永强阁 >风水知识 >星座运势

用英语介绍公司名字的由来!!! 20分

  Our company's name 'DTR' originated from the short form of the three founders' name. Personally, I think it is very meaningful. By the way, our company focus on the bussiness of mobile phones.




  with the strength of my milk. 'am


  with the strength of my milk. 'am




  Not even chinese


  A:what sign are you ?[你的星座是什么】?B;It is Taurus【金牛】C;really?It is so interesting!A:What about you?C:leoE:But you do not like the leo!C:Maybe you are right !D:Hi C ,please give me the book!C:where it is?D:That one A:The black one. It is over there!E:By the way ,what about you?It is Scorpio?D:yes!能力有限!【外国人见面经常说hi 不说How do you do 而且用can 不用could 或may 】 你是要考雅思还是托福还是考级呀?如果你要学真正的英语,就去在百度找【潇如风的博客】他将新感念2册,我上过,现在还去!讲得真好!!!!!!!!!!


  Taboo Behaviour taboo: \ \ With the index finger means, Hold the fist fight with another only in the open palm, or cinch fist, thumb inserted between the index and middle fingers were considered extremely impolite action. \ \ Do not Chaiyao hands, because it is angry that. \ \ In Singapore, as spiritual head of the host, the first touch others would have suffered a sense of insult. Do not touch the children especially in the first. Do not hug in public places or kissing anyone. \ \ Do not chopsticks when eating a bowl or on a plate with vegetables, when not, and do not cross display, should be placed on trays, soy sauce dish, or put the plate on the bone slices. \ \ For sailors, fisherman or other hobbies are boating with the seats, not to the half-eaten plate of fish reversed, as it would herald the ship capsizing, we should remove the fish bone from the top to eat below. \ \ New Year is not discredited, shampoo, it will be good luck Saodiao wash; things do not break the house, especially not to break the mirror because it would herald a family split or other unfortunate things; do not wear old clothing, no needles and scissors, they would bring bad luck. \ \ Digital bogey Ban \ \ Singaporeans are "4", "6", "7", "13" and "37" and "69" is a negative figure, which most disgusting "7", usually try to avoid this figure. \ \ Ban bogey color: \ \ As for the wretched black Singaporeans, the fate of color, purple unwelcome. \ \ Their preference for red, the red for the solemn, warm, stimulating, exciting, a symbol of courage and tolerance. \ \ They also welcomed blue and green. \ \ Logo bogey Ban: \ \ Singaporeans on the packaging of goods prohibited in the use of some other types of Buddha images, are not permitted to use religious terminology. Taboo pig, turtle patterns. \ \ Talk taboo: \ \ Singapore bogey "Kung Hei Fat Choy" that "fortune" with the word "fortune", rather than the "windfall" is ill-gotten gains. \ \ . Gift gifts: \ \ Singaporeans believe that the presence of the gifts of open gifts is impolite and, therefore, when you saw告辞gifts intact on the side of millions of Biejianguai. \ \ Gifts with the local gift items can be general can be sent seasonal fruit or other food items. \ \ Sometimes can send cassette tapes, book, etc.. \ \ Smoking Notes: \ \ In Singapore, people are not in favour of smoking. In the elevator, public transport, cinemas, especially in government office buildings, the law provides for no-smoking, and offenders fined. \ \ Best to smoking with the consent of the other. \ \


  Yesterday I was very tired. So I went to bed early. Soon I fell asleep and had a dream. In my dream, I was watching TV alone in the living room. But then I heard some noises upstairs. So I went upstairs to check it out. It turned out that a giant spider was in my bedroom. I was so scared that I slammed the door and ran downstairs, screaming all the way. Finally I was woken up by my scream. What a nigtmare!   昨天我好累,所以早早就去睡了。很快我就睡着了,还做了个梦。梦里,我一个人在客厅看着电视。然后我就听见楼上传来怪声。所以我上楼一探究竟,结果居然有一只巨型蜘蛛在我的房间里!我害怕的一路尖叫,摔门就往楼下跑。最后我被自己的尖叫声吵醒了。真是一个噩梦!


  蛇夫座(Ophiuchus)(11月30日至12月17日)是赤道带星座之一,从地球看位于武仙座以南,天蝎座和人马座以北,银河的西侧。蛇夫座是星座中惟一一个与另一星座-巨蛇座交接在一起的,同时,蛇夫座也是惟一一个兼跨天球赤道,银道和黄道的星座。蛇夫座既大又宽,形状长方,天球赤道正好斜穿过这个长方形。尽管蛇夫座跨越的银河很短,但银河系中心方向就在离蛇夫座不远的人马座内。银河在这里有一块突出的部分,形成了银河最宽的一个区域。   另外,虽然黄道穿越蛇夫座,但蛇夫座却不属于黄道星座。每年约11月29日,太阳从蛇夫座穿越,直至12月17日进入人马座为止。黄道上没有节气点在天蝎座却有大雪节气点在蛇夫座。   蛇夫座星象图蛇夫座的拉丁文为Ophiuchus,简写为Oph。在古代星图中,把蛇夫座画成一个手持巨蛇的人。代表古代神医亚斯克雷比奥斯。   蛇夫座的故事   马座的凯隆看中了阿波罗了的儿子阿斯克利弟欧斯,将他所有的知识都传授给了他。拥有医学之神的父亲加上优秀的老师,阿斯克利弟欧斯马上就超越了老师而成为一位非常优秀的名医,他治疗了其他医生放弃治疗的病患,还救了有重大伤害的病人,不久甚至拥有使病人起死回生的能力。   大发雷霆的冥界之王黑地斯说:“多么可怕的事情呀,再这样下去死者之国将不再会有人。”他很快的向万神之王宙斯激烈的抗议:“人间的命运早已注定,岂可随意更改,就连神也不容许做出这种事情,更何况他是以人类的身份将死者起死回生,实在是太乱来了。”   宙斯也认为再这样下去,宇宙的秩序的确会混乱,所以就以闪电杀了阿斯克利弟欧斯,可是以一位医师来说,他的伟业是不容忽视的,于是宙斯将他加入了星座,就这样子蛇夫座诞生了。阿斯克利弟欧斯死了之后,更加的受人尊敬了,为他在耶匹它乌鲁斯所建的一个神殿,总是有前来求助的病人大排长龙,那些病 人到了神殿供养他、祈求他,然后当他们进入睡眠之后,阿斯克利弟欧斯会在他们的梦里出现,告诉他们的病要如何治好。   蛇夫座变成蛇夫座的阿斯克利弟欧斯双手里握着一只蛇,是因为阿斯克利弟欧斯在他生前常用蛇的毒来当作药。在地中海的东部一带,蛇一直是很神圣的动物而且被 奉养与尊敬;在一个叫做阿斯克利匹翁的医院里,不仅是以蛇做成了符咒或巫术,就连蛇的惊吓疗法也曾被使用过,他们相信蛇有很强的生命力,所以跟治疗病情有 关系,何况冷冷的冬天蛇“死”掉后,“尸体”不会腐烂,到了春天又生龙活虎起来,所以众人皆认为蛇有“死而复生”的能力,而蛇夫则象征着掌握“起死回生 ”的人。   你是什么星座?英国皇家天文学会说,你可能把自己的星座搞错了。该学会说,11月29日至12月18日这段期间出生的人应该是蛇夫座而不是射手座。蛇夫座的星群介于天蝎座和射手座之间。   在神话中,蛇夫座是一个和希腊医药之神相似,同样舞蛇的男子。如果蛇夫座的地位扶正,那么传统星相图就得跟着修正,天蝎座和射手座在传统星相图中的地盘势必得拱手让出。   天文学家早已指出,我们所熟知的十二宫星象图并不符合天体的实际现象,两千多年前占星学的法则奠基时,太阳“穿过”一连串星群所形成的星象图,和今天的所见已大不相同。   因此,真正的星座日期应该如下所列:   白羊座3月21日-4月20日   金牛座4月21日-5月20日   双子座5月21日-6月21日   巨蟹座6月22日-7月22日   狮子座7月23日-8月22日   处女座8月23日-9月22日   天秤座9月23日-10月22日   天蝎座10月23日-11月21日   射手座11月22日-12月20日   摩羯座12......余下全文>>


