人物、某个事件而让你有这样的感受,不要抱怨这些情况,有人推,才是对你有利的喔!   梦见有人送我澳洲考拉的吉凶:   基础稳固安然,财源广进,又有父祖之荫益及上司之提拔,易得意外之助力,而可获得大成功,大发展,名利丰收。威权、名望、地位俱皆兴隆宽宏殊胜之配置。 【大吉昌】

求一首澳洲男孩致敬MJ的歌曲《See you in heaven 》歌词 中文和英文都要

  Jason Jackson - See you in heaven   There's a place in our heart   我们的心中有一个地方   For lonely one goon too soon   留给哪些太早离开孤独的人   So hard to believe   很难相信   You'll be there too   你也在哪里   A star shines so bringt   一颗如此闪亮的星   Your reality is no night   你的现实中没有黑暗   With child whose dream you makes come true   伴随着哪些你让他梦想成真的孩子   You gave so much joy   你给了那么多的快乐   You gave every chance   你给了每一个机会   From the music you give your song   从你给予歌曲的音乐   You try the world to dance   你试着让这个世界舞动   You are the one been loved   你是哪个被爱的人   Said you have to leave   你说你不得不离开   With the song from your heart   从你心里唱出的歌声   You try to find belief   你想方设法   That the world that could be peace and harmony   让这个世界能变得和平与和谐   And I know we'll see you in heaven   而我知道我们能看到你在天堂上   With your love you heal the world   随着你治愈了这个世界的爱   You know the reality   你知道了真相   Show the world to can   显现出这个尘封的世界   Now we leave the memory   现在我们把记忆留下   We all must find the way   我们所有人必须找一种方式   To think that charity   去思索哪仁爱   To make your dreamer of love come true   去让你这个爱的梦想家梦想成真   And whoever was found and whenever was gone to null   无论谁被发现无论什么时候变得虚无   Said do you yet to come , let the world to turn(听不清)   你说你真的来了, 让这世界去变化   You are the one been loved   你是哪个被爱的人   Said you have to leave   你说你不得不离开   With the song from your heart   随着从你心里面唱出的歌   Try to find the belief that the world that could love all people and soul   设法去相信这个世界能给所有人们和灵魂予关爱   And I know we'll see you in heaven   而我知道我们会见你在天堂上   In a planet we keen to loved is so bright (all you know)   在这个我们都渴望爱的星球是如此的明亮(和你所知道的一样)   So you can   所以 你能   Don’t be on the cry   不再哭泣   So you smile   所以 你笑了   And share the gift give for our heart   和我们一起分享给予心灵的礼物   Heaven shining bringht now with you   天堂的光芒在照亮着你   You are the one been loved   你是哪个被爱的人   Said you have to leave   你说你不得不离开   With the song from your heart   从你心里面唱出的歌   Try to find belief   设法去相信   That the world been lighted   这个被点亮的世界   To satisfy your belief   去证实了你的信念   With the song from your heart   从你心里面的歌   Try to find belief   设法去相信   Heal the world that could be peace and harmony   这个世界能够和平与和谐   And I know we'll see you in heaven   而我知道我们会在天堂上见到你   Good bye ! Michael   再见 Michael

求一首澳洲男孩致敬MJ的歌曲《See you in heaven 》歌词 中文和英文都要

  Jason Jackson - See you in heaven   There's a place in our heart   我们的心中有一个地方   For lonely one goon too soon   留给哪些太早离开孤独的人   So hard to believe   很难相信   You'll be there too   你也在哪里   A star shines so bringt   一颗如此闪亮的星   Your reality is no night   你的现实中没有黑暗   With child whose dream you makes come true   伴随着哪些你让他梦想成真的孩子   You gave so much joy   你给了那么多的快乐   You gave every chance   你给了每一个机会   From the music you give your song   从你给予歌曲的音乐   You try the world to dance   你试着让这个世界舞动   You are the one been loved   你是哪个被爱的人   Said you have to leave   你说你不得不离开   With the song from your heart   从你心里唱出的歌声   You try to find belief   你想方设法   That the world that could be peace and harmony   让这个世界能变得和平与和谐   And I know we'll see you in heaven   而我知道我们能看到你在天堂上   With your love you heal the world   随着你治愈了这个世界的爱   You know the reality   你知道了真相   Show the world to can   显现出这个尘封的世界   Now we leave the memory   现在我们把记忆留下   We all must find the way   我们所有人必须找一种方式   To think that charity   去思索哪仁爱   To make your dreamer of love come true   去让你这个爱的梦想家梦想成真   And whoever was found and whenever was gone to null   无论谁被发现无论什么时候变得虚无   Said do you yet to come , let the world to turn(听不清)   你说你真的来了, 让这世界去变化   You are the one been loved   你是哪个被爱的人   Said you have to leave   你说你不得不离开   With the song from your heart   随着从你心里面唱出的歌   Try to find the belief that the world that could love all people and soul   设法去相信这个世界能给所有人们和灵魂予关爱   And I know we'll see you in heaven   而我知道我们会见你在天堂上   In a planet we keen to loved is so bright (all you know)   在这个我们都渴望爱的星球是如此的明亮(和你所知道的一样)   So you can   所以 你能   Don’t be on the cry   不再哭泣   So you smile   所以 你笑了   And share the gift give for our heart   和我们一起分享给予心灵的礼物   Heaven shining bringht now with you   天堂的光芒在照亮着你   You are the one been loved   你是哪个被爱的人   Said you have to leave   你说你不得不离开   With the song from your heart   从你心里面唱出的歌   Try to find belief   设法去相信   That the world been lighted   这个被点亮的世界   To satisfy your belief   去证实了你的信念   With the song from your heart   从你心里面的歌   Try to find belief   设法去相信   Heal the world that could be peace and harmony   这个世界能够和平与和谐   And I know we'll see you in heaven   而我知道我们会在天堂上见到你   Good bye ! Michael   再见 Michael








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