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关于梦想的 英语优美的文章 带 翻译的

  The ancient and modern in China and abroad, nobody all the time is not making the success dream.The scholar was vainly hoping for obtains the outstanding academic record; The poor was vainly hoping for the one day on wealthy small capital life .......The success, is in each individual heart the loftiest dream.Studies the multitudinous celebrity's success experience, always cannot leave the following many factors the union: Scientific method, self-confident, insistence, patience, tenacious, discipline, good faith, industrious and so on.This also became a person to obtain the success the formula.   But in realistic society, the people always said the matter easy to be doing difficultly.Finally could obtain the successful person to become extremely rare.Therefore, the success, became the people one kind luxuriously to yearn for.When the people through how many year endeavor, had still not seen success hope, people's thought always depth is having doubts unavoidably bog: I can succeed? When can succeed? In this a succession of question behind, is following close on is the suspicion and lax.   When Nicolay. Forced the plum to explore in the entire 21 years fable after the secret condition ;the alchemy;, still had achieved nothing, he could not find way out, really somewhat dispirited.But, he vainly hoped for the successful will defeated tenaciously has despaired the feeling.Finally, Nicolay studied in the fable;the alchemy;, obtained ;the black magic stone;, through 23 years half endeavor, has become the European renowned alchemy gentleman, has subsidized France's multitudinous common people, became generous charitable everybody.21 years, the futile effort 21 years, the human no longer is young, although truth on in his hand, but he is a blind person as if, any also cannot see.Only then can the personal experience person, only then clear that be road of the section of how lonely exploration.   The life is very marvelous, the human knew the natural ability has the limitation, you never can know meets down can have any, when you thought especially oneself despairs extremely time.On perhaps the success path fills the variable, the success is only one kind of possibility.Perhaps, we pass through for a lifetime endeavor, arrives the life the end point, finally has not obtained successfully, but, we did not regret, because of us diligently.   文章的中文意思是:   古今中外,无人不在时时刻刻做着成功的梦想。学子梦想着取得优异的学习成绩;贫民梦想着有一天过上富裕的小资生活……。成功,是每个人心中最崇高的梦想。研究众多名人的成功经验,总离不开下列诸多因素的结合:科学方法、自信、坚持、耐心、坚韧不拔、纪律、诚信、勤劳等等。这也成了一个人取得成功的公式。成功有公式,成功的公式本身并不神秘,它早已经成了人们头脑中固有的公理了。几乎每一个有学习经历的成年人都可以如数家珍。成功的诱惑和梦想成功也许本身就是自然的注定!   而在现实社会中,人们总是说事容易做着难。最终能够获得成功的人成了凤毛麟角。于是,成功,就成了人们一种奢侈的向往了。当人们通过多少年的努力,依然没有看到成功的希望的时候,人们的思维不免总是深陷在疑惑的沼泽:我能成功吗?什么时候可以成功?在这一连串疑问的后面,紧跟着的是怀疑和松懈。于是,放弃的心思,就如小草一样在原本不算肥沃的心田吞噬着仅存的养分;于是,人们便随波逐流,随遇而安。哀大莫如心死。当梦想的火炬熄灭、激越的心灵被蒙上厚厚的尘灰的时候,成功,也就真的永永远远地离你而去了。 其实,也许成功离你并不遥远,成功也许就近在只尺、伸手可及。但,你放弃了对梦想的执着追求,忽略了最后的坚持!   当尼古拉.勒梅在秘密状态下探索了整整21年的传说中的“炼金术”后,依然一无所获的时候,他一筹莫展,真的有些颓废。但,他梦想成功的心志顽强地战胜了绝望感觉。他装扮成虔诚的教徒,在混乱的14


  梦见找不到该读的文章的梦境解释:   单打独斗不如跟著大家在热热闹闹的气氛中过这一天。即使是念书时也可找几个同学一起以轻松讨论方式。不仅气氛愉快效果也比一个人苦思问题来得好。也是适合将脑中灵感化为具体作品的日子,喜欢写写文章、画漫画等兴趣的人别光坐著想,拿起笔来让它成为实际作品吧。     梦见找不到该读的文章的吉凶:   基础安定,成功运佳,财利名誉俱得并大发展之势,健康、长寿、幸福之兆,唯若人格或地格若凶数,恐因好大,喜功,行事亦易招败,若无凶数,则可免忧虑。【大吉昌】


  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


  走在陌生的街,当所有的事物都不再能感觉到。   我一直盼望有一天我可以拥有一件真正属于我的东西,只要那么一件,小小的,亮亮的。可是当生命沦为遗憾,对于我还有什么可以期待。而在漫长的等待中我又得到了什么,长久的我行我素,要么得到一切,要么一无所有,而我只剩一无所有。   这是高考结束后我的感受,一无所有的人是悲哀的,但是更加悲哀的是我一直都没有认识到这一点。那时的我总是在复读和升学之间徘徊犹豫,甚至找不到前进的方向。在前途未卜的征程上,我还在等待着什么,那些早已过去的和没有到来的,或许有一些正在赶来,可这些都是真实的吗?过去的我抓不住,而对于将来我也不敢奢求。   人生该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。这是我开往建筑学院的公交车上看到的一代文学家,革命家萧楚女先生的话。那一刻,似乎所有的阴霾都消失的无影无综。它就像撕破也的唇的第一缕阳光,瞬间的光芒刺痛了早已麻木的神经。由衷地我爱上了那一瞬间的晕眩,在那新鲜的空气中我听到心脏有力地跳动的声音。   我终于明白,原来我们一直都在路上,每个人都有自己的天空,都有着一样的困惑,我不是默默飞翔的鸟儿。于是我重拾这支一度被搁置的笔,将那一个个充满活力的字组最美丽的篇章,我要在人生之路上谱写自己的篇章,我要在自己的舞台上展现自我。   我终于明白,我一直寻找的其实就只是早已握在手中的笔,它才是真正属于我的东西,并且永远不会改变。   我明白当鸟儿失去飞翔的翅膀,在浩瀚的天空下,仍旧会有一个永不倦怠的身影。   在阴晦的西山之颠,那是么梦的家乡,他永远让人感到迷茫,迷茫又仓皇,只想逃脱。当鸟儿迷失了飞翔的方向,那迟疑的翅膀仍保持着飞行的姿势,因为它知道,身下是万丈深渊。   在那缥缈的山顶上,我只能看到自己。在那一刻,我终于发现了自己,终于证明了自己,终于认识到真正的自己,,生命在那一刻才完全体现出它的价值。当夜的来临,我们仍然不愿停下前进的脚步,原来夜是舞动的精灵,它能让人感觉到幸福.   生活就是这样,即使在最艰难的时刻,我都不能停下前进的脚步,再难、再险,我们都要告诉自己---我还可以飞翔   我们每个人,不,应该说世间万物都具有自己的梦想。小鹰梦想长大成为一只矫健的雄鹰,纵情的翱翔于苍穹之中,自由的穿梭于白云之间。小松树梦想长大成为一棵孤高的青松,坚定的扎根于地下,自毫的了望远方。而正处于十六,七岁的我们也梦想着长大成为一个有报负的国之






  China Dining CustomTable MannersThe main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.Eating No-no'sDon't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook.DrinkingGan Bei! (Cheers! “Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are Maotai and Wuliangye


  我的小黑狗   前两个礼拜,发现家中的庭院里多一只小狗,问妈妈后我才知道是爸爸决定要养的,因为家里常常遭小偷,所以养一只狗顾家。   它全身是黑色的,所以取叫“小黑”。小黑的力气很大,全家只有爸爸和哥哥敢去碰它,有一次爸爸还差一点被它拌倒呢!   爸爸为小黑订做的狗窝还没有送来,每次下雨的时候,全家都为了它忙得不可开交,,我想大家是很爱它的。它很乖,只有肚子饿的时候或是要上厕所才会叫,一定是之前的主人平常就有训练它吧!   虽然我们跟它相处的时间,才短短的十几天,但是我相信将来我和弟弟、哥哥、姐姐们会跟它玩成一片的。


  许多以英语为母语的人,尤其是那些长期在国外的,了解学英语的人努力讲英语的情形,一般都会有耐心、宽容地提供帮助。喔 顺便提一下 现在我报读的ABC夫下在线的教师说过,若要学好英语是不难的!一定有个好的研习情境以及进修口语对象 外教水平很重要,标准口音才可以 坚持逐日口语沟通 一对一家教式教学才能有最.好.的学习成果~课后还要重复温习课程录音音频 帮助加强记忆~如果真的没人帮忙 只能去听力室或大耳朵获取课后材料研习 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 一下子口语能力会提高起来 学习成长会非常达成目标的~了解到这一点,你就可以试着与外国人交谈。


